The so-called “silent majority” is about to swallow a very bitter pill, not unlike the bitter pill I swallowed many years ago. If you are a member of the silent majority here is what I say to you:
Every time you’ve allowed fear to control what you did or didn’t say; what they did or didn’t do was a win for progressivism. Because of that, you are part of the reason our country is in the shape that it’s in and it’s about time that you take responsibility for that. Now, wash that down and think about what you can do every day starting now to change that.
Believe me, it hasn’t been easy being called the names I’ve been called because of my politics. It wasn’t easy being the only person not wearing a mask in a store. It wasn’t easy being called a grandma killer because I chose to read the science myself and came to believe in the power of my immune system over taking a rushed vaccine. I know that simply believing in freedom and loving America is enough to set some people off, and I am comfortable in the knowledge that I am the opposite of everything I’ve been called. In fact, the hateful words of our political adversaries have been lost on me. They’ve been used as a weapon to silence me, and others like me, so much that they’ve lost all meaning.
Too many of you let the fear of name calling or being confronted for your views stop you from saying or doing anything. You didn’t want to rock the boat or offend anyone, and that penchant for being silent and avoiding giving offense has caused real damage. It can be seen throughout our country. I shouldn’t receive calls or messages from people living in the only country where freedom of speech is supposed to be protected, telling me that they “can’t” say their opinion and yet, I do. Regularly.
I have pondered for many years, the last six years in particular, “What will it take for the silent to break their silence?” To my chagrin, it seems that it’s going to take a lot more. Maybe you’ll have to get out of your comfortable existence and lose everything to finally take a stand, but why let it get that far?
Many people will privately tell me that they are fed up. They tell me they aren’t going to vote because their vote won’t matter or the election will be rigged. I ask them what they’ve done personally to bring about change and almost always I hear crickets or excuses. They’ve never volunteered politically, they’ve never worked the polls, and they use social media, but keep politics off of their page. They are lazy politically in every other aspect except for voting and now, they say they won’t even do that. They want someone else to blame for the problems facing our nation instead of the reality that they are partly to blame because of their absence.
What a slap in the face it must be to the America First candidates who have won their primaries across the country this year to hear people say they won’t show up to vote in the midterms. These candidates have been speaking out against the establishment types within both parties and are taking the very stand those within the silent majority have said they wanted to see. They’ve taken hit after hit. They’ve been targeted, threatened, and doxxed. To see people who are supposedly “fed up” not taking time out of their lives to fight for their victory must add insult to injury? What an absolute shame.
The answer is never to give up, it’s never to stand by and do nothing while bad things happen around you. Instead of making excuses, make an effort. Instead of blaming the Left, the establishment, or the uninformed, hold yourself accountable for what you could be doing.
Just by using social media you can reach thousands or millions of people with your patriotic views. If you believe there has been election fraud and your vote doesn’t count like so many have told me, volunteer to work the polls. Take a page from Arizona and hold a drop-box tailgate party at your local precinct to ensure election integrity. Speak up when someone says something with which you disagree. Fly your flag. Be proud to be an American. Do something. But under no circumstance do you sit idly by and complain that more isn’t being done if you yourself aren’t doing anything.
Just remember, that there are many people speaking up and they could have used every excuse that you’ve used to remain silent. The difference is they choose courage over fear. Whenever you get afraid of speaking up, just remember that you are never on the wrong side of history if you’re standing for freedom.