During an interview on Tuesday, Joe Biden chastised unvaccinated Americans, accusing them of being irresponsible spreaders of disease, and suggesting they are unpatriotic if they don’t at least get tested before they go out in public.
Biden began his harangue by scoffing at the idea that people should feel free to refuse the experimental injections, even though they have led to an alarmingly high number of adverse events, including around 400,000 deaths according to some estimates.
Biden spoke remotely with the South Carolina news station News19 ahead of his trip to S.C. State University to give the commencement address on Friday. During the interview, Biden also addressed the the supply chain crisis, gas prices, and voting rights.
News19 anchor Darci Strickland made it clear with her question that she was on the Biden regime’s side regarding vaccinations.
“As families plan to gather over the holidays, a lot of people are still very concerned about omicron variant [of COVID-19]. And sadly, it does not appear that the vaccination rates are what medical experts were hoping they would be at this point. What do you say to folks watching today who haven’t been vaccinated and may not see the reason or the importance of doing it?” Strickland asked.
“Well, you know, you hear a lot from my home state as well as yours and other states saying, ‘well, I have my freedom. I have a right to not get vaccinated.’ I think of it in terms of patriotism,” Biden said.
He took the opportunity to repeat his mantra about “the pandemic of the unvaccinated,” arguing that they are the ones who “continue to spread” COVID, even though the vaccinated are contracting the disease and spreading it at a similar or even higher rate than the unvaccinated.
“You’re out there and you’re not vaccinated. This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated–of the unvaccinated,” he said. “You have in South Carolina 55.5 percent of all people fully vaccinated and a nationwide 65 percent.”
Biden insisted that it is every American’s “patriotic duty” to get the jab to avoid spreading the disease.
“But that those who aren’t vaccinated are the ones that continue to spread the diseases. And so we should think of as a patriotic duty. Whether you’re whether you’re working in a supermarket to make sure you have been vaccinated so you’re not spreading anything else or you’re not likely to get the virus and Delta still as the worst is the biggest problem,” he told Strickland.
Biden then claimed that the U.S. economy is doing great, and the only thing that is keeping it from doing even better is the fact that a lot of “conservative Republicans” aren’t submitting to his vaccination campaign.
“And you know, what’s happening is, we have—otherwise the rest of the economy is beginning to really grow,” he said. “The unemployment rate in your state in October was below 4 percent—3.9 percent. Nationally it’s 4.2 percent and going down. Our gross domestic product is growing, etc. And so the only thing is going to stop us is vaccinations.”
Biden went on to tout the vaccines, pointing out that they’re “free” and readily available at drugstores and even some churches.
“You can walk into your local drugstore and get them, you can move in your—some churches are providing it,” he said. “There’s a whole range of areas where you can get a free vaccination.”
Biden then urged those who are already fully vaccinated to run out and get a booster shot, arguing that the shots offer “overwhelming protection” against COVID.
“And if you haven’t gotten your booster shot, if your last vaccination and fully vaccinated quote unquote, and was six months ago, get your booster shot,” he said. It’s overwhelming protection, overwhelming protection and—and so—it just seems to me that if you have a—and what we’ve been able to do we now have vaccines for everyone five years and older. Five years old and older. And so it’s really a game changer. A game changer.”
More than a month after vaccines for 5 to 11 year-old children were approved, only about 15 percent have been vaccinated “despite a massive advertising and media campaign,” independent journalist Alex Berenson reported on Substack. Berenson predicted that the number will not “budge much going forward.”
“The parents who were dumb enough to give their kids a quasi-experimental and short-lasting “vaccine” for an illness that even before Omicron was a cold for most have already done so,” he wrote.
During the interview Tuesday, Biden complained that the vaccines have become a “political issue,” and started to blame conservative Republicans for avoiding the jab, before correcting himself.
“I don’t understand why people are unwilling to other than—it’s almost become a political issue,” he said. “If you’re a conservative Republican, you’re not for that–and that’s not fair because a lot of Republicans do get vaccinated–but this idea that I’m not going to be told what to do …” he said.
