Unintentional self-parody is always the best kind.
It’s unlikely Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer set out to prove that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s fetish for lockdowns and masks does exactly nothing to stop the spread of coronavirus. Those of us who have been pointing out the data demonstrating this for months now will gladly accept her assistance nevertheless. Our mamas taught us never to look a gift horse in the mouth—not even the hypocritical ones, whose top aides vacation in the alleged coronavirus hellhole of Florida over spring break.
In our bestselling book, Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History, we bring the receipts for a reckoning a year after America launched “15 days to flatten the curve.” With more footnotes, citations, and references than it has pages, our book provides a platform for the real-time data to render its decisive verdict—lockdowns don’t work and neither do masks. That is to say, neither work to substantively stop the spread of coronavirus, but each of them certainly works in metastasizing the tumor of tyranny.
There are many documented facts we could list here to make our case. Such as the fact that the control group otherwise known as Sweden, which did almost no mitigation and has the lowest mask compliance in all of Europe, had a substantially lower increase in excess deaths in 2020 than the average of every other member of the European Union that did deploy these measures. There is also the fact that the median age for death with COVID in the United States is 78, or right around the average American lifespan, and the fact that almost half of U.S. deaths with COVID have occurred in nursing homes where less than 1 percent of the total population lives. Therefore, we didn’t save grandma by quarantining the younger and healthier populations, as promised.
It is also a fact that nine of the 10 states with the worst COVID death rates all deployed mask mandates, and some form of lockdown. Contrast that to the fact that Florida, which ended its lockdown restrictions on all businesses more than six months ago, just recorded single digits in daily COVID deaths for the first time since September. Meanwhile, the state of Michigan, with a lockdown so strict you couldn’t buy seeds to plant a garden outside, is currently struggling with record-setting daily death tolls and hospitalizations.
In fact, Michigan is currently the coronavirus hellhole. Which also explains why Whitmer’s own staff is trying to escape.
Speaking of Whitmer, there she was, proudly displaying her Fauci totem . . . err . . . pillow for all to see during a recent Zoom interview—letting the world know with this hamfisted virtue signal that she’s one of the smart set. She knows how to dutifully follow orders from Lord Farquaad . . . err . . . Fauci.
Indeed, Whitmer has done everything the fiendish Fauci has commanded her to do, and in the process has proven Fauci’s edicts may be about a lot of things, but effectively stopping the spread of coronavirus would not be one of them. Is that bad?
Michigan has been under an emergency order requiring masks anytime people from two or more households gather anywhere since October 5, 2020. Forget the “studies” the maskholes constantly cling to, which never have any control group to truly test their thesis. As Michigan’s real-time data demonstrates, the glorious Chinese face-diaper could not stop Michigan from becoming the capital of Covidstan. And if that is the case where, exactly, do they work? Further, how do we account for the second-largest state in the country, Texas, ending all restrictions and statewide mask mandates six weeks ago and yet seeing its numbers continue to decline?
The people of Michigan got exactly nothing for Whitmer’s slavish adherence to Fauci’s flat-earthism, except for the worst rate of businesses lost to government-forced lockdowns in the United States last year. About a third of Michigan businesses, or almost twice the national average, are never coming back after Whitmer’s lockdowns.
Despite all these blunders, however, we come not to bury Governor Whitmer but to praise her. For she has not only unintentionally endorsed our book, but is also now a devastating eyewitness to testify to Fauci’s failures. Who other than his own devoted acolyte has more firsthand knowledge of his disastrous decision to mandate the first quarantine of the healthy during a plague in human history?
Granted, you’ll probably have to treat Whitmer as a hostile witness, but she definitely deserves it.