People who for years were considered reasonable by their friends are proving blasé about many of Joe Biden’s disastrous policies, and their friends wonder why. Part of the answer is that many of Biden’s newfound allies were so afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome that they lost the ability to think critically. Now the question is, have they lost the ability to think critically forever? Many of the NeverTrumpers were once Republicans and, given that, should be expected to be skeptical of anything a Democrat like Biden proposed. But are they? And if not, why not?
It’s not just that the Biden policies are awful. It’s that they are contradictory.
The Biden Administration is now promoting COVID vaccination “passports”—proof of vaccination—and will likely soon be requiring them, or at the very least urging states and businesses to require them. Requiring proof of vaccination either is, or is not, a good idea. But if proof of vaccination can be required for doing anything, why shouldn’t proof of identity be required for voting?
“Oh, no!” we are told by the administration, “Voter ID laws are racist!” Biden himself said there is “an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote. We’re facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. That’s not hyperbole, since the Civil War.”
That’s hyperbole, of course. But here’s the problem: blacks are also among the most vaccine-resistant. If urging voter ID, as many on the Right are doing, is considered racist, why isn’t demanding vaccines for employment? Why don’t people recognize the glaring inconsistency? Most civilized countries require proof of identity for voting. A majority of Americans (one poll puts the number at 81 percent) favor requiring a photo ID to vote. In Europe, most nations—including such bastions of progress as Germany, France, and Norway—require voters to have a government-issued photo ID in order to vote. But the Biden Administration says the requirement is racist.
This is ridiculous. Something else is going on—two things, in fact: the administration wants to scare blacks into thinking whites and Republicans are racists; and not requiring a photo ID makes cheating easier. Democrats know cheating is the only way they can win elections.
There is also the administration’s glaring inconsistency regarding restrictions on Americans who might have the Wuhan flu but not on illegal immigrants pouring across our southern border in record numbers, perhaps as many as 2 million of them by the end of this year. Many of them, thousands in fact, have tested positive for COVID-19. But the Biden Administration doesn’t give a damn. Why do the illegals get a pass, but not American citizens?
Biden has called on Congress to pass what he calls “common-sense gun reform.” He says he wants to ban “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines. But why? And what’s an assault weapon, anyway?
Bidenistas define an assault weapon as any semi-automatic weapon. Semi-automatics account for up to 25 percent of the approximately 400 million privately owned firearms in the country today. Do the Bidenistas plan to confiscate 100 million guns? The congressionally mandated study of the 1994–2004 federal “assault weapon ban” found that it did not reduce crime, in part because “the banned guns were never used in more than a modest fraction of gun murders.” One study puts the number of mass shootings (defined as one in which four or more people were killed) from 2006 through 2017 at 271, with a total of 1,358 victims, an average of 124 per year. Last weekend, seven people were killed in Chicago alone, bringing the total number of homicides this year to 433.
Biden wants to confiscate guns owned by law-abiding Americans but can’t find a word to say about the slaughter in Chicago. And of course, it’s part of the Democrats’ plan to release criminals back into society, for reasons that are murky: mostly because Democrats say the prosecutions of these criminals were racist. Try that line on the terrified residents of Chicago.
The Bidenistas claim to want to lower carbon emissions, but then they support the manufacturing of lithium-ion car batteries, which requires mining that is hugely polluting and deadly to child laborers, while celebrities and politicians fly private.
They decry the January 6 incursion into the Capitol, but have little to say about a whole summer of rioting across America in which at least 25 people were killed, and property damage topped $1 billion. And while Bidenistas are releasing felons all over the country, some of the January 6ers charged with crimes are still in jail.
And on and on and on.
It is tempting to say the Biden Administration and its co-conspirators are behaving the way they are in order to win future elections. But even that isn’t true: the heavy betting now is on the Republicans’ taking the House of Representatives in the 2022 midterms. So what is going on?
Partly, Democrats are driven by the desire to destroy America and her institutions in the hope that even if (actually “when”) Republicans win again they won’t be able to put America back together. These people don’t like America—why else would they let the homeless take over public spaces, defecating in the parks and streets? They don’t like the people who are typical Americans—they are now cheering a census report that shows the number of whites in America has declined. (Can you get more racist than that?)
It’s time for Mr. and Mrs. America, wherever they are, to realize Bidenistas despise America and hate Americans like them.
The other part of what drives Democrats is the quest for power. They don’t really care about politics as we normally understand it: which policies will best serve the American people. They care only about which policies will best serve their hold on power.
Less clear is why Biden enthusiasts support his policies. They don’t get the perks of power. Perhaps they just enjoy hating America? Why else support critical race theory and the “1619 Project”?
Democrats are bad enough. But there’s more to bemoan: The number of Republican officeholders in Washington willing to fight is abysmally small. Nineteen Republican senators voted for the Biden faux infrastructure bill. At least three of them (Senators Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, and Rob Portman) are retiring. Pray that the rest do, too.
Despite all the awful policies that come, one after the other, from Washington, however, there is a glimmer of hope in the land beyond: Conservative parents are organizing to take over their town school boards. That’s where the revolution—the counterrevolution—has to begin.
That’s where it has begun.