The intrepid Julie Kelly wants an investigation of the aptly named “FBI-concocted Whitmer operation.” That operation and the ongoing proceedings over January 6 resulted from long FBI experience as a political strike force. Consider, for example, a bureau operation in California back in 1988.
“California Capitol shaken by FBI sting,” headlined a UPI story on September 4, 1988. “More than 30 federal agents carrying search warrants conducted an unprecedented raid on the Capitol offices of four leading lawmakers, seeking evidence of wrongdoing until the wee hours of the morning.” As it emerged in the report, the FBI had manufactured the evidence.
Gulf Shrimp Fisheries, which sought to build a food processing plant in West Sacramento to supply California restaurants, was actually a “dummy company set up by the FBI.” The FBI also established Peachstate Capital West Ltd., with an office one block from the California Capitol.
The FBI companies paid out nearly $60,000 in campaign contributions, including $11,500 to then-Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, $10,000 to Assembly Republican leader Pat Nolan, and $10,500 to Assemblywoman Gwen Moore, a Los Angeles Democrat.
As the UPI report noted, Moore was the author of “two FBI-spawned bills” designed to benefit the FBI’s dummy companies. The bills “sailed smoothly through both houses with few dissenting votes,” but Republican Governor George Deukmejian vetoed the measures.
On the night of the raid, the FBI searched the offices of Moore, California State Senator Joseph Montoya, Republican Assemblyman Frank Hill, and Nolan, who likely was the primary target. According to Capitol Weekly, the outcry from Assembly staffer Richard Steffen was, “The FBI’s here. They’re raiding Pat Nolan’s office.”
Nolan had been critical of Brown, whose office, UPI clarified, was “not among those searched by the FBI.” The bureau did have one of its undercover agents shove $1,000 in cash under Brown’s office door, about as subtle as Max Bialystock’s bribe of the theater critic in “The Producers.” To the surprise of no one, a Brown aide returned the money.
State Attorney General John Van de Camp, a Democrat, charged that the FBI was “prejudging” legislative targets before any charges were filed. True to form, Brown emerged unscathed and Nolan pleaded guilty to a racketeering charge. He spent 29 months in federal custody.
Nolan became affiliated with Charles Colson’s Prison Fellowship and now serves with the Center for Criminal Justice Reform at the American Conservative Union Foundation.
In 2019, President Donald Trump granted Nolan a full and unconditional pardon, but the story does not end there.
One month before the August 1988 raid, UPI recalled, Willie Brown “spurred the Democratic National Convention in July to choose Michael Dukakis by acclamation.” Dukakis lost to George H. W. Bush, as “Saturday Night Live” dramatized in “Dukakis After Dark,” still a hoot after all these years. Unlike Dukakis, Willie Brown wasn’t done.
Willie had his eye on UC law grad Kamala Harris, 30 years his junior, and in a daring act of poontronage, Brown set up Harris in lucrative sinecures. Brown also backed Harris for district attorney of San Francisco and state attorney general.
Kamala Harris was so lightly regarded that the Sacramento Bee in 2010 endorsed her Republican opponent for attorney general, Steve Cooley. He was far ahead on election night but three weeks later Harris was declared the victor by less than one percent. If anybody thought ballot fraud made the difference it would be hard to blame them.
If the FBI’s 1988 “Shrimpscam” had taken down Willie Brown, it’s highly unlikely that Kamala Harris would now be vice president. But in the style of the KGB, Nolan was the man and the FBI created the crime.
That Stalinist style was also evident in FBI operations Midyear Exam and Crossfire Hurricane. FBI boss James Comey signed off on those and incoming FBI Director Christopher Wray vehemently denied that any spying against Trump had taken place. It did, but Wray remains at the helm.
President Trump’s national security advisor, General Michael Flynn, had done nothing wrong but in 2016 he was the man who knew too much. So outgoing Democrats “unmasked” Flynn and Comey sent over FBI agents to set a perjury trap. It worked for the FBI and essentially destroyed Flynn, later pardoned by Trump.
Increasingly adept at political operations, the FBI failed to stop terrorist mass murders at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009; San Bernardino, California, in 2015; and Orlando, Florida, in 2016. Since 2020, the FBI deploys against “domestic terrorists,” basically anyone less than worshipful of the Biden regime.
As Julie Kelly notes, the FBI’s Whitmer operation was “flagrant election interference” on behalf of Biden and against Trump. Doubtless, more of that interference will continue as the midterms approach, perhaps featuring dummy companies, inside informers, and possibly even FBI-spawned legislation. By now, the lesson should be clear.
“There’s no reforming this monster,” writes Adam Mill. The FBI “needs to be scrapped before it’s too late.”