Man Who Assaulted Congressional Staffers Had Previously Been Let off by Soros-Funded Prosecutor

On Monday, an Asian man assaulted several members of a Democratic congressman’s staff with a baseball bat. It has since been revealed that prior assault charges against the man were dropped by a George Soros-funded prosecutor.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, 49-year-old Xuan Kha Tran Pham attacked two staffers for Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) with an aluminum bat. He had previously attacked two police officers in January of 2022, stealing one of the officer’s stun guns before being arrested. Despite facing charges including resisting arrest and assault on law enforcement, the charges against Pham were dropped by Fairfax County Commonwealth Attorney Steve Descano (D-Va.).

“The original incident stemmed from a mental health crisis and charges were [dropped] as part of an agreement that ensured the defendant was receiving mental health services and complying with treatment,” Descano said at the time, justifying his decision.

Descano was first elected in 2020, after his campaign was heavily funded by the far-left Justice and Public Safety PAC, which is bankrolled by George Soros. Descano has made similar soft-on-crime decisions in the past, including reducing charges against a man who had been arrested for abduction. The man went on to murder two homeless men during the period of time that he would have been in prison for the original abduction charges.

Pham is currently being held on one count of aggravated malicious wounding, and one count of malicious wounding. On top of the congressional assault, Pham faces additional hate crime charges for attacking a White woman with his baseball bat earlier the same day. One of the congressional staffers he attacked was an intern who was on her first day on the job.


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About Eric Lendrum

Eric Lendrum graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was the Secretary of the College Republicans and the founding chairman of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter. He has interned for Young America’s Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, and the White House, and has worked for numerous campaigns including the 2018 re-election of Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22). He is currently a co-host of The Right Take podcast.

Photo: Popow/ullstein bild via Getty Images

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