We now have two opposing realities in this country. Both sides are sure their reality is correct and the other one isn’t. It’s turning us all into schizophrenics. Both sides fervently believe they are winning the COVID propaganda battle.
Liberals generally believe what the mainstream media tells them: The reason COVID is disappearing, they insist, is because lockdowns, masks and vaccine mandates worked.
Conservatives generally believe what “alternative media” tells them. That pharmaceutical companies colluded with the Biden regime to bilk the American people out of billions of dollars so they could line their own pockets and gain unparalleled power.
Lately, the alternative media is abuzz with new revelations about the vaccines and Pfizer. There is a euphoric feeling that the widely accepted narrative is going to change for the better. Surely, with the latest bombshell revelations, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla will at last be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
In a COVID-19 hearing before the European Parliament, MEP for Denmark Rob Roos got a Pfizer representative to admit that, “At the time of introduction, the vaccine had never been tested on stopping the transmission of the virus.” Roos goes on to explain, “This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID passport. The COVID passport that led to massive institutional discrimination, as people lost access to essential parts of society. I find this to be shocking—even criminal.”
If you watch the video, you will see Pfizer representative Janine Small laugh when she responds,
Did we know about stopping transmission before it entered the market? No, ha ha. These, emm, you know we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.
“The speed of science.” Yes, she really said that.
Meanwhile, we have Fauci saying he is the science and that, “Attacks on me are attacks on science.”
We have the United Nations’ Melissa Fleming saying with all the arrogance of a totalitarian that, “We own the science, and we think that the world should know it.”
Those of us who have rejected such statements as preposterous lies should be excused for feeling a little schizophrenic. The world that claims to own the science is increasingly becoming the world where falsehoods are accepted as truth. They don’t even mind if you know it anymore. In fact, they laugh in your face as they tell their lies.
Surely this must mean we are winning. It’s all so obvious!
No, we aren’t. It’s only obvious to one side.
Americans on the Right forget they have been confined to an alternative world and that their voices are not being heard beyond the confines of that world. Nary a peep is being mentioned about any of these revelations in the mainstream media. When it is, it is “fact-checked” into oblivion. In the “real” world, there are billions of people who think we are the crazy ones because that is what the corporate media machine and Biden regime tell them.
While conservatives might read alternative media headlines such as “Florida Surgeon General Breaks With CDC, Recommends Against COVID Shots for Healthy Kids,” and cheer it as a positive, liberals see this: “Doctors rip basis of Surgeon General Ladapo’s latest anti-COVID vaccine advice.”
Or, they see headlines reinforcing the official COVID narrative, like Reuters: “Europe likely entering another COVID wave, says WHO and ECDC.”
European countries are urged to administer both flu and COVID-19 vaccines ahead of an expected surge in cases of seasonal influenza.
“There was no time to lose,” the WHO and ECDC said.
Other headlines keep the general public in a constant state of stress about COVID, such as “Long COVID is a very serious crisis, says head of WHO as he urges world leaders to act now.”
And we have Pfizer itself boldly coming out with ads targeting children, like this:
When Ultron wreaks havoc, the Avengers act as the first line of defense. People can help protect themselves by staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations. Head to Pfizer to get a first look at Pfizer, BioNTech, and Marvel’s comic book!
We have California Governor Newsom signing into law a bill that subjects doctors to discipline and possible suspension of their licenses to practice for spreading mis- or disinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Many health professionals, including physicians, have been the culprits of this misinformation and disinformation effort,” the California Medical Association lamented to lawmakers.
The clear distinction between misinformation (unknowingly spreading false information) and disinformation (knowingly spreading false information) should give us no illusions as to where this is leading. How long will it be before those who are found guilty of purposely spreading disinformation will be imprisoned, or worse? Because after all, if a person influences others to believe lies that can kill them, aren’t they murderers?
Biden set the stage for this in July 2021 when he alleged 12 individuals on Facebook are “killing people” with “misinformation.”
This week, the CDC is set to vote on adding Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID mRNA injections to the child and adolescent immunization schedules. A “yes” vote means these companies can no longer be held accountable for vaccine injuries, transferring liability to the Biden regime’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Pfizer and Moderna will at last be able to market their product directly to the public without fear of reprisal—and make even more billions in profit.
So, no. Admissions of guilt from the architects of this grand money-making scheme are not what’s coming next. Rather, requiring children to take these injections in order to attend public schools will be the ultimate “proof” that they are trusted and necessary.
It’s paramount that we stay realistic about the likelihood of Bourla or Fauci or anyone else being brought to justice. We are the ones in danger, not them! What happens if it becomes law that we vaccinate our children and we refuse? The alternative media should be warning us about this possibility rather than giving us false hope that our voices are being heard beyond the echo chambers in which we now reside.
Thanks to the Biden regime’s propaganda campaign, we have been forced into this unhealthy, schizophrenic world. The longer this split continues the less likely it is that it can ever be repaired.
And since the Biden regime has just extended the COVID health emergency, something tells me they don’t ever want this madness to end.