The coronavirus is subsiding, and by the White House’s glad admission, vaccination is moving smoothly. A healthy civilization would treat this as a cause for celebration. With the arrival of spring, the timing couldn’t be better.
But for many, a return to normal is something to be dreaded. The imbecilic hypervigilance of Dr. Anthony Fauci has never been more tenuous, but the buffoon is not letting go. And while Joe Biden is awfully fond of boasting about the vaccine he had nothing to do with, as far as he’s concerned, normal life remains as elusive as it was in the early days of the pandemic.
With all signs indicating that things are improving, there is no justification for carrying on this way. After all the country has suffered, it is a slap in the face. Americans have lived in stultifying confinement for a year now. Persistence in this social experiment is not merely irrational, but anti-social and hostile to life.
If we do not reclaim the world we had, we will have a new form of life dictated to us by social engineers.
The COVID Clingers Won’t Let Go
Let’s not kid ourselves. For some, the coronavirus has been a joyride. Topping the list of COVID clingers is Biden. Where would he be without the pandemic? Not in the White House, that’s for certain. Without COVID, Biden would still be tottering around one of his mansions in Delaware.
COVID-19 has also been a blessing to the “expert” class and their media mouthpieces who have been elevated to god-like status, the newly contrived “essential” worker classes, and our ghastly health bureaucracy, praised ad nauseam for its “heroism” while preventing families from seeing loved ones and limiting transparency.
For countless unremarkable people, being a COVID hall monitor has provided a sense of superiority and importance. They will miss scolding their maskless neighbors. They have come to love the fear. Ironically, or perhaps not, those who ostensibly fear coronavirus the most seem most loath to lose it.
The COVID clingers are trying to squeeze everything they can out of this “crisis” before the momentum fades. We are, by a sleight of hand, being nudged to accept a “new normal” that we never asked for under the guise of returning to the normal that we once had.
They are already using it as a pretext to “perfect” democracy with no-excuse mail-in voting indefinitely, and Biden is now said to be pushing for “vaccine passports.” Of course, these entirely novel “passports” are being framed as humdrum things that have been around forever. What, you’ve never heard of them? Of course, they are totally key to “getting back to normal.” Obviously, if you need a “passport” to go about your daily life, you are not living a “normal” life anymore, but who’s keeping track?
When this began, Americans were told to accept temporary “sacrifices” to get past a health emergency, not permanent alterations to their society. But sacrifice implies a noble end. The country has not sacrificed, it has been browbeaten and bamboozled.
The very phrase “new normal” carries an admission that the virus was a pretext for social engineering all along. Now that the crisis is ending, we are being told this more or less openly: COVID was never really about COVID. Rather, its central significance is that it revealed a status quo ante that was rotten, and which needed to be replaced. Since when was that the deal?
The coronavirus is not, as some seem to think, a metaphysical event that divides history into “before” and “after.” It has an expiration date, and another pandemic will someday cause more suffering and death. Does this mean that we should change our civilization? That we should keep wearing masks in perpetuity, waiting for the next disaster to strike? One could just as well say, “I’m going to live in a cave, because my house might catch fire.”
The coronavirus is an aberration. Logically, once it is over, we should go back to normal. That’s what we would do, if we were living in a free society with benevolent leaders. But it has been clear for some time that panic and politics, not science, have driven the “lockdowns.”
Say “Yes” to Life and “No” to the “New Normal”
Those advancing the mantra “new normal” have been on a power trip for a year now. Anyone who figured they would mercifully relent when COVID is gone has not been paying attention. Why should they let a little vaccine get in the way? An array of bugaboos remain at their disposal. The latest is the “variants,” and if that fails, there’s always the possibility of another “resurgence.”
If this does end eventually, when it’s finally over, it won’t be a victory. What has transpired already is a cause for national shame. The conditions we have allowed ourselves to live with would have, in more virtuous periods of our history, inspired mass resistance.
What kind of country is it, where citizens need permission from some crooked bureaucrat like Fauci to earn a living? To worship God? Where did this absurd distinction of “essential” and “nonessential” human activity come from? Why did we submit to it so quickly?
This is America, not China. We don’t need a benediction from the president to eat hot dogs with our families and friends on July 4.
“A failure to take this virus seriously” is what got us here, says Biden. Yes, it’s true that Americans have not been vigilant, in a sense. The past year has plenty of lessons on the power of propaganda, the cowardice of mobs, the perils of blindly trusting government, which consists of corrupt human beings with their own ends, and the folly of “believing in science” and its spokesmen to lead us to paradise.
No, it was a failure to think critically, to perceive and respond to threats to liberty, that got us here, and it is also these things that are keeping us here. They will keep insisting the nonconformists are prolonging this situation, but at this stage, only the mindless conformists can be responsible.
Americans do not have a “patriotic duty” to obey those who have contempt for us: to let frauds, liars, and psychopaths bully our country into submission. By wearing masks, we are showing that we consent to be insulted, to live under the new normal, that we comply with its whole network of magic mandates. We are showing our willingness to believe in nonsense. In short, we are humiliating ourselves.
The American people are facing a test, but it is not a test of whether we are foolish enough to “trust in government,” as Biden implores to do—certainly not after the last year of arbitrary curtailments. We’ve already failed that test. It is whether we, as Americans, have the courage to take our country back, to reclaim life, or if we have finally degenerated into slaves.