The entire staff of the Nevada Democratic Party resigned after a coalition of progressive candidates backed by the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America took over the leadership of the Party.
Alana Mounce, the party’s executive director, told the newly elected party chair, Judith Whitmer, that she and other staffers were quitting, The Intercept reported.
“We weren’t really surprised, in that we were prepared for it,” Whitmer told the outlet.
“But what hit us by surprise and was sort of shocking is that for a slate that claimed that they were all about unity, and kept this false narrative of division going on throughout the entire campaign — in fact they kept intensifying that — that’s what was surprising about it, was the willingness to just walk away, instead of working with us,” she continued.
According to the Intercept report, a former Nevada Democratic Party staffer, who requested anonymity, said they quit because they felt Whitmer would demolish the party.
“I knew I couldn’t work with her and watch her destroy the years of hard work so many operatives put into making our state party the best state party in the country,” the ex-staffer said.
Also according to The Hill, a former Nevada Democratic Party staffer, again seeking anonymity, told the outlet, Whitmer had intended to build her own staff if she won election after several former aides were attacked by Bernie Sanders supporters on social media.