Current polling indicates that Donald Trump is likely to become the Republican nominee for the third time. But he does not appear to have a realistic path to the White House.
To win the presidency, Trump will need to convince Americans who are not fervently in his camp, as well as independents and other non Republicans to vote for him. That is no easy task for an individual who has managed to alienate virtually everyone who is not part of the MAGA faithful.
If Trump is the Republican nominee again in 2024, he will likely win few Democrat voters. Even independents fed up with Joe Biden’s failures and utter incompetence are unlikely to choose Trump in the general election.
Despite Trump’s many successes while in the White House, voters seem to have grown tired of his self-serving, narcissistic character, and petulant behavior. Making matters worse, unlike Democratic voters, Republicans are less likely to vote for the GOP nominee, especially one as polarizing as Trump.
And while many voters believe that Trump was cheated out of a second term, it does the Republican Party no favors to nominate him, only to have him lose to a feeble and often confused man, or to whichever radical leftist the Democrats decide to throw out there.
A primary victory followed by what is likely to be an inevitable loss in the general election will not only be a huge blow to the former president, it will also be a blow to the future of America.
What is the goal of a political battle?
Is it to win knowing that the battle is the wrong one to win and will lead to losing the war? Where is the evidence that Trump can win the general election? Several polls—for whatever they’re worth—indicate that if the election were held today, Biden would still defeat Trump in several battleground states, while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would defeat Biden in those same polls.
If past precedent is any indication, DeSantis has a far greater shot of picking up Democratic and independent voters in a general election than Trump. Consider that in the 2022 Florida gubernatorial election, DeSantis won independent voters by at least 20 percent—a 30-point bump in ballot share from his narrow victory in 2018. He won Hispanic voters by at least 14 percent—a 22-point increase in ballot share from 2018 and the highest share of the nonwhite vote for a Republican in Florida history. And perhaps most impressively, DeSantis won female voters by at least 7 percent—a 16-point increase in ballot share from 2018.
DeSantis also flipped seven counties from blue to red, including Miami-Dade, where the governor’s 11.3-point margin of victory was the highest for any Republican candidate for governor.
Who’s to say DeSantis couldn’t do what he did in Florida, on a national level?
Are independents—let alone disenchanted Democrats—clamoring for a second Trump term? How well did Trump’s Senate and congressional candidates do in November compared to DeSantis’ historic, nearly 20-point landslide victory? How many prominent members of Trump’s administration are even lukewarm supporters? One hundred-fifty former Trump officials have already endorsed DeSantis.
Trump accomplished many good things as president, at least several that other Republican presidents probably would not have accomplished. He and his team nominated excellent Supreme Court justices, helped to establish the Abraham Accords, removed barriers to vaccine development that hastened the delivery of admittedly controversial vaccines (autocratic enforcement of mandates was not his fault), cut taxes and regulations, focused on improving American energy production capabilities, and reduced illegal immigration, etc.
The current president has already reversed or prevented advancement of these accomplishments. Considering, however, that Trump has already broken the barriers that facilitated the above listed accomplishments, it is likely that the next Republican president, if not Trump, will return most of his successful policies, including finishing the wall and initiating new programs that the country needs.
In any event, Trump’s likely loss in the general election will lead to further and possibly irreversible damage. How much time does the country have to end the state controlled transition away from fossil fuels? A government that could not implement the three major steps of the Afghanistan withdrawal has no chance at all of implementing the hundreds of thousands of steps required to eliminate fossil fuels in 20 to 30 years, but it sure will be able to generate massive chaos, poverty, and very likely famine.
Additionally, Trump seems to be moving left on abortion and entitlement reform, so there is no guarantee that if elected he will continue some of his prior conservative policies.
Not voting for Trump in the primary will not only save our republic, but it will also help Trump.
Following a Republican presidential victory, likely accompanied by the election of a Republican Senate and House, it will be more likely that Congress will be able to conduct effective hearings into the way that the current chief executive and Congress unlawfully investigated Trump, hunting for crimes and when not finding them, inventing them.
On the other hand, if the Democrats reclaim all of Congress and retain the presidency, the attacks on Trump will likely continue and he will never be vindicated. In addition, their success in destroying him and his associates will further encourage them to use the same tactics on other Republicans.
There is no other path for America’s salvation except through Donald Trump. Democrats don’t vote the numbers they claim. Others vote for them. The ballots are proxies unapproved by who they represent.
What makes anyone think that any Republican will not be subject to voter fraud and cheating in 2024 as happened in 2020 and 2022? If people understand that then they also have to understand that Republicans, never Trumpers, and the CCP would have to cheat in the opposite direction and serendipitously allow some chosen Republican to come in under the radar with what appears to be just enough political bipartisan support, along with an equal and similar amount of popular public support, as generated by slick media polls make it appear to be. That would have to be an accepted narrative and it would almost be certain to be a prodigious lie because it would not be what the American public really wants. And it would be detected. In todays climate of skepticism and disbelief it would go off as well as preventing the manufacture of gas stoves to prevent icebergs from melting and flooding coastal cities. More importantly, it would no longer be tolerated. Anheuser-Busch, Target and Disney are never going to experience a reprieve and recapture lost market revenue and neither will the pro generators of such fictitious and ridiculous incredulity.
