The Biden Administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) announced its plans to spend at least $1 million on a new center for so-called “two-spirit” youth, as part of its broader commitments to the LGBTQ agenda during “pride month.”
As reported by Breitbart, the DOJ’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) is seeking out an organization to award the $1 million grant to, with the intent of creating a brand new “National Resource Center for Justice-Involved LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit Youth.”
The OJJDP’s website states that the proposed new center will “develop and disseminate resources (e.g., fact sheets, toolkits, online curriculums, webinars, training and guidance manuals, etc.)” in order to provide “training and technical assistance to juvenile justice practitioners to assist them in meeting the needs of justice-involved LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit youth.” The center will additionally serve to “inform justice systems policies, practices, and/or programs.”
The post further outlines the goals and expectations of whichever organization receives the grant. One such goal is to “increase the field’s knowledge of, and capacity to address, protective factors such as: family engagement and acceptance.” Another goal is to identify “gaps in knowledge related to LGBTQ+ and the intersection of youth of color.” The grant recipient must also report back with frequent updates on “gender-responsive program models that are culturally and linguistically competent,” as well as “samples of innovative youth justice policies and practices addressing the needs of LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit youth.”
However, the website never even defines what exactly a “two-spirit youth” is. The post simply says that “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Gender Non-Conforming, and Two-Spirit youth, is an umbrella term” for any youths who “identify with a sexual or gender identity other than cisgender.” Johns Hopkins University’s LGBTQ glossary claims that “two-spirit” is a term first coined by Native Americans “who identify with a third gender, implying a masculine and a feminine spirit in one body.”