“There’s going to be another pandemic,” Joe Biden told reporters on June 21. “We have to think ahead. And that’s not something the last outfit did very well.” The Delaware Democrat failed to explain how he could announce this new pandemic with such certainty, and what science might support his prophecy. That recalls previous statements of White House advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci.
“We will definitely get surprised in the next few years,” Fauci predicted in January 2017. “There is no doubt,” Fauci said, that the incoming administration, that of Donald Trump, would face a surprise infectious disease outbreak.
Fauci did not outline any scientific study to back up his prophecy. On the other hand, the longtime National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) boss has always been active behind the scenes.
Fauci earned a medical degree in 1966 but if he ever practiced medicine it was only for a short time. In 1968, to avoid treating American soldiers in Vietnam, Fauci took a cushy “yellow beret” job with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). His bio showed no advanced degrees in molecular biology or biochemistry, but in 1984 the NIH made him director of NIAID.
Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), earned his Ph.D. in biochemistry from UC Berkeley. Mullis is on record that Fauci did not understand electronic microscopy, did not understand medicine, and “should not be in a position like he’s in.” The NIH kept Fauci in the post even after his prophecies about AIDS turned out to be hopelessly wrong.
In 2012, Fauci warned that gain-of-function research, which makes viruses more lethal and transmissible, could trigger a pandemic. Even so, Fauci argued that the benefits of such research outweighed the risks. Medical scientists disagreed.
The NIH barred gain-of-function research in 2014. But in 2017, as Nature reported, the federal government lifted “the ban on risky pathogen research” and “the National Institutes of Health will again fund research that makes viruses more dangerous.” In 2016, Fauci funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, linked to the Chinese military, and unaccountable to Americans.
“China and Viruses: The Case of Dr. Xiangguo Qiu,” a January 2020 paper by Israeli microbiologist Dany Shoham, revealed that Qiu shipped a cargo of deadly pathogens to the WIV. The shipment included: Ebola Makona, Mayinga, Kikwit, Ivory Coast, Bundibugyo, Sudan Boniface, Sudan Gulo, MA-Ebov, GP-Sudan, Hendra, Nipah Malaysia, and Nipah Bangladesh.
This deadly cargo came from Canada’s National Microbiology Lab (NML) in Winnipeg, where Qiu, a Chinese national, ran the special pathogens program. In 2017 and 2018, Qiu made at least five trips to the WIV, the most likely source for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fauci maintained that the virus materialized naturally in the wild, which is speculation, not science. Fauci commands a budget of more than $6 billion and has used his leverage to bully others into assuming that view. When Dr. Robert Redfield of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control found evidence of a lab origin, he got death threats. No word of any investigation by the FBI.
When they announced the arrival of a “new virus” and “novel coronavirus” in early 2020, Fauci and CDC mouthpiece Dr. Nancy Messonnier both praised China. Fauci initially opposed President Trump’s shutdown of travel from China and the NIAID boss backed draconian lockdowns that wrecked the U.S. economy and caused untold suffering.
Democrats exploited the pandemic to spend huge amounts of money, restrict liberties, and back mail-ballot measures that facilitated voter fraud. In 2022, with midterms looming and the people breathing free, Health and Human Services boss Xavier Becerra, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Fauci his own self, all duly vaccinated and boosted, suddenly came down with COVID.
As the late Angelo Codevilla explained, the testing requirements are so flexible that government health bosses can ramp up the numbers either way, pretty much at will. The theory that the virus came about naturally in the wild enables officials now to claim that variants and subvariants, from remote places in the world, are suddenly upon us.
“Omicron, with its extraordinary, unprecedented degree of efficiency of transmissibility, will ultimately find just about everybody,” Fauci proclaimed in January. The White House advisor cited no independent, replicated study to back this prophecy.
On the other hand, Fauci was certain that “maybe a lot” of the vaccinated “will get infected,” and the unvaccinated are “going to get the brunt of the severe aspect of this.” This medical doctor treats no patients but keeps the people living in fear.
Joe Biden jokes that Fauci is the real president, and when Biden says “there is going to be another pandemic,” the people may be certain that Fauci is the ventriloquist. Biden’s claim that “we need more money to plan for the second pandemic,” and more money for “vaccines for children,” reveals another side of the NIAID boss.
As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., showed in The Real Anthony Fauci, the NIAID boss operates seamlessly with Big Pharma. Fauci gets a piece of the action but NIH won’t reveal what it is. An estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalties was paid to NIH staff from 2010 to 2020. Fauci received 23 royalty payments, but the NIH heavily redacted the information.
Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) recently asked Fauci if anybody on the NIH vaccine approval committee “ever received any money from the people who make the vaccines?” Fauci replied, “People who receive royalties are not required to divulge them even on their financial statement according to the Bayh-Dole Act.” As embattled Americans might note, the NIAID boss failed to answer the question.
Dr. Fauci, 81, claims “I represent science,” but he’s more about money and power. This is what happens when a corrupt megalomaniac wields executive-level power, with zero accountability to the people.