“Transgender Day of Visibility celebrates the joy, strength, and absolute courage of some of the bravest people I know—people who have too often had to put their jobs, relationships, and lives on the line just to be their true selves.”
That was Joe Biden on March 30, three days after transgender Audrey Hale shot dead Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9, Mike Hill, 61, William Kinney, 9, Katherine Koonce, 60, Cynthia Peak, 61, and Hallie Scruggs, also 9 and the daughter of Chad Scruggs, senior pastor at the Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Haley Scruggs and Cynthia Peak had funerals that day, but Biden named not a single victim and failed to name or condemn the murderer.
In an April 6 statement, Biden says three students and three school officials were gunned down in “yet another tragic mass shooting.” But as on March 30, the Delaware Democrat failed to name the victims, identify the shooter, and condemn the shooter. Hale’s possible motive also escapes notice.
Victim Mike Hill was black, but no speculation that the white Audrey Hale could have been motivated by racism. Her targets were all Christians, but not a word about the possibility of a hate crime. Biden also failed to mention Michael Collazo and Rex Engelbert, the brave police officers who took down Hale before she could murder more children. The following week in Colorado, a man who thinks he’s a woman planned a series of similar attacks.
William Whitworth, 19, who calls himself “Lilly,” planned attacks on three schools in Colorado Springs. Whitworth had compiled a manifesto with drawings of classrooms, lists of firearms, and names of individuals to be killed.
If these developments leave observers confused, they might seek clarification from Bruce Bawer, author of A Place at the Table: The Gay Individual in American Society.
“Years ago, gay magazines and organizations routinely conveyed the message that, as a gay man, I was part of something called ‘the gay community,’” Bawer writes. “Then at some point when I wasn’t looking, I was adopted into something called ‘the LGBTQ+ family.’” This happened even though “homosexuality and transgenderism are two utterly different phenomena.” And what now passes for transgenderism isn’t just gender dysphoria.
“We’re dealing with a transgender ideology,” Bawer explains, “according to which a man who thinks he’s a woman isn’t suffering from a mental disorder: he actually is a woman, and always has been; and a woman who thinks she’s a man really is a man, and always has been.”
Gay rights was “reformist,” Bawer argues, but the trans movement is “revolutionary in a way humankind has never experienced before. Because it’s not a revolution against any particular government or political system. It’s a revolution against reality itself.” That is indeed the case, but there’s more to it.
As Spanish artist Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes observed, “El sueño de la razon produce monstruos.” The sleep of reason produces monsters. Hippolyte Taine, historian of the French Revolution, has a different take.
“Nothing is more dangerous than a general idea in narrow and empty minds,” Taine wrote, “as they are empty, it finds no knowledge there to interfere with it; as they are narrow it is not long before it occupies the place entirely. Henceforth they no longer belong to themselves but are mastered by it; it works in them and through them, the man, in the true sense of the word, being possessed.”
The trans types, with their reason fast asleep, are possessed with the idea that thinking something makes it so. That fails to square with science, reason, and the Judeo-Christian concept of God creating people male and female. People of this time-honored belief are held to be attacking the trans types.

As the April 1 “Trans Day of Vengeance” poster proclaimed, the Christians are pronounced guilty of “genocide.” That sets up a justification for attacking them, regardless of age. As potential victims might note, Audrey Hale planned the attack for months, and gunned down 9-year-old Hallie Scruggs, a pastor’s daughter.
Joe Biden wouldn’t say her name or condemn her killer. Three days after the mass murder, the Delaware Democrat said his administration would address “anti-transgender violence,” and end “the crisis of violence against transgender Americans.” For an inversion of reality, that’s hard to top. On the other hand, it is revealing.
Joe Biden is now possessed by the trans ideology. The militant trans types serve as Biden Jugend, a fake oppressed minority at war with reality and perpetually enraged.
Should conditions revert to the summer of 2020, with Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioting, arson, and murder in cities across the nation, squads of Audrey Hales could form a transaatzgruppen targeting churches and schools. Based on experience to date, the virulently anti-Christian Biden Junta would look the other way.
Meanwhile, for actual cases of genocide see the experience of the Armenians under the Ottoman Turks, the Jews under German National Socialism, and Cambodians under the Khmer Rouge, who murdered between 1.5 million and 3 million people, nearly a quarter of the population.
Cambodian children were clubbed to death and babies smashed against trees. See Murder of a Gentle Land: The Untold Story of Communist Genocide in Cambodia, by John Barron and Anthony Paul. As ever, the struggle against genocide is the struggle of memory against forgetting.