Have you ever looked at how intertwined Amazon is?
It is downright imperial.
And Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder and current executive chairman, is a cyber-oligarch of the largest pretensions. Rich beyond belief—and hated. Like his ego, his yacht is too large to fit under bridges. He can never have enough.
The question of Amazon’s power and influence is a serious one with great political, cultural, and societal consequences. It is posed in all seriousness. Don’t shy away from asking it yourself.
President Trump’s game was to negotiate free and fair trade agreements, even if he bashed a few players along the way. Doing so would work to America’s benefit as long as America kept a technological advantage over the emerging powers, especially the Communist Chinese.
But what about the evil, controlling monopolist tech companies right here, at home? What used to be called “FAANG” (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google) and, is now—with the renaming of Facebook as Meta—MAANG.
It is abundantly clear that the Chinese in particular have ambitions not just to take over but to run the world by 2030—using its technology, its economy, its military, its currency, and its political and trading systems. They have said so themselves. Some day we will all likely awaken to this danger. We can hope only it is not too late to do something about it. How many more years will it take to recognize the obvious and actually confront the problem? Biden cannot. Both he and his son are on the wrong side and many Republicans are in the same position: totally compromised.
Trump got it and that is why he refused to kowtow to China and its not-so-covert project literally translated as “global domination.” Biden denies it and is on their payroll, along with his crackhead, porn-addicted son, Hunter, of laptop fame.
But we should all be equally, if not more concerned, about the growing MAANG power.
You use a mobile phone, have a laptop, do social media, conduct searches, view the web and buy stuff, maybe use Alexa, and entertain yourself, right? Now think about who controls every link in that entire chain.
He is the poster boy of tech monopoly. He bought the Washington Post to round out his media collection and control of the news. The latest is that the Federal Trade Commission won’t challenge Amazon’s takeover of MGM. More Uncle Rich Pennybags, just like in the famous board game, Monopoly.
Recently, Bezos was only worth $66 billion. Today, his numbers topple $175 billion, and he, unlike most other people during the COVID crisis, made tons of money because of it. If you add up all the wealth of the mightiest tech oligarchs, it would eclipse many nation-states.
Certainly, Bezos believes in low taxes (at least for himself and for Amazon, which pays almost none) and free trade too, as do most other techno-entrepreneurs now classified as the world’s wealthiest people. He liked the free government money from COVID paid to his customers and uses the U.S. Post Office to subsidize his gigantic delivery business. Big government is his friend and ally.
But his intentions are deeply sinister.
It is very clear Bezos wants to dominate our lives—every bit as much as the Chinese do. He is a real modern-day arch-monopolist who is a threat to every freedom-loving person.
He is already getting there—from his websites and services to his media outlets, and even what you eat, how you shop, what you get to read, and how you medicate. Make no mistake, Bezos wants to own you, control you, and to do so vertically—that is his strategy: vertical integration of our entire supply chain and our complete life cycle.
When confronted at the annual meeting of Business Executives for National Security, where he was given a prize for his contributions to America, Bezos stated his ambitions boldly. He was asked what he would do with his many, many billions. He replied that he wanted to take man to the outer planets. He wants to own outer space, too.
At some close time in the near future, there will be a tipping point after which these multinational corporations (MAANG plus, but particularly Amazon) will realize they control the financial world and can influence the political and governmental world in full. They will own us “lock, stock, and barrel,” as the saying goes. That is a merism, and it means “everything,” no exceptions.
Watch for the takeover. It is coming, and sooner than you think. There are already tell-tale signs.
Having spent years working within the G7 leadership community, many of us realize more than most naïve political observers that elected leaders no longer run what they lead. They can barely run their own offices and get themselves reelected. Biden is the best example of this phenomenon.
Cabals of civil servants and lobbyists (yes, a deep state) now control every step in the process, from writing speeches, to creating policies, to passing laws and enforcing them. From the most powerful governments down to the majority of puny little states, these leaders have become pawns to the other more powerful bureaucrats and functionaries, who are unelected and—typically—lifers.
