It has come to my attention that the unconstitutional January 6th House UnSelect Committee seeks an audience with me. My attorney, Joseph D. McBride, Esq., informed the committee Wednesday afternoon that I am declining to give an audience at this time.
I am publishing my response to those inquiries because, while the committee likes to secretly and privately harass honest, law-abiding Americans, I choose to publicly embarrass their membership and bring to light the truly vulgar, deceitful, and unconstitutional process that is taking place in the seat of our nation’s government. It should shock the conscience. I hope to keep the public informed about what is happening as I am being singled out for speaking my mind and for helping others speak theirs.
The aim is of the committee is clear: to attack supporters of President Trump and ultimately those conservatives who don’t think and behave as the Washington elite believe they should. I am being targeted for standing financially with those who can’t afford their legal bills as well as for working, consulting, and befriending pro-Trump, America First members of Congress.
Specifically, the committee wants to see confidential conversations I had with members of Congress who I either work with or happen to know.
Sorry, but I will not be turning over to them voluntarily what they request.
I don’t have anything to hide and did nothing wrong, but like many Americans who fight for liberty, I balk at the mere notion that a committee composed almost entirely of one political party would think it appropriate to demand strategic political communications on their political opponents. It’s truly shocking.
And as I wrote in my first letter to the committee, this committee is improperly constituted and repeatedly behaves in a lawless fashion.
As someone who has respect for our founding documents, such as the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, I cannot, in good conscience, recognize the committee or its actions as legitimate. I fully anticipate that just as King George III rejected calls from Thomas Jefferson for British tyranny to end, the committee will also remain “deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity.”
Before they pursue this path further, I would implore committee members to reread (or read for the first time) the Declaration and our Constitution. It’s wordy but I am sure even a member of the Democratic caucus can appreciate its meaning and merits.
They won’t have to read too perceptively to ascertain the meaning behind the First Amendment, which gives me the right to speak my mind and petition my government. All of my post-2020 election discussions and consultations are protected by the First Amendment. Petitioning your government, seeking the freedom to peaceably assemble, and engaging in freedom of speech are all God-given, constitutionally protected rights.
And I won’t stay silent as this illegitimate committee tries to spin a narrative that there was some grand “conspiracy to overthrow the election results.” There was not.
The January 6 Committee Democrats want me to apologize for exercising my First Amendment rights. I will not.
I spoke my mind. Members of Congress spoke theirs. Congress and the American public are firmly in a national discussion of election integrity.
I know their tactics. They will attempt to dehumanize, de-person, and “cancel me,” as they have done to so many before me. They isolate people from their allies and friends by trying to make them “radioactive” by mere innuendo and insinuation. They try to destroy reputations by trial by media. And when that doesn’t work, they bleed people dry through lawyer’s fees and endless inquiry.
But I won’t be deterred. I don’t fear them.
I stand by my actions and stand by my words following the 2020 election.
The American people are waking up to what this farcical “committee” is doing. Before I am done, they will know the full extent of the attacks on their political opponents: how this group targets and destroys opponents, not for “democracy” or protecting our country, but to settle political scores and silence opponents. No one is safe from their creepy and unconstitutional attacks—including everyone from members of Congress and members of President Trump’s administration to consultants and low-level staffers.
The MAGA movement that President Trump set into motion will not be stopped. It is only getting stronger. I am proudly working to elect dozens of America First-aligned members of Congress who will not only do everything they can to stop Joe Biden from destroying our country but will also help advance the interests of the American people.
The truth will come to light but it won’t come to light in the two Adams’—Schiff’s and Kinzinger’s—basement conference rooms. Perhaps it should come to light in court. I am considering my options there.
God commands us not to be afraid for we can find strength from above. The Lord instructed his people to walk into furnaces, hang out among lions, retreat into the desert for days without water. By seeking truth and fighting for their convictions, they would attain an even more beautiful understanding of God and lead others out of the darkness towards the light. For too long, Washington has been a shadowy place of deceit and corruption. Perhaps this can be a moment where we seize on liberty, say enough is enough, leave the wilderness, and become a great country once again.