Even though vaccinated people can and do spread the disease, Biden argued that it is “irresponsible” for unvaccinated Americans to go to other people’s houses, or to church on Sunday without “at least tested” beforehand.
“Well, you know, it seems to me that you know, if you, if you have any serious problem that is communicable, you should at least be tested before you walk into somebody else’s home or you walk into the church or sit next next to your— in the pew on Sunday next to somebody you should have be cognizant of their health, their safety their responsible, their health,” he said.
“And so I just think that it’s just not very responsible,” he said, before making another appeal to the patriotism of unvaccinated Americans.
“It’s not—I, you know, I again—I get told ‘Biden you’re trying to take away my right,'” Biden stammered. “Why don’t you think about being patriotic? Patriotic, help the rest of the country, because the people who are spreading the disease are basically the unvaccinated. We got to take care of it.”
After he was done scapegoating the roughly 100 million Americans who refuse to be vaccinated, Biden called for more unity in the country.
“I’m not sure that Joe Biden’s visit is important except to the extent that I think we’ve got to come together,” he said. “I don’t think we can continue to be red and blue. I really mean it.”
“We’re a purple nation. This is not about, I mean, we’re all Americans,” he babbled. “The whole notion that I said I’m running for three reasons. One, to restore the soul of the country. A sense of decency and honor, to treat each other with respect. Don’t talk to each other like we talking to each other.”
Secondly, to build the backbone of this country back up and that’s the middle class and working class folks.
You know Wall Street–I’m not anti-Wall Street–but Wall Street didn’t build America. Hard working middle class people built America. And unions built the middle class.
And thirdly, I said–which I really got clobbered by everybody for saying but I still believe it–we have to unify the country. Democracies cannot function long unless you can reach consensus. And compromise is not a dirty word. And so we’ve got to get back to that. Talking to one another. Getting engaged like we did before.
A new study from the American Heart Association warns that mRNA vaccines dramatically increase risk of developing heart disease: “The PLUS Cardiac Test score has been measured every 3-6 months in our patient population for eight years. Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients.”
Since the global mass vaccinations began, over 300 athletes have reportedly suffered cardiac arrests, or had other serious health issues, including blood clots. About 177 have died.
In the latest example, Sergio Aguero, a soccer star from Barcelona, Spain, tearfully announced on Wednesday that he was retiring from soccer due to a heart condition.
As of December 3, 2021, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database showed nearly 20,000 deaths, 33,000 people permanently disabled, and one million adverse events due to the vaccines.
Because VAERS is believed to significantly underreport adverse events, some experts estimate that between 388,000 and 407,831 Americans have actually died as a result of the jab. These numbers come from independent derivations of the VAERS under-reporting factor.
“Today, our best estimate of vaccine fatalities using the VAERS data is that the US Government is responsible for killing 388,000 formerly healthy Americans,” said Steve Kirsch, a tech entrepreneur who has spearheaded efforts to finding an effective treatment for COVID-19.
And we’re not done yet. Those kids with myocarditis? Half of them could die in 5 years. We just don’t know. Prion diseases… we don’t know. Autoimmune diseases… we don’t know. Reproductive issues… unknown. Original antigenic sin? Possibly. You get the idea.
By contrast, the Vietnam War was a long, deadly struggle that took place from 1954 to 1975 between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The U.S. National Archives shows that 58,220 U.S. soldiers perished over the 21 years. Here, we’ve killed more than 6 times as many people in a fraction of the time… just 11 months.
No one in mainstream media will dare talk about this. They won’t even ask the question. Not a single reporter.
Six European countries have either banned or restricted use of the Moderna vaccine due to vaccine injuries.
Multiple trial, appellate, and U.S. district courts have ruled that Biden’s vaccine mandates are unconstitutional. Thus far, no courts have ruled in the regime’s favor.
Still, the regime’s push to get a shot in every American arm continues apace.