America has had another shooting and another call for gun control—of course! Another attempt to ban evil.
What’s really going on here? You know. It’s what been going on for years, but most recently with COVID lockdowns, mask mandates, and mandatory vaccinations: Everywhere man wants to put his boot on his fellow man. At least every Democrat-liberal-woke leftist wants to rule over his fellow man. And they have been frighteningly successful, under the guise of a “public health emergency.” You’d almost think they’d paid the Chinese to release the damn bug. They want you to get used to following orders.
You will hate the police! You will submit your small children to gay sex instruction and transgenderism in school! You will discriminate in the name of equity! You will drive an electric car! And you will follow orders! Sie werden Befehle befolgen!
And, of course, you will give up your guns—you hateful, gun-toting country lout!
On television, the confused, flailing octogenarian in the White House called for a ban on “semiautomatic weapons.” Did he really mean all semiautomatic weapons or just what he and his crowd like to call “assault weapons”? If he meant all semiautomatic weapons, does he realize that there are about 200 million of them in private hands?
If he meant only what he and his crowd call “assault weapons,” he has forgotten that we tried banning them years ago, and the ban didn’t perform as advertised. He (or his handlers) hopes we will forget that for two years his party had a majority in each house of Congress but made little attempt to do anything about the ownership of guns he claims to deplore. And his party didn’t even make it a campaign issue in the recent election.
Here are some quotes from the abstract of the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs’ findings on the effect of the 1994 assault weapons ban—truncated here (the original is still on the internet, but hurry before it’s scrubbed):
The weapons banned by this legislation were used only rarely in gun crimes before the ban . . . . [T]he ban has failed to reduce the average number of victims per gun murder incident or multiple gunshot wound victims. Findings indicated that the public safety benefits of the 1994 ban have not yet been demonstrated.
Nevertheless, Democrats still want to outlaw “assault weapons,” because banning them is actually unrelated to a policy goal. The purpose of the ban is only to control the citizens—and to get them used to following orders.
And then there is the seriously ridiculous argument, made by Juan Williams on Fox News (among others), that America’s founders and the authors of the Second Amendment never contemplated assault weapons with their quick-firing capability, and that therefore the Second Amendment shouldn’t apply to “assault weapons.”
Please! Neither did the founders contemplate radio and television: does that mean the First Amendment doesn’t apply to radio and TV?
The Marshall Project reports there were 1,143 “mass shootings” (a single incident in which four or more people were killed, not including the shooter, in public locations, such as schools, stores, or workplaces) in the 40 years from 1981 to 2021. As a public policy matter, is that a lot of people in a country with a population of (today) 335 million? How many would we “expect” to be killed in mass shootings? None? Five? Twenty-seven?
How many people were killed in Chicago in that 40-year period? The answer is 25,543. Is that a lot? It is certainly a lot more than the 1,143 that were killed in mass shootings. What has Joe Biden said about killings in Chicago? You know the answer. Why doesn’t he care more? Probably because the solution doesn’t involve controlling you. And because Chicago is run by Democrats.
If you think 25,000 killings in Chicago in 40 years is a lot, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
How many people do you think died of overdoses from fentanyl and other opioids last year?
The answer is 80,816, with the bulk of those attributable to the Chinese-made fentanyl streaming across the U.S. southern border every day. A lot gets interdicted; a lot doesn’t. The border is porous. Upwards of 3 million illegal aliens have crossed the U.S. border since Joe Biden took office. Many are smuggling fentanyl. Biden has done absolutely nothing to secure the border.
But it’s worse than that. He and his people—including especially Kamala Harris and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas—actually claim the border is secure. If you watch the news, who are you going to believe: the Biden Administration or your own eyes?
But suppose the lefties were successful in banning guns: does anyone really think that would stop mass murders in places like schools? More likely, it would simply change the method of killing. An unhappy killer, perhaps coveting news media attention, could lug a 10-gallon container of gasoline into a school, throw it into a classroom and tipping it over, toss in a cigarette lighter, lock the door, and run. Pick the right school, and the entire place might go up in flames.
Then what will the lefties do? Abolish fire? And knowledge too?
Including the knowledge that evil exists? And that man is a fallen creature?
They might like to. But they’re more likely first to legalize polygamy and punish derogatory comments about drag queen story hour in schools, a “family-friendly” (ha!) program that Republicans would certainly object to—but not too strenuously. The lefties want to uproot Western Civ and install the state as its substitute, requiring all people to . . . follow orders!
It’s not just an excessive love of money that’s evil. The love of power, including killing people in schools, is too.
The Rockies may crumble, Gibraltar may tumble: they’re only made of clay. But evil is here to stay.