New Hampshire Republican nominee Don Bolduc is in a dead heat with Democrat incumbent Maggie Hassan in the race for the United States Senate in the Granite State, according to the latest Insider Advantage survey.
When asked for whom they would vote if the election were held today, 47.6 percent said they would vote for Hassan, and 47.1 percent said they would vote for Bolduc, a retired United States Army brigadier general. Another 2.5 percent said they would vote for someone else, and 2.9 percent said they were undecided/no opinion.
Male voters preferred Bolduc 57 to Hassan percent to 37.5 percent. Conversely, women preferred Hassan 57.2 percent to 37.6 percent. Interestingly, Hassan did better with white and black voters, but her support collapsed with “other” races (mainly Hispanic).
Among white voters, 49.3 percent said they would vote for Hassan, and 45.9 percent said they preferred Bolduc. Among black voters, 66.7 percent said they would vote for Hassan, while only 16.7 percent said they preferred Bolduc. Among “other” voters, a whopping 74.2 percent said they would vote for Bolduc, versus only 12.9 for Hassan.
This poll was conducted on October 23, and has a margin of error of 4 percent.
EDITOR: We have removed the polling question for the governor’s race due to an error.