Banning racial and gender stereotyping in schools shouldn’t be controversial. That’s what Michigan State Representative Andrew Beeler thought when he introduced HB 5097—an act that would ban public schools from teaching, among other things, that “individuals are born racist or sexist by accident of race or gender” and “that a [given] racial or ethnic group is in need of deconstruction, elimination, or criticism.”
But Democrats lost their minds. The entire liberal contingent walked out of the vote leading to one of the most bizarre results in Michigan state legislative history. Beeler’s bill passed 55-0, with 54 Democrats abstaining.
For some people, prohibiting the teaching of racial blood guilt and exterminationist rhetoric in schools is simply a bridge too far.
State Senators Dayna Polehanki and Erika Geiss argued the bill was an attempt by white legislators to avoid a “meaningful discussion about racial discrimination.” Apparently, this “meaningful” discussion in Michigan public schools needs to include the possibility that oppressor races (i.e., Europeans) might need to be “deconstructed” and/or “eliminated.”
Nowhere does Beeler’s bill mention specific races or prohibit the teaching of any historical event. State Representative Kyra Bolden, however, argued that HB 5097 would prevent the teaching of black history—including the alleged murder and castration of her grandfather by white vigilantes in the 1930s.
HB 5097 is a spiritual test that reveals the soul of those who oppose it. The crazed allegations by the bill’s opponents demonstrate their own disconnect from reality. The bill uses mild language designed to provide common ground for all Americans surrounding our defining principles. That this foundation is so ineffective tells us something crucial about American political life.
Representative Beeler explained that he introduced the bill in response to a complaint by a constituent. Her young nephew was being taught in his public school that white Christians constituted an inherently racist oppressor group that was responsible for virtually all of the evil in American public life.
Representative Beeler reached out to other representatives. Their constituents were saying the same thing about other schools all over the state. As Beeler explained in a phone interview, “I myself encountered full-on critical race theory in graduate school, but there is a major difference between a 26-year-old with life experience and a fourth grader in a classroom.” He also pointed to concerning statements made by Detroit Public Schools Superintendent Nikolai Vitti, who said the district’s curriculum was “deeply using critical race theory.“
Beeler was right to introduce this bill. Fostering racial antagonism in the classroom, on the taxpayer dime, is a form of spiritual warfare against an entire class of citizens. Racial browbeating benefits no one, not even the supposed “oppressed” it claims to defend.
But liberals cannot abandon their increasingly vicious grievance rhetoric. Liberalism is a totalizing ideology rooted in absolute enmity. This means that in the eyes of liberals, their real and perceived opponents are not legitimate. They are representatives of “pure evil” against whom any weapon or tactic may be used.
During World War II, that radicalizing logic led Allied war leaders like Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to sign off on the intentional firebombing of German and Japanese civilians. FDR’s treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, suggested that all of Germany be deindustrialized and reduced to a pastoral state after the war. Had this occurred, millions of German civilians would have died. Cold War geopolitics prevented this plan from being carried out fully, but conditions after the war for Axis civilians were still horrific.
The Allies, after occupying German concentration camps, did not simply shut them down. Instead, they converted them for their own use. Dachau, for instance, was kept in operation. After 1948, it was used to house Germans who had been ethnically cleansed from their traditional homelands by Soviet forces in Eastern Europe. Conditions in the camp were so bad that 1,300 of the 30,000 (!) inmates of the “refugee” camp went on a hunger strike. In 1946, 10 former Soviet prisoners of war—who were being detained at Dachau by the Americans before their repatriation back to the USSR—opted to kill themselves rather than submit to life under Stalin, where they faced imprisonment and potentially torture and death for their betrayal of the communist cause.
Opposing concentration camps in principle seems easy enough, but liberals, even historically, have never taken that position. When it comes to the villains of history—whether they be Japanese-Americans interned by FDR during World War II or German civilians interned in Dachau after it—the opposition to concentration camps and racial blood guilt readily disappears from the liberal moral framework.
The argument that “the Nazis/fascists/Japanese did it first” and therefore deserve barbaric treatment doesn’t work either. Not unless liberals are willing to argue the Nazis were correct to repress European Jews. After all, the Nazis argued that because Jews like Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Genrikh Yagoda (among others) were prominent in the creation of the USSR and its vile gulag system, the Jews as a whole were guilty of the crimes of Bolshevism.
That kind of thinking is a path no American should wish to follow. Every totalizing ideology is a means by which the modern state is transformed into a giant death factory.
The logic of blood guilt results in endless war. That same poisonous system of beliefs unfortunately now infects virtually every part of American education and civil life.
The historical and undeniable wrongs of slavery have been weaponized by modern ideologues. Amnesty isn’t possible. White Americans will never achieve forgiveness for the sins of other whites from decades or centuries prior.
A healthy country needs to cut this poison off at the root. Beeler’s bill does just that, on a small scale, in education in the state of Michigan. But Democrats can’t even admit that.
Liberals increasingly bristle with a viciousness and resentment in search of an outlet. The photos of Antifa rioters and pro-abortion protestors provide us a glimpse of American life in profound biological and spiritual decline. Spewing vitriol against everything that is life affirming and oriented toward human excellence and ascent, these vengeful souls have degraded themselves to wage unrelenting war against beauty and strength. They become uglier and more depraved in the process.
The language against conservatives, Christians, and heartland whites in America has taken on an increasingly eliminationist character. The “bitter clingers,” “deplorables,” and “insurrectionists” of the liberal imagination are their total enemies. The link in the liberal mind between the fictional “theocratic Christian fascists” of the Handmaid’s Tale to modern Trump voters is obvious to everyone. This logic goes to dark places. More and more American liberals sound like the Hutu revolutionaries, known as the “Interahamwe,” who slaughtered some 500,000 to 1 million Tutsi in Rwanda in the 1990s.
The unhinged response to Representative Beeler’s bill shows that the full flowering of an “Interahamwe” Left in America is not only possible, but likely.
If the media, government, and corporations keep up the blood guilt rhetoric that underlies critical race theory, we should not be surprised to see an outpouring of violence and brutality on a heretofore unseen scale within the next few decades. Nor should we be so quick to assume that the era of controlled famines, concentration camps, and mass killings in the name of ideology will be limitedto the 20th century.
Insanity is in the air. And this virus spreads fast.
If we are to salvage what is left of our country, we will need to put an end to the Left’s irresponsible and vicious rhetoric. Representative Andrew Beeler and his Republican colleagues in the Michigan State House have shown us a way forward. It is up to us to follow their example.