When is a self-declared Communist regime not a Communist regime?
The Biden Administration’s reluctance to call the Cuban regime by its proper “Communist” label and, instead, label it “authoritarian” is an insult to the victims of the regime, past and present. Even in his dilatory use of the word “communism” regarding Cuba, Joe Biden was less than Churchillian, and far from reassuring to the Cuban, or American, people: “Communism is a failed system, universally failed system, and I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute.” (FYI: per “scientific” dialectical materialism, socialism is a stage on the road to communism, not a substitute, but I digress.)
This tepid critique of an intrinsically evil ideology as nothing more than a “failed system” constitutes another insult to communism’s 100 million victims and their loved ones. But what else would one expect from the former vice president for the Cuba-normalizing Castro chum, Barack Obama. (Interestingly, Democrats also called Trump “authoritarian.” Was it because he was . . . trying to be like Castro?)
For the Left, it isn’t necessarily Comm—er, “authoritarianism”—driving the Cuban people’s protest. It’s the virus! Nor are the people of that imprisoned island seeking to be free from its iron grip, but rather from the evil clutches of the U.S. embargo that is the cause of all the Cuban people’s suffering.
Odd, then, that the Cuban freedom seekers are waving American flags and not burning them; and some are considering fleeing to the United States. Cuba must be in the throes of COVID-induced Stockholm syndrome.
Ever alert to the threat our nation faces from anti-Communists, Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced his firm resolve to screw the Cuban asylum seekers. “Allow me to be clear: If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States.”
In fairness and in a case of collateral damage, Mayorkas also specifically screwed Haitian asylum seekers, too. Sacrifices have to be made to defend “our democracy’s” strategic interests. The goal of the Biden Administration’s perverse “Paul Revere” immigration policy of “everyone if by land, none if by sea,” is to ensure America’s porous borders aren’t clogged with refugees fleeing communism; finding asylum in America; and one day voting Republican—let alone getting elected to, gulp, Congress. (See what you started, Ileana and Diaz-Balart brothers?)
What gives in the “Land of the Free”?
Instructively, and despite what it may profess, the statement by Black Lives Matter (BLM) in support of the regime highlights the bitter truth: the American Left needs a Communist Cuba.
In its threadbare Marxist screed, BLM fails to call the regime “authoritarian,” let alone “Communist.” In fact, BLM deceitfully avers the United States is “undermining Cuban’s right to choose their own government.” No, that would be the communist Cuban government’s guns and gulags. But what would one expect from a Marxist organization that camouflages its own communism in its panhandling for corporate cash? (As if that would be a non-starter for today’s multinational corporations.)
But let us not overlook the tidbit that reveals the crux of the matter:
Since 1962, the United States has forced pain and suffering upon the people of Cuba by cutting off food, medicine and supplies, costing the tiny island nation an estimated $130 billion. [Due to the U.S. embargo], it is harder for Cuba to acquire medical equipment needed to develop its own COVID-19 vaccines and equipment for food production. This comes in spite of the country’s strong medical care and history of lending doctors and nurses to disasters around the world.
One could note that BLM’s reference to Cuba’s support of “black liberation struggles”—again refusing properly to label them communist insurgencies—really means the imperialist Cuban army helped kill indigenous people of color. That this might have cost the Cuban people more prosperity at home is not mentioned. Perhaps they did not wish to reveal their hypocrisy: black lives matter unless they are anti-communist.
Still, BLM and the Left’s hypocrisy with Cuba persists and for reasons equally patent and cynical. In sum, BLM’s condemnatory statement is the threadbare leftist rationalization that “socialism would have worked, but for evil America and [fill in the blanks].” It further includes the deluded agit-prop that Cuban socialized health care is to be envied and replicated. For the Left that wants to replicate communist Cuba’s policies here, it cannot allow the Castro regime to implode beneath the Cuban people’s courageous aspirations for Libertad.
Notwithstanding our figurehead president’s lip service and milquetoast qualms against the practicality of Communism and socialism, the Left is furiously trying to circumnavigate the truth of the Cuban people’s demands for freedom, and, alternately, craft a false narrative that will allow the Left to continue “normalizing” this tyrannical Communist regime. In consequence, we witness the cynical spectacle of the American Left refusing to grant Cuban refugees asylum, while it is importing the Cuban regime’s socialism.
Mercifully, while lagging from behind, the leader of the free world at least didn’t blurt out a rote “Cuba Libre,” too. Not that anyone would have believed he meant it, any more than they believe he has reservations about socialism given his policies to date. No, it would have just been one more callous act of cruelty and indignity to the Cuban—and American—people.