The Biden Administration’s State Department is soon going to announce the establishment of a “Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice” on June 17th, a leaked email reveals.
According to the Daily Caller, the position was first announced in April by the State Department’s own “Equity Action Plan. But the newly-obtained email reveals more details about the power that the position will have, including “institutionaliz[ing] an enterprise-wide approach to integrating racial and ethnic equity.” The email also declares that “advancing equity, addressing systemic racism, and strengthening democracy worldwide” will be considered “national security imperatives and core tenets of President Biden’s foreign policy.”
The new official, who has not yet been named, will also be responsible for “countering disinformation and societal violence aimed at…marginalized racial and ethnic communities.”
The new appointment follows a consistent pattern for Biden since he first took power in 2021. On his first day in office, he signed an executive order demanding that all federal agencies “pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all;” the email even explicitly describes the new position as directly related to that original order. Biden had previously campaigned on instituting so-called “diversity, equity, and inclusion” practices in the federal government, indicative of the Left’s broader pandering to minorities by essentially advocating for greater affirmative action and racial selectiveness in hiring and business practices.
However, the new position in the State Department is likely to face numerous obstacles around the world, as similar past efforts by the U.S. government have failed in many third-world countries. Most recently, the U.S. government ended up wasting $800 million on the promotion of “gender equality” in Afghanistan. As reported by the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction, the effort failed largely due to “traditional gender norms” in the Islamic nation.