In the 1980s what now seems like collective insanity hit this country—false reports of satanic sexual abuse of children in daycare. Some called it the Satanic panic. It took almost 20 years for this insanity to be washed out of our collective system.
And it was insane. The following are just some of the claims made during this period: Children were said to have been forced to drink blood, blood-laced Kool-aid, and urine. They also reportedly ate feces and were forced to let animals eat pet food from their vaginas. There were claims they watched people being dismembered with chainsaws. Moreover, rumors of cannibalization and animal mutilation and sacrifice, with body parts used in offerings for Satan were prominent. And of course, there were plenty of stories of watching pornography and sexual abuse of these children.
Daycare abuse cases at that time boasted an 85 percent conviction rate, even as the tales of abuse grew increasingly wild. Any rational person must confess this was a society gone insane.
The transgender mania that confronts us today is no different. One day society will look back at these times and wonder how such insanity could take root and explode across the country. Chemically mutilating children. Surgically mutilating children. Castrating young boys. Cutting the breasts off young girls. Stripping body parts of skin and muscle to “build” fake penises and vaginas. All because they “believe” they were born in the wrong body.
These individuals—the vast majority of whom have never had a single sexual experience—are being mutilated on an altar not that different from the one that dominated the Satanic Panic of years back.
The similarities are abundant. There was a great deal of social pressure on children—and adults—to validate and confirm these tales, regardless of how outlandish they were. And once committed, there was even more social pressure to continue the charade. Turning around and saying I made it all up was not an easy thing to do. And thus, most didn’t. They continued the charade to the detriment of themselves and many of those around them.
There quickly sprouted an entire industry of therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, entire government agencies, prosecutors, public schools, doctors and hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, parents, and crazed advocates who pushed this insanity. Most of these with a significant personal interest—both professional and financial—in seeing the insanity continue unabated.
Theirs was not an attempt to discover the truth and to identify and help whatever victims there may be but rather to encourage and spread the poison. Their goal was an ever-increasing pile of victims who would only reinforce their burgeoning industry.
The Satanic panic created the “Believe the Children” movement. No matter how insane and improbable the claims—and read that list from above, it was insane—their stories must be believed. This is fully mimicked in the supposed explosion of transgender children. Help them mutilate themselves—with abundant coaching from the industry—or they will commit suicide and the blood will be on your hands.
On the transgender front, these kids are forever cash cows as they will be taking expensive drugs—and probably using mental health services—for the rest of their lives.
In 1983 “Dr. Roland Summit publishes an article about Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome, which convinces many therapists and prosecutors that if a child denies that anything happened to him or her, they are hiding the truth.” Read that again. No matter what the child says, unless they support the insanity, they are hiding the truth.
Again, doesn’t this sound just like what is happening with the transgender craze?
The media was fully into spreading both stories. Oprah, Geraldo Rivera, “20/20” and many others did hour-long specials on the terrible, frightening abuses going on around the country—it seemed in dang near every day care out there.
Geraldo finally came to his senses—unfortunately this wasn’t until 1995 after a great deal of damage had already been done.
I want to announce publicly that as a firm believer of the ‘Believe The Children’ movement of the 1980s, that started with the McMartin trials in CA, but NOW I am convinced that I was terribly wrong . . . and many innocent people were convicted and went to prison as a result . . .AND I am equally positive [that the] ‘Repressed Memory Therapy Movement’ is also a bunch of CRAP . . .
The Repressed Memory Therapy Movement drove a lot of the Satanic panic. The therapists, in effect, would convince the children these insane things had been done to them—even though prior to the “therapy” they had had no memory of these activities.
The transgender movement is the same. Here the therapists convince temporarily confused kids—and what adolescent isn’t at least a little confused—that they were born in the wrong body but they can change that and become a totally new, wonderful, and special person just by taking massive amounts of hormones and going under the knife.
