The universe has been discovered to be an actual, physical thing of a size few can imagine—the observable part being 92 billion light years across. But it could in fact be infinite since the vast majority of it is not—nor will it ever be—available to us.
And in this incredible vast ocean of reality, there’s little ol’ us—Earth and its perhaps unwilling and unready stewards, homo sapiens. In this almost incomprehensible vastness, this is the only place with life.
Yes, many believe the universe just must be full of life—I personally lean this way myself, although not nearly as much as I once did. Still, the fact remains that we are the only known life in the entire universe.
With this knowledge one would hope we would take its—and our—protection far more seriously than we do. One doesn’t have to be religious to see, hear, and feel this sublime living entity which goes back over 4 billion years and of which we are just a part.
Yet today, many childishly act as though our very wants and desires can actually change reality. Since this is a stupid idea, backed up by no supporting evidence, it is a statistical certainty it will end badly. We do not have to walk this path.
And for those who do think intelligent life is common throughout the universe, remember they will have had to go through the same processes through which we are going—growing and figuring things out or facing the unpleasant consequences of failure. Perhaps this is one reason we don’t see signs of this intelligent life: most don’t grow enough to succeed and their failures effectively end life on their planets.
But again, we don’t have to walk that path. The process of discovering reality via the “science-way of thinking” has proven itself incredibly effective. In a few hundred years we have discovered how and why almost the entire universe and everything in it works—from the very small to the very large and everything in between.
We have discovered an amazing, interconnected mosaic of reality with not a single part contradicting any other. Truly an amazing accomplishment.
This has worked wonders in the hard sciences but this thinking kind of stalled out once it left the confines of that department. Driving this thinking into all other areas of our lives is the next step we must take if we hope to fulfill our unasked-for role of steward to all life on the planet. It is a certainty that not doing so will sooner or later be fatal—to us and to perhaps all life on the planet. The only known life in the whole freaking universe!
We must accept this fabric of reality doesn’t just operate in the hard sciences—it is everywhere and everything. It is reality and there is no escape from its laws in governance and politics any more than there is from physics and chemistry and biology, and geology, etc.
At its most basic, this science-way of thinking accepts there are some things that work better than others and that the reasons for this are discoverable and interconnected. Again, this is just as true in economics as it is in all reality.
But can any sane person look at our political processes and say either side is searching for the truth? For reality? And as the organizations we call governments have become self-gorging leviathans—ever growing and ever expanding their reach, consuming unimaginable wealth, and impacting the flow of life and civilization for hundreds of years, the odds of a fatal act are sooner or later 100 percent.
They create inherently flawed social programs—nothing more than Ponzi schemes—which are destined for catastrophic failure unless future generations do something the present won’t. These are programs which hundreds of millions of Americans sooner or later come to rely upon.
They create ever-growing bureaucracies which are often funded for only a year or two. The “leaders” of any society or country that wants to be long-lived certainly must plan for more than a year or two. Or even 10. These things should have hundred-year planning horizons and be built to automatically adjust to changing conditions.
They inflame societal conflict in an attempt to gain short-term political advantage—unleashing rage and hatred which may prove to be uncontrollable.
They are built upon, and construct all their programs in a failed, power-driven, design. Natural processes which don’t lead to catastrophic failure are built on a bottom-up design. Unnatural, government-made processes are always top-down, “boss-driven” designs that are certain to be very underperforming.
If these organizations and the people who staff them continue down the path of ignoring reality, it is a statistical certainty it will sooner or later end in catastrophe.
We don’t have to allow this to occur. It can be stopped; we just need to stop it. Does this require a reframing of many issues? Of course—how could it not? It is a paradigm shift in the truest sense of the word.
We are the only known life in the entire universe so let’s start acting like it. The destruction of this precious gift would be an obscenity of cosmic proportions.