A new Trafalgar poll shows Joe Biden’s approval rating at 41.8 percent, with 52.4 percent disapproving. Of the 52.4 percent who disapproved, 26.2 percent strongly disapproved of Biden’s performance.
Biden’s approval among Democrats remains strong with 74.8 percent saying they approve of his performance, however this is down from 89.2 percent in February. The intensity of Biden support has dropped more than 20 points. Currently, 32.8 percent said they strongly approve of Biden’s performance, while last month 55.1 percent said the same.
Republicans continue to disapprove of Biden’s performance, with 92 percent saying so.
Among non-affiliated or independent voters, half, 51.1 percent, disapprove of Biden.
The Trafalgar numbers are in line with what other polls are reporting. A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll has Biden’s job approval underwater with 49 percent disapproving and 45 percent approving. An Economist/YouGov poll found the same results.
The Trafalgar poll was conduct on 3/8-3/9 among 1080 likely general election voters with a 3% margin of error.