When you head to the beach this summer, look out for “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” sections. That is if they let you in. White liberals, who have all been vaccinated, are now demanding that their unvaccinated neighbors get the COVID-19 shot, or else. The tyranny of “lockdown” is blending seamlessly now into a kind of medical apartheid.
This push, which follows a weeks-long media campaign portraying unvaccinated Americans as a pack of rabid animals, received a boost after the CDC officially “allowed” vaccinated people to have their lives back. This turned out to be a sleight of hand. Joe Biden quickly fired a shot across the bow, threatening, “The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is yours.” Has an American president ever issued a more tyrannical, contemptuous statement?
The choice is yours. According to the White House, America now has a medical caste system. How did this happen?
For more than a year, white liberals have cheerfully ostracised all who dared to dissent from the “expert” consensus on COVID-19. Shamefully, the rest of the country gave in to their hectoring. Step by step, petty tyrants encroached on civil liberty. And then, piecemeal, they presumed to give freedom back. When the feds said that vaccinated people could stop wearing masks outside, they were not saying anything the public didn’t already know. The point was to give an order, to coach the public to think of the government as its lord and master. As Biden said recently, “‘we the people’ are the government.” Now we know what he meant.
We now find ourselves backed into a trap. Now that the “experts” are mercifully “allowing” us to go back to “normal,” we are learning (all too predictably) that “normal” means having to get an experimental vaccine to breathe, buy food, and get a job. This, of course, is not the “normal” we had in January 2020, but millions of brainless vaccine Karens nevertheless are ready to accept and enthusiastically enforce its terms.
Sensible people saw this coming. It has long been clear that the “experts” never had any intention of letting Americans go back to their pre-pandemic lives. The “new normal” is here.
For now, there seems to be a lull in pushing for vaccination cards outright. But it would be naïve to assume that it ends here. We have more than a year of hard experience that counsels vigilance. Besides, the present “honor system” is unstable, and for restrictionists, unacceptable.
There is no need for the authorities to impose vaccine cards all at once. By creating these artificial privileges for the vaccinated in the first place, they have created a need to track vaccination status. The outlines of the system are already there. It simply needs to be implemented. In places like New York, the system is coming along nicely. “If you’re unvaccinated, that’s your choice,” Governor Andrew Cuomo said. “But you can’t go into Radio City Music Hall with vaccinated people.” As of this writing, Oregon plans to require all businesses to check vaccination status.
If the public treats these new standards with a legitimacy that they do not actually have, then it is a question of when, not if, vaccines become mandatory. If these standards are not challenged, they will become the standard.
They will try to tempt us. They will present the vaccine as the gateway to freedom. What’s the big deal? It’s just a little shot. It’s safe, effective, and free! Dr. Fauci said so! Besides, what’s the big deal? Haven’t you suffered enough? Look what we made you deal with already. Your business was destroyed. You couldn’t say goodbye to grandma before she died. We did all of that to you, and you complied. So why the fuss now? Just take the shot. Freedom is just a jab away.
But of course, we are already free. We are born free. We cannot allow them to convince us otherwise.
As they did with masks and “lockdowns,” they will try to frame vaccine passports as normal and benign, as strictly necessary to reach “herd immunity” or whatever made-up target they’ve got today, while attacking anyone who opposes this unprecedented incursion on dignity and liberty, anyone who insists on living in an actually normal and free society, as a “conspiracy theorist” who hates science and wants to stand in the way of the public good. After a year of pushing us around with impunity, they’re counting on a public so demoralized and exhausted that we’ll simply give in.
The COVID control freaks must lose their momentum before they can establish this “new normal.” The restrictions must all collapse, as quickly as possible. Everyone must stop treating them like they’re real or carry any legitimacy because they don’t. The “new normal” and all its symbols and passwords, from the masks to the nonsensical lingo of “essential” and “nonessential,” must be rejected for the sham that it is. We must make it so that wearing a mask is more taboo and embarrassing than not wearing one.
We are duty-bound to boycott any business that refuses service for not wearing a mask or getting the shot. To be truly free people, we must act like it. Businesses should feel financial pain for discriminating against their customers, and Republican leaders should be forming a full-court press to prevent and preempt this discrimination before it can take place.
Medical apartheid is not inevitable, it is an alternative. But an entire year of authoritarian control met a supine response from much of the population, and the recent past does not offer consolation.
Obviously, the “experts” and their mouthpieces think of themselves as masters and Americans as their slaves. There can be no doubt about that. If we give in, then they are right, and we will deserve all that comes.