The Big Abortion Lie

The list of reasons I could never be a Democrat grows by the day. But if I had to choose just one issue that has prevented such an ill-chosen and indefensible association, it would be abortion. No issue better exposes the illogic, immorality, and delusion of the Democratic Party than the issue of abortion.

Democrats increasingly have called for the abolishment of capital punishment. Beto O’Rourke, for example, has said he opposes the death penalty “on moral grounds.” California Governor Gavin Newsom has said, “the intentional killing of another person is wrong.”

But while Democrats proclaim that the federal government should not be involved in taking the lives of guilty murderers, Democrats simultaneously demand that the federal government should be involved in taking the lives of innocent, unborn babies—via federally subsidized abortions.

The lives of murderers are precious. Taking their lives is immoral and wrong. But the lives of innocent unborn children are unimportant. The “intentional killing” of the unborn is both moral and a right.

To justify such obvious and undeniable illogic, Democrats have convinced themselves that “babies are not babies until they are born.” This is what former NPR Standards and Practices editor Mark Memmott wrote in his “guidance reminder” memo, in which he instructed employees to avoid using terms like “unborn,” because it “implies that there is a baby inside a pregnant woman, not a fetus.”

When pesky things like reality and truth obstruct the Left’s objectives, the Left simply substitutes new words to fit their false narratives and manipulate people’s emotions to shift public opinion.

The unborn isn’t a baby. It’s just a “fetus.” Looting isn’t looting. It’s just “smashing and grabbing.” Firearms are “assault rifles.” Illegal immigrants are “undocumented.” Pro-abortion advocates are “pro-choice.”

If the Left ever acknowledged that the unborn were babies, then abortion would have to be recognized as murder; both immoral and wrong. 

Thirty eight states have fetal homicide laws. In these states, if someone other than the pregnant mother is responsible for taking the unborn child’s life, it is considered murder. So if a man shoves a pregnant woman down the stairs and the injury results in the death of her unborn child, the man is held responsible and punished.

But if the same pregnant mother chooses to have an abortion and she is responsible for the death of her unborn child, this is considered a woman’s right. In other words, the status of the unborn child, either as a precious human life or as a useless clump of cells, is wholly subjective. 

If the pregnant mother wants to give birth, then the unborn baby is treated as a precious human being with rights. But if the pregnant mother doesn’t want to have the child, then the unborn baby is treated as an invasive clump of cells. The status of the unborn is determined by the intention of the mother either to get pregnant or not.

A pregnant mother who suffers a miscarriage mourns the loss of her unborn child’s life. But a pregnant mother who has an abortion celebrates her right to choose. This “right to choose” is built on a lie; the lie that the unborn is not a valuable human life.

The life of an unhatched sea turtle is viewed with greater reverence than the unborn human child. In Florida, disturbing a sea turtle, its nests or hatchlings is illegal. The life of the unhatched sea turtle is protected by law.

In many coastal counties, property owners must adhere to strict beach-lighting restrictions because “nighttime lighting tends to lure hatchling turtles to crawl inland instead of seaward after emerging from their beach nests.” In Florida in 2014, those who violated the turtle lighting ordinance in Brevard County faced $500 fines and six months in county jail.

In America, we fight to preserve the lives of unhatched sea turtles while we fight to end the lives of unborn babies.

Pro-abortion activists are really anti-responsibility activists. They all talk as if pregnancy is due just happens to women without their participation or agency. 

I hate to be the purveyor of harsh truths, but a woman can choose whether or not to engage in the sexual behavior that results in an unwanted pregnancy. Not having sex is proven to prevent unwanted pregnancy 100 percent of the time. But why engage in responsible sexual behavior that helps prevent most unwanted pregnancies when a woman can simply get an abortion?

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, only “19% of men aged 15-44 reported that they used a condom ‘every time’ they had intercourse in the past 12 months.” If pro-abortion women are so upset about the unfair burden of being the gender that gets pregnant, why are women not demanding men wear condoms to prevent their pregnancy in the first place?

The truth is, we wouldn’t be debating the right to kill babies if Americans viewed unborn babies with the same reverence as we do unhatched sea turtles. If a woman had to accept the responsibility of motherhood and men, fatherhood, both women and men would behave more responsibly. 

There are more than 600,000 abortions reported each year in the United States because more than 600,000 women know they have the choice to abort them. 

As Ronald Reagan said, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

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About Drew T. Allen

Drew Allen, the Millenial Minister of Truth, is the host of “The Drew Allen Show” podcast and a widely published columnist and political analyst. He is the Vice President of Client Development at Publius PR and also the Editor of the Publius National Post. Subscribe to read his work at drewallen.substack.com.

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