Unelected so-called experts, working on behalf of and dictated to by the MAANGS, eventually will decide everything. What you may buy, where you may buy it, who you will vote for, what you may read and see. It is absolutely Orwellian and portends nothing less than the complete end of freedom. This techno-dystopia is certainly not utopian or rosy but more akin to “The Matrix,” “The Terminator,” and “Blade Runner,” combined.
Trump was alone in ripping up this matrix and delivering his own speeches and executive orders, which were understood and accepted by the general populace, heretofore left out of the political process. He succeeded but against all the odds and in the face of massive opposition and racial/political hatred, most of it fueled by the mainstream liberal media and these same tech giants (in Amazon’s case they are one and the same).
The question was: could Trump and the Right sustain this barrage long enough to continue with these efforts? Could he possibly win? Or did they need to destroy him? The answer, after 2020, is they rigged the system and “won” and they are still, after two impeachments and a hoax, trying to destroy him and anyone else who runs in his mold or on his platform. Cancel culture, censorship, and de-platforming are their trademarks—which result in the death of free speech.
Big picture: this is the new geopolitical battleground. The reality is there is no bipartisanship any longer; there is no middle ground. Politics has become warlike and there are no prisoners. It is a winner take all contest but when the Republicans are elected they sit back, compromise, and often applaud the monopolists with whom many of them are in bed.
Global corporations (so-called transnationals because they owe no allegiance to any country or nation) are moving in their sole-sourced directions (Bezos, Zuckerberg, Cook, Pichai, Glasenberg, and hundreds of others worldwide). Monopoly is their preference.
Conservatives alone do not have the power to influence the change dearly wanted and shared with the majority of ordinary voters, ordinary everyday citizens—the silent masses in all the nation-states, worldwide. They are outside the centers of power, no longer have all that much cultural influence, do not move within woke corporations, the mainstream media, and certainly have been banned from the academy and universities.
The public follows the lead too often and the technology and influence of the Amazons of this world are growing beyond anything we have previously experienced. Their biased algorithms control what we do, buy, and view. Their gadgets and platforms shape elections, markets, and ideologies.
And who polices them? Who has oversight over them?
This extraordinary shift in power, away from elected governments and civil society, the family, associations, and churches and into the hands of a certain few corporate market makers and their highly paid lobbyists, makes for a battle zone bigger than any past world war.
When we see the wimps that make up most of the governments around the world (think of the EU, Biden, and Trudeau) and realize they are mere puppets in the hands of their handlers, we should fear many conservatives will fall into the same traps. No leader can control the vast government apparatus (the administrative state) they preside over. It is far more lumbering and dangerous than the military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about some 60 years ago. Think about it: In Trump’s case, his very own Justice Department, CIA, and FBI colluded to take him down and impeach him.
The media, the bureaucrats, and all who oppose the elites do not see that there is no one trying to turn this tide around. How many senators really understand this well enough to stand up against it? Only a handful, the rest are complicit and/or paid off.
Can we do it? The angry haters who opposed Trump are growing in strength. Their shrill voices of derangement and resistance fill the airwaves and the streets. Silicon Valley and the Bezos crowd want anyone who opposes them to vanish or be canceled. They even tried a clandestine coup to overthrow Trump. See my book The Plot to Destroy Trump.
Those who do continually and vociferously oppose the MAANG and almighty Bezos, stand by as he buys himself an organ like the Washington Post to critique and defame them day in and day out. It is hard to compete with such power and wealth. They censor their opponents and deprive them of their voice. We see this every day and sit by idly, doing nothing. The Bezos-Zuckerberg types also use their dark money to fix elections, set up one-sided leftist NGOs, and rig the outcome of elections at every level.
It may be mostly a war of words for now, but governments are bowing to the forces of manipulated markets, which can overpower them in actions. The censors and leftist fact-checkers control the airwaves, Twitter, and the MAANG social network that is all-pervasive. They censor, cancel, then de-platform anyone they disagree with or who challenges their authority.
Rue the day when Amazon and its clique of all-powerful tech giants fully run the world. It will make “The Matrix” look like Disneyland.
We will all be mere serfs in their techno grip.
We need to de-MAANG them before it is too late, break them up, Section 230 them, use antitrust against them, break free from them, and save our future and freedom.