The Newest Forever War: COVID

Joe Biden gave a bizarre speech recently in which he formally declared Americans who have refused the COVID vaccine to be enemies of the United States. 

Pledging to make life for this “distinct minority” extremely painful, Biden said that “patience” is “wearing thin” and that it is now time to draw blood. 

Biden’s speech was a major escalation in the war on COVID, which has become a global “forever war” more inimical to freedom than Bush’s “War on Terror.” 

His basic premise, that the unvaccinated are “keeping us in the pandemic,” is an outrageous blood libel that cannot go unchallenged. It is not the fault of the unvaccinated that our society has become a giant TSA checkpoint over a virus that spares most people. It is the fault of those who gave in, with maximum self-righteous wrath toward anyone who dissented, to encroachment after encroachment on our rights and the basic functioning of daily life.

For nearly two years now, we have been strung along with ever more intrusive restrictions on life, all based on the vague promise that eventually, on conditions that are never made clear, the pandemic will be declared “over,” the war will be won, and we can “go back to normal.” 

When this began, we were asked for “two weeks to stop the spread.” We are now being pushed at blinding speed toward a “new normal” of biomedical tyranny. 

The unvaccinated are described with language typically heard only in eras leading up to genocides. The leader of the formerly “free world” accused the obstinate vermin of “blocking public health,” and fanatics have spared no energy in coming up with all manner of cruel punishments they would like to inflict upon them. 

Those who refuse to take an experimental medicine  now face the prospect of being treated like pariahs and domestic terrorists barred from employment, flying on airplanes, receiving medical treatment, or even traveling between states.

This is their penalty for asserting the right to live in a normal world, the world we all knew in December 2019, without the permission of their corporate and government masters. 

No one is standing up for these people. The effort to punish them has the backing of the most powerful institutions in the world, from the United States government to corporate America, the U.S. military, and our mainstream media, which essentially operates as the PR department of Pfizer.The so-called labor movement on the Left is nowhere to be found. The ACLU is missing in action. 

These institutions have the enthusiastic support of countless civilians who are so fearful still, despite taking a vaccine they supposedly believe works, and whose minds have been so corrupted by partisan hatred that they would like to see millions of their fellow Americans excluded from society altogether. 

At what point are Americans willing to say, “This has gone too far?” 

If the president of the United States can unilaterally compel 80 million people to take experimental medicine against their will, we will have crossed a threshold that cannot be uncrossed. 

The goalposts have shifted so far, there is nowhere else for them to go. 

Or perhaps things will get darker. The abuses of our rulers are limited, now, only by the cruelty of their imaginations.

Like the war in Afghanistan, this war has no clear goal and there is no democratic accountability for the decisions of the bureaucrats in charge. We are commanded to suspend all doubt and trust that they lack the human motives of pride, ambition, and greed. Presented with a once-in-a-lifetime power grab, they have chosen to pursue only what is in the public interest. 

We are to believe that Anthony Fauci, a vain, shifty character who has become incredibly famous and powerful since March 2020, and who now says Biden’s mandate is “moderate,” is totally benevolent. Come on. 

It is naive to expect that if we simply give in to the latest demands of Fauci and his friends in power they will finally relent and release the pause button on civilization. Clearly, obedience has not diminished their appetite for control, but only inflamed it. And why should this not be the case? 

There was no justifiable reason to continue listening to them when, after telling people it was too dangerous to have funerals for their own loved ones, the “public health” crooks cheered as massive crowds took to the streets to riot and loot last summer and held a very public funeral for a criminal. But they were not held to account. They continued to exercise plenary power over our society. We later learned that they conspired to suppress a highly plausible theory that the virus came from a Chinese laboratory. 

These are the same people who conspired to destroy countless businesses and livelihoods with insane, authoritarian “lockdowns,” declared “racism” a  “public health crisis,” and now, for the sake of “inclusivity,” use terms like “pregnant people” in earnest. 

These people have no right to be taken seriously. They have shown the public time and time again who they are: sociopaths and ideologues drunk on power. 

Biden’s speech essentially absolved these people of their lies, coercion, and plunder and placed the blame for our collective misery on those who doubt the purity of their motives. 

We have been living under the rule of these lunatics for so long, many have lost sight of just how abnormal and undemocratic this form of life is. Or perhaps they have simply been beaten into submission, and stopped caring. 

How far off the map are we, how demoralized are we by the hammer of power, that we are being pressured to pretend that medical apartheid is “normal,” and anyone who disagrees is a “conspiracy theorist?” 

How many more years of this? What restrictions can we expect to come next? When will the madness finally end? 

We must stop treating life like it is a crime to live it. 

The 20th anniversary of 9/11 put things in a somber perspective. We can look back and see how the nation’s heartbreak was manipulated in the “War on Terror” to make us, 20 years later, less free than ever before. 

If we are still wearing masks 20 years from now, it will not be on those who protested despite overwhelming pressure to conform, but the mobs of fanatics who hollered and screamed for their destruction.

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About Matthew Boose

Matthew Boose is a Mt. Vernon fellow of the Center for American Greatness and a staff writer and weekly columnist at the Conservative Institute. His writing has also appeared in the Daily Caller. Follow him on Twitter @matt_boose. ‏

Photo: Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images