Who hasn’t been trapped in an unfortunate conversation that goes something like this: You might say, “It’s a beautiful day!” She responds with something like, “Enjoy it now because soon climate change will end all beautiful days.”
Or perhaps you say, “That’s so sad about that shooting that happened yesterday.” And she responds, “If only Republicans weren’t under the spell of the NRA, we could save lives with sensible gun control.”
In no time, what was intended to be an ordinary conversation pivots to an urgent search and destroy mission against phantom white supremacists who lurk under every bed and in every closet. If you can remember a conversation like this, was your interlocutor a Boomer?
Do you politely change the subject or do you engage? The leftie Boomer isn’t trying to start an argument. In her mind, she’s passing the time with innocuous conversation and “facts” supposedly long established by “consensus” or “science.” But if you are stupid enough to attempt to disagree—or point out that some people don’t agree with her “facts”—prepare yourself for screaming and name calling.
There is simply nothing so toxic and inbred as a circle of leftie “intellectuals” who groom each other’s political opinions like zoo animals picking through fur for non-conforming thoughts. These echo chambers, called “struggle sessions,” in Maoist lingo, enforce and purify ideology.
The crusading Boomer leftie walks through life seeing normal and incidental human events as part of a grand struggle that started with the civil rights conflicts of the 1960s. Thank God she’s here to save us from our racism. The vast majority of these boomers missed their chance to march with Martin Luther King, Jr. in Selma and they never got over it. I mean, they did watch the movie so that gets them partial credit. But they studied for exams instead of protesting or writing letters to support the Civil Rights Act. So now they suffer an enduring guilt and sense of having missed out on the defining struggle of their generation. They’re desperate for another chance.
Boomers grew up in a culture that idolized the veterans of World War II. There are hundreds of movies depicting their parents’ generation beating the Nazis. Boomers were all born too late to participate. For the Boomer generation, the civil rights movement became the next great generational call to action. It’s been said that over three million soldiers claimed to have been among the 73,000 Americans who actually landed on June 6 upon the beaches of Normandy. Boomers suffer from the same sense of having missed out on their generation’s big moment.
Joe Biden is a perfect analog for this phenomenon. As late as the 1980s, he remained suspicious of black Americans and spoke out against integrating schools. He famously referred to an integrated school as a racial jungle. He did not march in Selma. He openly admired southern Dixiecrats who supported segregation.
Now, in 2021, Joe Biden and millions of others like him, are revisiting their past and asking us to pay for their sins. Not our sins, their sins. They project their wrongthink on all of us and force us all to go through diversity, equity, and inclusion training to teach us all what they should have been doing decades ago. We can never prove ourselves innocent of racist thinking because they project their shame onto us.
This projection infects everything. The Biden Administration’s recent white paper titled, “National Strategy for Combatting Domestic Terrorism,” is a perfect illustration. The paper concludes that, “principally those who promote the superiority of the white race and militia violent extremists are assessed as presenting the most persistent and lethal threats,” and that “Individuals subscribing to violent ideologies such as violent white supremacy, which are grounded in racial, ethnic, and religious hatred and the dehumanizing of portions of the American community, as well as violent anti–government ideologies, are responsible for a substantial portion of today’s domestic terrorism.”
A substantial portion of today’s domestic terrorism? What are they talking about? On page five, the authors cite (1) the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, (2) the 2016 Dallas murder of five police, (3) the 2017 shooting of Representative Steve Scalise (R-La.) at a Congressional softball practice, and (4) the January 6, 2021 Capitol incident. Not one of those attacks was committed by a self-described “white supremacist.” The middle two were committed by people on the extreme Left and the fourth example was not a terrorist attack by any reasonable definition.
Of course, it’s necessary to distort and re-label historical examples to support the preposterous conclusion that white supremacists are the chief cause of terrorism in the United States. How can you win the grand moral struggle against white supremacy unless you first create an enemy? Let’s call it what it is: a pathetic effort to recreate a racist bogeyman so the Boomers can play-out their hero fantasy to ease their guilt for missing the boat in the 1960s.
The Boomers have created their own Nazis to validate their social justice conscience. Since the new Nazis are imaginary, they only shoot imaginary bullets, so the Boomers can afford to be brave. They fantasize about stopping their imaginary Nazis but shrink in fear at the thought of challenging the Chinese to stop the murder and oppression of the Uighurs. That’s real and it’s happening now. It’s not something from a theoretical future or the unreachable past. There’s still time to help the survivors. Real heroism comes from challenging a villain who can fight back.
I’ve personally been through approximately 20 training sessions in my career during which I was “educated” about the evils of racism. It’s like going through anti-shoplifting training every year just to get access to stores. We all grit our teeth as some trainer condescends to tell us not to use hurtful language to poke fun at other people’s religions. No kidding!
Of course, the sessions are no longer teaching equality and colorblindness. Only a racist would believe that we should be colorblind. So the training sessions increasingly demand people “talk about race,” even if it makes us uncomfortable. Hell yes, it makes us uncomfortable! It makes us uncomfortable because we’re not racist and talking endlessly about race is a sure-fire guarantee that people will start factoring it into their daily lives.
And of course, that’s exactly what has happened. Everyone is angry about race right now. That’s the one thing no one disputes. Thanks, lefty Boomers. Please don’t try to solve any more problems. You’ve helped enough.