Renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough dropped some major truth bombs regarding the “coordinated and planned” COVID-19 pandemic during an appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast Monday.
Great day with legendary podcaster @joerogan. Look for our show this week.
— Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH® (@P_McCulloughMD) December 13, 2021
Since the outset of the pandemic, McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster, and has been a very vocal proponent of early intervention to treat COVID patients. His influential paper, “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection,” was published in August of 2020.
He explained to Rogan that there was a concerted effort among health officials to suppress protocols for early COVID treatment in order to make people more willing to take the risky, experimental COVID-19 vaccines.
McCullough said that he testified in the U.S. Senate in November of 2020 that 50 percent of the 250,000 COVID deaths thus far could have been prevented had the medical establishment not suppressed early treatments like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Four months later, the doctor testified that multiple studies had showed that the vast majority of lives could have been saved by early treatment.
“I testified on March 10, 2021 in the Texas Senate—in sworn testimony—I upped that to 85 percent of the deaths could have been avoided,” he said. “We had three different areas showing early, multi-drug therapies as an outpatient works substantially, and we’ve had a giant loss of life—a GIANT number—millions and millions of deaths and unnecessary hospitalizations.”
The doctor shared with Rogan his alarming and dystopian view of what is going on.
“It seems to me we had an intentional, very comprehensive suppression of early treatment in order to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization and death, and it seemed to be completely organized and intentional in order to create acceptance for, and promote mass vaccination,” he explained.
Rogan asked the doc “So you believe this was a premeditated thing they were doing. They realized that in order to get people enthusiastic about taking this vaccine, the best way to do that was to not have a protocol for treatment?”
McCullough pointed out that there are now three heavily researched books that lay out how a power-mad cabal of globalist oligarchs, and Big Pharma coordinated and planned the pandemic: COVID Operation: What Happened, Why It Happened, and What’s Next by Dr. Pamela Popper, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, by legendary psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger Breggin, and The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The doctor said these books are essential reading “if you want to find the evidence that Moderna was working on the vaccine before the virus ever emanated out of the lab, if you want to find the collusions, and the operations between the Gates Foundation and [global vaccine alliances] GAVI and Cepi and Pfizer and Moderna, and the vaccine manufacturers, and the Wuhan lab, and the National Institutes of Health and Ralph Baric, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and how all this was organized.”
Baric is the lead “gain-of-function” researcher at the University of North Carolina, and “a collaborator and instructor for the Chinese Communists at the Wuhan Institute” according to Breggin.
Their joint efforts led to the creation of SARS-CoV-2. Baric’s research, well-funded by Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases (NIAID) and by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), defines the future planned for us by the global predators.
McCullough went on to note that Johns Hopkins held a planning seminar called the SPARS Pandemic in 2017 that greatly resembles what actually happened with the pandemic in 2020. “They had a symposium, people showed up, they wrote up their symposium findings, they published this, it says it’s going to be a Coronavirus. It’s going to be related to MERS and SARS. It’s going to come over here to the United States. It’s going to shut down cities and frighten people,” he said.
The doctor also pointed out that the planners predicted that there would be “confusion” regarding drug treatments [hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin] and would utilize that confusion “to railroad the population into mass vaccination.”
“It’s laid out in the Johns Hopkins spars pandemic training seminar. The only thing they got wrong was the year they said it was gonna be 2025. Instead, it landed a few years early,” McCullough told Rogan.
During the interview, McCullough also argued passionately that vaccine mandates are completely out of line and a violation of the Nuremburg Code.
“The vaccines are research,” he stressed. “Research is neutral. As a doctor, I can never tell somebody they should take the COVID-19 vaccine.”
McCullough said that if he had ever pressured a patient to be part of a research study, he’d be sanctioned by the FDA.
“We never give any pressure, coercion, or threat of reprisal to participate in research,” he explained, adding that to do so “violates the Nuremburg Code.”
The doctor said the medical establishment is “walking a line on bioethics” and predicted that eventually, they will be held accountable. “You can’t do that,” he said. “No good doctor can.”
He told Rogan that by January 22, 2021, we had already seen 182 deaths as a result of the vaccines.
“For all the vaccines combined—278 million shots given each year in the United States—the average number of deaths that would ever come into our central database (VAERS) is about 150” (per year), McCullough explained. “We’ve been keeping this database for 20 years.”
He said that he and other frontline doctors quickly realized that the COVID vaccines had never gone through a safety review, because the wrong public entities (FDA and CDC) were leading the vaccine rollouts.
“We had in a sense, the fox guarding the chicken coop,” he said. “We had the wrong people leading the programs, and then, we didn’t have the independent safety committees. So there was nobody to stop the program in February.”
The doctor made a point he has made many times before: “Normally, what happens is if you have five deaths after any product that are unexplained—black box warning: may cause death. After 50 deaths, he asserted, “the drug is taken off the market and it gets reviewed for safety.”
Although the numbers are vastly under-reported, according to McCullough, the VAERS database now shows nearly 20,000 deaths, 33,000 people permanently disabled, and one million adverse events due to the vaccines.
“We now know that the spike protein after these vaccines is produced in the body for an uncontrolled quantity, and an uncontrolled duration of time. And because of the antibodies for the spike protein after the vaccine are so high compared to the respiratory infection, we now infer that one gets a much larger dose of the spike protein with vaccination than with the respiratory illness, and in some people, they invariable can’t handle the spike protein exposure to the human body.”
McCullough added that the vast majority of these deaths have occurred in seniors, “the very people we wanted to protect.”