In light of the swirling vortex of destructive leftist partisanship demonstrated in the first month of Joe Biden’s regime, let us now annotate the words of aviation hero-turned-Lincoln Project lackey Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger [please genuflect], regarding the new president of the United States.
“Leadership is not just about sitting in the pilot’s seat.”
That’s true. But exactly who is sitting in the pilot’s seat? Joe Biden, when he isn’t manifesting the traits of senility?
Kamala, “Fwee-dom” Harris, former “little girl on the school bus”-turned-Willie Brown paramour, now chatting solo with world leaders?
Or assorted leftists in the cabinet whose jobs came not from merit, but from a political deal with socialist Bernie Sanders?
C’mon Sully, tell us. Who is flying this thing? Who, for sure, has hands on the yoke and throttle of the United States government? Shoot, now even Democrats want to take the nuclear “football” away from Vertigo Joe.
Or is it all on some socialist autopilot? You promoted this, Sully, so you must have the answer. What are you going to do now, squawk 7500?
“It’s about knowing what you’re doing and taking responsibility for it.”
Really? Judging from Biden’s continued inability to maintain focus, would you trust him as captain of an A-320?
What the hell would you do if you were in the right seat, port engine out, stormy night instrument approach, and as you neared the missed approach point, you couldn’t tell Biden’s actions from a bad case of spatial disorientation? Answer: You’d grab the yoke, yell “My Airplane!” and pray like hell you didn’t violently collide with the ground.
“Being prepared, ready, and able to handle anything that might come your way.”
Sure thing! Like last month, when Chairman Xi’s Air Force flew a squadron of eight bombers and four fighters right through Taiwan’s airspace and Biden did . . . nothing. (Echoes of the hamfisted Barack Obama and Crimea.)
Is that an example of handling anything that comes your way? Distinctly not.
You said,
I’ve been flying over this country for 53 years—53 years of flights you’d never heard about and one that you’ve heard everything about. They’re calling it ‘Miracle On The Hudson.’ Everyone on board, 155 people made it out alive.
My whole life prepared me for that moment. From my father, a Naval officer in World War II, I learned the awesome responsibility of command. From my service as an Air Force officer and a fighter pilot, I knew that serving a cause greater than oneself is the highest calling.
Except you left the United States Air Force soon after you completed your mandatory commitment in exchange for a free academy education and jet flight training, so you could make big bucks flying for the airlines.
“And it’s in that highest calling of leadership that Donald Trump has failed us so miserably.”
Let’s see: A billionaire who needed absolutely nothing decided to serve his country. Despite non-stop, intense media and political resistance, he pulled off Project Warp Speed, three Supreme Court justices, energy independence, the wall . . . and, oh yeah, Mr. Aviation, the United States Space Force!
“Now it’s up to us to overcome his attacks on our very democracy knowing nearly a quarter-million Americans won’t have a voice, casualties of his lethal lies and incompetence.”
You can’t possibly be talking about Trump’s Project Warp Speed that facilitated the unprecedented development, production, and distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine to millions of Americans in record time. Get your shot yet?
What about the 74.2 million Americans who apparently didn’t have a voice in the 2020 election, thanks to suspected voter fraud? What about Joe’s word salad responses as thousands of union workers (who voted for him) lost their jobs at Keystone XL? Or the “circle back” nonanswers on COVID policy ranging from school opening to mask-wearing, and the obvious collusion of corporate media and Big Tech. These are not threats to democracy?
“Eleven years ago, I was called to my moment. Now we are all called to this moment. When you look down at our beautiful, boundless country, you don’t see political divisions.”
You must have been flying IFR in weather (flying blind would be more descriptive, given your demonstrated lack of political acumen) to have missed the fires and smoke plumes in Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Atlanta, Minneapolis, New York, and other places without political divisions.
“It reminds us of who we are and what we can be. That we are in control of this nation’s destiny. . . . All we have to do is . . . Vote. Him. Out.”
You sort of got what you asked for Sully, but now we are all stuck with the disastrous end result.
And what about our nation’s destiny?
Now that your noisome dumpster fire debut as Lincoln Project chump has tarnished everything you appeared to stand for, we are left with a heretofore unimaginably divisive situation: The U.S. Constitution to which we both swore allegiance is being eroded before our very eyes.
Nice going, Cockwomble.