One thing Trump, who suffered through a lot of incoming, based on hysterical theatre, crafted by embarrassing leftist preposterous insane claims gave to Americans, was an education in skepticism like no prior other. Today no one believes the false flags, the media or what they they are told and what they, as mere deplorables, are expected to accept and believe. Covid-19, the mass vaccinations, the shutdowns and the unnecessary deaths educated Americans far more than formal institutional once accepted propaganda ever did. Currently people don’t even trust what they see and hear with own eyes and ears. The FBI made sure of that by attempting to create “white supremacists” out of Christian males using church attendees, school board attendees and pro life demonstrators. If Hollywood film makers performed as badly, to create and augment such narratives using films, they would average out with D minus ratings. Recipients are not going to once again be successfully spoon fed outrageous propaganda and indoctrination via disinformation, misinformation and a media which can’t hide their bias any more than a recent indoctrinated graduate can do so as opposed to seasoned journalists. Kaitlan Collins, is now the best that CNN can provide and yet she could not prevent her bias and stupidity from becoming any less apparent than Nancy Pelosi could when she attempted to explain why the House needed to pass the ObamaCare bill before those who actually voted for it could understand what they voted for. Is that any different than expecting the public to believe that the unvaccinated are a threat to the vaccinated? This is what is supposed to continue to influence elections? It no longer will. Compare CNN with Trump’s exciting and much watched “Apprentice” reality show; the comparison should prove just how and why Trump has been so effective. The voting public, that actually signs and submits real ballots, have now been trained to be watchdogs like the Belgian Malinois are trained to be military dogs. To put things in perspective some people not only underestimate Trump but after engaging him often end up appearing like blooming idiots. All of them are, at the least, surprised by what they never expected. Consider Xi Jinping having to deal with the news of a surprise Tomahawk missile strike, while Chinese and Russian troops were in harms way, just before he started to eat his dinner with the American President who launched the attack. Americans now understand that Trump is the only likely leader that can successfully terminate the Ukrainian War which Biden and the Democratic and Republican Deep State failed to prevent for innumerable bad reasons. Furthermore, he is the only likely leader that has any chance of preventing WW III. And Americans realize he will not do it in a day, as he likes to boast, but will probably succeed in less than a week, just the way he finished the Ice skating rink in NYC’s Central Park that was in the process of being built for almost as long as California is now taking to build their expensive boondoggle railroad to nowhere.
Should America still exists as a viable country in 2024, instead of a full blown Marxist Banana Republic, and if the Republican primary victory holder survives and wins in the general election then the next obstacle will be the mass destruction of the Deep State and a return to a republican form of Government as explained by Franklin and defined by Jefferson, Madison, Mason and Montesquieu. If that occurs it can only be Trump because there is no other candidate that can champion those ideals who is not beholding to other powerful handlers unless DeSantis becomes to the Deep State what Thomas Becket became to King Henry II. In other words he has to lie to get elected, not to the American electorate, but to the money suppliers and then must stab them in the back just the way they plan to stab America in the back.
Americans and the World is watching… more intently than they have ever watched before.
This assumes a Republican not named Donald J Trump being the next president would matter. It doesn’t.
No more abused wife voting for me. If I can’t vote for who I want to, then I won’t vote. If the choice is for a conservative-lite (very, very lite) “Republican”, or an honest to goodness America-FIrst candidate, then I will vote for the later.
Ron DeSantis is being supported by the Bush clan–the RINO elites. So no thanks on voting for DeSantis or any of the other milquetoast, reach-across-the-aisle, John McCain, sell-out-the-base, cuckhold Republicans.
I want the guy (or gal, think Kari Lake) who the establishment hates and fears. I want the candidate who will threaten the establishment and Keep America Great. No more endless wars, no more compromising with the demonic Democrats, no more Marquis de Queensberry rules of engagement with the left. I want a SOB as our leader. I’ve had enough of their SOBs.
Besides, as 2020 and 2022 proved, voting no longer matters anyway.
You are not confused in the least. If you want retribution then then you vote for who the establishment loathes.
Reading your comments is disheartening. Sounds like you didn’t even read the piece. “No other path for America’s salvation except through Donald Trump”? “No more abused wife voting”? These are irrational things you’re telling yourself so you don’t have to consider information coming your way with which you’re uncomfortable. It’s hero cult stuff and it’s keeping from opening your eyes.
Having Trump win the nomination will mean vindication for you against all the people who tend to vote our way, like me, who think he’s the wrong choice. You’ll get to lord it over us and gloat over the demise of the governor with the oh, so punchable face who had the impudence to run against the Donald. It’ll be great, right? Just please consider how short lived that wonderful spring and summer feeling will be when November rolls around. He can’t win. If you love the guy, I guess it’s tough to see or believe, but he’s particularly despised. (He’s been a celebrity for 40 years. It would be shocking if he weren’t despised to a certain extent) He has zero margin for error, and he’s the very worst possible candidate to take advantage of the anti-Biden vote which will just be sitting there. Consider the disaffected democrat voter, and there will be more than usual time around. Trump is the one option that will turn them back as a nonstarter. You know this is true.
A bunch of you will say…“it doesn’t matter. The voter fraud structure is in place. They are going to steal it from whomever we nominate anyway.”, and with good reason. I believe, as much as any Trumpster out there, that 2020 was stolen. Thing is, stealing them, with our de-centralized system is really tough…and it can only really be done when it’s close. You can only steal a general election in 5 key blue cities, in 5 key swing states, when it’s razor thin. Trump will be the one candidate who will keep it razor thin enough to make another steal plausible. So, it does matter who we nominate on the voter fraud front.
Trump really stepped on a rake this week when he attacked Kayleigh McEnany over some poll numbers he thought she under reported. Just showed, again, what a petulant, disloyal guy he is. (the guy who demands total loyalty, mind you) But more importantly, he showed he knows DeSantis is a real threat. If he really believed he was 38 points up, he wouldn’t care what she reported. He’d view him like he views Tim Scott. He wants to knock DeSantis out of the race before it even starts because DeSantis will be like a mirror being held up to him and his candidacy…and nobody is going to like image. It will become increasingly obvious who can win…and who only offers a few summer months of vanishing “retribution”.