May God have mercy on those in the medical profession who have willingly abandoned the first tenant of medicine—first do no harm—because I won’t. These people should be put in prison and one day they will cry for forgiveness for the harm they did.
Following are some quotes from an article on a poor boy—now a man—who was convinced by therapists that his dad had done terrible things to him. Read them and ask yourself if they could not be from today’s transgender industry.
‘When people get emotionally involved in an issue, common sense and reason go out the window. People believe what they want and need to believe.’
‘Whenever I had any doubts that something happened, I was told by the therapist that this was because I had multiple personalities, that my dad had programmed me this way,’ Parker said in the court record of his recantation.
‘I’m still holding on to a lot of guilt over what happened and a little bit of shame that I didn’t realize sooner what had happened to us,’ he said.
As a child, Parker had been called a ‘little hero’ for testifying against his father. He says he battles with guilt today—but has forgiven his now deceased mother.
He said she was clearly mentally ill.
‘Instead of getting help with the real mental problems she was experiencing, she was persuaded and kept mentally ill with pseudoscience and superstition,’ said Parker.
Another child noted, “I lied. It was an ordeal. I remember thinking to myself, ‘I’m not going to get out of here unless I tell them what they want to hear.’”
Not unsurprisingly, all claims were unfounded and eventually quashed, but not before the ritual abuse cases and their alleged victims were paraded in the news media.
Today, the children’s claims are believed to have been false memories planted by parents, law enforcement and therapists.
How is this any different from the transgender craze we see today taking hold of the country?
I will bet any amount of money that the vast majority (all?) of the young children who are discovered to be “transgender” have a mother who has mental health issues. And one who takes great pleasure in the tremendous social accolades that will be bestowed to her.
But society has a duty to protect these children from this life-altering insanity. Unlike the Satanic panic of the ’80s, let’s not wait 20 years before coming to our senses. The time to end this is now.
Mr. Conlin recommends putting the medical profession’s version of Josef Mengele in prison for the harm they are doing to children. But prison just doesn’t seem proportionate to the evil being done to America’s children.
Sir Isaac Newton posited that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If indeed an “opposite reaction” is forthcoming, I can’t wait to be ringside when the demonic trans groomers, medical establishment enablers and Alphabet mafia, are treated to the boomerang of their evil.
Breitbart News featured a piece this morning regarding Target Corporation’s VP for Brand Marketing, a man named Carlos Saavedra, who is a board member of GLSEN, an acronym for Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network. The group was founded by teachers who believe it is their right to sexualize, expose and even perform mutilations upon other people’s children without their knowledge or consent. Gee, that sounds like a felony to me! Certainly, legal limits concerning accomplices ought to be tested upon people like Target Corporation CEO, Brian Cornell!
This situation differs from the the Satanic panic of the 1980s in that those accusations were false. What is occurring now is true and substantiated by direct evidence. Drag Queen story hours at public expense? Pornographic library books pushing homosexual and lesbian “lifestyles” on children? Those entrusted with caring for and educating children who instead secretly refer them to “physicians” who perform permanent, life-altering mutilations upon clearly, legally incompetent recipients not out of any sense of altruism, but for profit? Massive profit, often at taxpayer’s expense!
Aberrant behavior has existed since Adam and Eve left the garden. What’s different now is the willingness by institutions fundamental to the perpetuation of this society to protect and defend aberrant, destructive behavior by those viewed as “victims” of others’ ignorance, hatred or unenlightened views on sex, family, or parenting. This is a fundamental clash between good and evil in which there can only be one winner and one loser. Much of the blame for the advancement of this evil can be laid at the feet of the Black-Robed Tyrants lacking all judicial restraint, who substituted their personal views on matters outside their jurisdiction for the people’s views on moral questions. Is there any group in this society as undeserving of respect as the judiciary? Jesus warned that those who mislead and hurt children would better have a millstone tied to their necks and be thrown into the sea. He also said that whatsoever we do to the least among us, we do to Him. What will we answer Him if we let this situation stand?