If politics were a sport and political parties were sports teams where you and your fellow players must work together to reach a common goal of winning, there would be various plays that would have to be executed to achieve that objective. In my opinion, the most important “play” in politics is activism. More people will be activists than politicians. This is clear. So, why not make your ground game as effective as possible with purposeful activism?
Analyzing the success of each party in utilizing activism, the Left gets a 10 out of 10 for their outstanding deployment of the play. They easily pivot and apply the “next best thing” with ease and sheer determination. They have moved through the channels of social media, Hollywood, the music industry, fashion, and so on so handily that it almost seems second nature to them.
Meanwhile, the Right still doesn’t understand the importance of social media in our current climate. Hell, some on the Right still don’t understand email or the internet. If this were a race, the Right would be barely getting out of the blocks. Needless to say, this is not conducive to victory.
Another important factor in the use of activism is to encourage people to rally around the issues instead of a person. This kind of mobilization will advance your agenda faster than believing in some mythical political “savior.” Where one person falls, there is always another right behind him in line with the same goals in mind.
Leftist politicians also know that their voters will unite and protest if they don’t follow through on a promise. The Right, instead, mocks those kinds of efforts as frivolous, calling people who stand firm in principle “crybabies” or “snowflakes,” or absolving themselves from any obligation to be similarly strong in the face of adversity because they are “too busy” to do the same. The Left’s use of activism is proof that holding politicians accountable works. So, between the two teams, which do you think will succeed? The answer is fairly obvious.
Left-leaning politicians listen to their voters and will take whatever steps are necessary to get their votes. I don’t say that’s always correct or admirable. But we must acknowledge that the Left counts on their voters, even as they also count on them to be fueled by a pesky little thing called “emotion.” They count on their voters to “feel” versus having the information necessary to back up a claim.
But statistics and facts are boring to the average voter. Emotion and passion are what drive them to the polls and the Left preys on that inclination. If they advance a cause, that’s a success for truth and justice and they never hesitate to crow about it. If they lose, it’s because the other side is heartless.
Those on the Right preach a love of the Constitution, but in many ways, the Left uses the Constitution and our founding better than we have ever done. They at least seem to understand that our beginnings were in protest, and this is another area used almost exclusively by the Left with great success in getting their point across, while the Right has almost always discouraged this behavior.
Obviously I am not encouraging violent protests. I will leave that to the Left as we’ve seen them engage in this behavior over and over again for decades. And to those who mention January 6 to suggest the Right engages in political violence, try again. January 6, if anything, was a result of people not actively using their peaceful protesting muscle for decades and allowing those feelings of contempt for the government to boil over.
Complaining to your friends when you are dissatisfied with your government does nothing if you aren’t willing to back that up by having a presence at your school board meetings, city council meetings, the state capitol, etc.
Peaceful protesting isn’t and shouldn’t be the exclusive object of any particular side’s agenda. Holding your officials accountable through that type of activism shouldn’t belong solely to the Left. For us to be successful we cannot expel peaceful protesting and should, instead, adopt this tactic going forward.
So, what else can we do?
How we utilize activism makes or breaks our political goals. Through activism, the most critical “goal” is actually trifold:
- Utilizing groundwork and rallying others to be as passionate and involved on the issues as you are.
- Campaigning for the best candidate whose beliefs are closest to yours.
- Holding those elected officials accountable after they are elected through the use of having a presence at meetings or peaceful protests.
The job of an activist doesn’t end after election day.
If you are unsure of where to begin, check out American Majority. American Majority is a non-profit organization based out of Virginia that equips people with the tools to be successful at all levels of politics. If you wish to become a more successful activist, but don’t know where to start, American Majority is a great place to begin your efforts.
Offering an abundance of information through online courses, webinars, or in-person training courses will give you a leg up so you can be the best activist you can possibly be. You can learn from courses such as “Holding Your Elected Officials Accountable,” “Election Integrity,” and “Go For the Heart,” just to name a few.
The problems our nation faces will not be solved by people who sit on the sidelines. It will be resolved by those willing to get a little dirty and give their all to win in the name of freedom.