When I entered into the practice of medicine in 2005, I took what is called the “Hippocratic Oath.”
The Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest documents in human history, dating to Greece around 400 B.C. It is an oath of ethics historically taken by physicians and health care providers entering the practice of medicine. There are numerous modern-day versions of the Hippocratic Oath but the message is essentially the same.
Basic Principles of the Hippocratic Oath
The basic principles of the Hippocratic Oath are beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, and respect for the patient’s autonomy with its two rules of confidentiality and veracity.
We pledge, in essence, to do no harm to those we treat.
In the modern version that I voluntarily repeated, I did not proclaim that would blindly follow government officials and health organizations in considering treatment for my patients.
I have watched as countless numbers of my colleagues proclaim they are “following the science” over the past year. At the same time, they have not been able to adequately produce the “science” to justify their actions. Thus, the COVID religion was birthed and a massive cult following formed. They faithfully follow the four pillars of the Branch Covidian faith.
The practice of medicine has not been immune from the infusion of wokeism into society. It is under attack from leftists all across the globe.
Woke Medicine
In a Boston Review column two professors at Harvard Medical School, Drs. Michelle Morse and Bram Wispelwey advocate racism while claiming to combat racism.
Confused yet? If you are familiar with wokeism, then you are quite familiar with contradiction.
The op-ed is titled “An Antiracist Agenda For Medicine.” Amen and Amen! I completely agree with the surface teaching of that title and practice. But in lockstep with modern-day wokeism, we find the proverbial bait and switch when you actually read the piece.
This can be compared to the open socialist blowing the “democracy” horn. It’s either intentional deception or ignorance of terminology.
“After more than five decades of colorblind law,” the doctors write, “the stubborn persistence of racial inequities—both in health care and across society at large—gives the lie to the effectiveness of colorblind policies.”
Critical Race Theory
The doctors argue that those with non-white skin are less likely to be admitted to a particular cardiology service over a period of time. They go on to advocate reparations for the descendants of slaves and adopting critical race theory in their “vision for medical restitution!”
Wait . . . what?
But they said they have an “anti-racist agenda for medicine”?
This blows their cover. Their woke cards are exposed and the agenda is apparent.
This is direct evidence that these practicing physicians are using medicine as the basis to promote their political ideology.
The doctors say they’ve already launched “a preferential admission option for Black and Latinx heart failure patients to [their] specialty cardiology service.”
But have they personally started paying reparations to those patients? You already know the answer to that question. That’s someone else’s responsibility.
Critical race theory at its very core is a racist doctrine. It implicitly judges people based on their skin color. In particular, those with white skin. The doctrine teaches that everyone with low melanin counts is inherently racist regardless of what he or she believes or how he or she behaves. It intentionally segregates and makes a virtue out of “victimhood.”
Critical race theory is already being propagated in the public school system, within privately owned corporations, in Congress, and in the military.
These “antiracists” actually seem quite racist.
Breaking the Oath
The measures taken by Dr. Woke 1 and Dr. Woke 2 violate the Hippocratic Oath. By intentionally overlooking white and Caucasian individuals, these doctors are acting against beneficence, non-maleficence, and the justice aspects of the oath.
The infringement of beneficence acts as a disservice to those with white skin. Mercy is not given and there is a strong connotation of actually doing evil rather than good. Bypassing anyone who is seeking medical help based on skin color is diabolical.
Non-maleficence is diverted by the simple fact that looking past the Caucasian to any other human with darker skin tint is imposing harm. If you are a woke physician in this situation what exactly do you say to the white yuppie?
“Sorry Cracker, you just aren’t dusky enough! Please come back when your melanin counts are much higher.”
In the world of Woketopic medicine, this racism is lauded as “justice.” Because when you are calling for “medical restitution” there is no other form of justice but to retaliate against the white man.
Violating the 1964 Civil Rights Act
Not only is the idea of “medical restitution” for nonwhites morally repugnant, but it is also in direct violation of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which says:
No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
The Affordable Care Act also bars any Health and Human Services funding from going to a medical provider who discriminates on the basis of race.
But Dr. Woke1 and Dr. Woke2 do not seem to be bothered. In their op-ed, they openly acknowledge that implementing woke medicine such as this would garner “legal challenges from our system of colorblind law.”
That’s semi-Latin for “We know we are racist criminals. But we feel justified.”
Political Eugenics
The attempt to implement “medical restitution” is a woke ploy at appearing as though humanitarianism is what wins the day. The fact of the matter is that this is nothing more than the use of new leftist buzzwords to hoodwink the masses.
“Medical restitution” is simply an academic term for imposing political eugenics. This pilot program being proposed is political chicanery. It’s taking the politics of critical race theory and infusing the disease into healthcare.
This idea of race-based healthcare is morally unethical and transgresses the Hippocratic Oath. It also encroaches upon the written civil laws of the land and is completely illegal. The only cure for this disease is to accurately understand, define, and communicate the difference between equality and equity. One is not synonymous with the other.