On Thursday, a mob of far-left pro-trans activists attempted to storm the Tennessee State Capitol after the Nashville school shooting, only to be stopped by state troopers.
Just The News reports that the attempted breach was carried out by over 1,000 rioters, consisting mostly of young people, angry at growing backlash against the ideology of transgenderism after a mentally ill woman attacked a Christian school, shooting and killing six victims, including three 9-year-old children.
Dramatic video footage shows the rioters repeatedly attempting to enter the State House of Representatives while the legislature was in session, with state troopers using their own bodies to block the doors and force the rioters back. At least one rioter can be seen being secured and taken away by the officers.
Inside the State House, three Democratic representatives – Justin Jones, Justin Pierson, and Gloria Johnson – began voicing their support for the rioters, with Representative Jones using a bullhorn to verbally encourage them to continue their attempted breach.
The State House eventually recessed before reconvening at a later time, after order was restored.
On Monday, 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a woman who believed she was a man, carried out a mass shooting at The Covenant School, a Presbyterian school in Nashville, in what many have suggested to be a politically-motivated shooting in retaliation for the school’s Christian beliefs; Hale reportedly used to be a student at the school. In the following days, the mainstream media and far-left activist groups have spread the narrative that the true victims of the shooting are “transgender” people like Hale, as they now allegedly fear backlash against their ideology in the aftermath of the shooting.