The reason Democrats and their left-wing allies hate the Georgia election reform bill and are so adamant about passing their H.R. 1 / S 1 Corrupt Politicians Act is simple: They cheat and they want to keep cheating.
They cheated in the presidential election of 2020 and got away with it, thanks to a fearful judiciary, a complicit media, and a multimillion-dollar scheme that turned election offices in targeted cities and counties into Democratic turnout machines, and eliminated or ignored the verification requirements for people voting by mail to prove their identity and their eligibility to vote.
Now, they are furiously trying to codify their massive 2020 cheating into federal law and to stop states from imposing new safeguards against illegal voting and election irregularities.
Finding it difficult to pass their bill on the merits means they must change the subject. Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is conducting a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday he’s calling “Jim Crow 2.0,” for the purpose of marching out the “if-you-want-to-protect-America’s-elections-from-cheating-you-are-a-racist” meme.
Why are they doing this? Because Democrats have realized they are on the wrong side of the views of the American people in every component of their election stealing H.R. 1.
How do Americans feel about banning voter ID requirements? According to polling data released by the Honest Elections Project,
[o]ver three-quarters (77%) of Americans want people to show a photo ID to cast a ballot, while only 14% oppose it . . . by huge margins both Black and Hispanic voters favor voter identification for voting: Black voters, 64%, Hispanic voters 78%.
Similarly, 64% of Black voters, 77% of Hispanics, and 76% of low-income voters reject the notion that showing an ID is a ‘burden.’
Stronger verification of absentee and mail-in ballots? Voters in every demographic favor absentee voter ID, including the young (18-24, 64 percent) and senior voters (56 percent), black (58 percent) and Hispanic (68 percent) voters, and low-income voters (62 percent). Moreover, 72 percent of voters say it would be easy to comply with an ID law that requires absentee voters to provide their driver’s license or partial Social Security number.
How about requiring absentee ballots to be received by election day? Democrats scream “voter suppression.” But only 29 percent of voters agree . . . “[t]wice as many–59%–see that as a reasonable step to improve confidence in elections.”
The vast majority of the American people know that it should be easier to vote, but harder to cheat, which is why Americans in poll after poll support the common-sense changes that are included in Georgia’s election law.
The Democrats have, no doubt, seen the same polling data. So enter the national smear campaign to paint all election safeguards as “Jim Crow.”
Democrats invented the Jim Crow laws and used those laws to disenfranchise blacks who had been granted freedom from slavery, equal protection, and the right to vote through the Constitutional amendments adopted after the Civil War. When blacks began to vote and be elected to office in the South, as Republicans, southern Democrats were having none of that. They created and enacted the Jim Crow laws to ensure none of those newly granted rights were actually enjoyed or available to former slaves. And Democrats enforced their Jim Crow laws for more than a century wearing white robes and burning crosses and leading lynch mobs.
Democrats know how to do Jim Crow.
Fast forward to 2021: now they want to make sure that they can continue to herd African American voters and other minorities to the polls as they see fit, deny them their right to a secret ballot, fabricate and steal ballots belonging to legitimate voters, and engage in all manner of postmodern cheating. Just as they did in 2020.
Anyone claiming that the Georgia law is “voter suppression” simply hasn’t read it.
There are multiple provisions in the new law that make it easier to vote: It expands the permissible voter verification documents to include a bank statement or utility bill with the voter’s name and residential address. No photograph is required.
Early voting days are increased, additional Saturday voting days are mandated, local election officials are allowed to increase the hours for early voting, ballot drop boxes are mandated for every county, with the number based on population, among other similar “easier to vote” provisions.
What the Democrats actually hate about the Georgia law is that it also makes it harder to cheat. It requires those voting by mail to verify their identities with either government-issued photo ID number or bank statement or utility bill. It requires all mailed ballots (except overseas and military ballots) to be received by the election offices on Election Day. It requires absentee voters to verify that they voted a secret ballot, outside the observation of any third party. It bans ballot trafficking where political operatives and strangers collect unlimited numbers of ballots. It secures ballot drop boxes and requires chain of custody documentation. It requires that the total number of ballots issued by every election official be reported by 10 p.m. on Election Night, and any discrepancy in the number of ballots issued and the number of votes tabulated must be investigated. It requires that once ballot counting begins, it cannot stop until completed.
Every single one of these “harder to cheat” provisions in the Georgia law arises from a situation that took place in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.
The myriad problems thousands of Georgians experienced and witnessed following the 2020 election, and chronicled in hours of testimony taken by the state legislature in days and days of hearings, resulted in the new law.
The most concerning reports were those of the hundreds, maybe thousands, of voters who called various hotlines to report that when they went to vote on November 3, 2020, were told that they had already voted. Those legitimate, legal voters lost their right to vote because someone stole their ballot and their vote. That is voter suppression.
The changes in the Georgia law address specific and well-documented problems from 2020.
The Democrats hate those changes. Because they cheated thousands of Georgia voters last year and they want to be able to keep doing it.
Democrats are cheaters. Plain and simple. And that’s why they hate the new Georgia law and all other efforts to stop them from repeating their shenanigans year after year.