A couple of months ago I wrote about my esteemed alma mater, Elon University.
At the time, I was miffed about the administration’s decision to hire far-left radical Megan Squire, a purported educator and a fellow at America’s most prestigious hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center—a woman whose sole purpose in her sad life is to deplatform young conservatives from the internet over alleged thought crimes. For the record, I remain miffed about that.
But I regret to inform you that my alma mater is at it again.
Last week, I read that Elon University was, until recently, segregating “white-identifying individuals to engage in conversations that unpack race and systemic oppression . . . in a way that does not burden or re-traumatize people of color.”
This form of segregation, I learned, is called a “white caucus,” and it gives “white people a space to learn about and process their awareness of and complicity in unjust systems without harming their friends of color.”
After this report became widely circulated and ridiculed, the school said it canceled the “white caucus.”
Maybe you’re wondering how white students at Elon will learn to hate themselves for their immutable characteristics—an exercise that’s considered essential in today’s academy—now that the “white caucus” has been dismantled.
If that’s the case, please don’t be alarmed.
In July, Elon President Connie Book sent an email to all alumni informing us she had created a new position called the “Vice President and Associate Provost for Inclusive Excellence,” which she filled immediately. She also vowed to assemble the faculty brain trust, minuscule though it might be, to “require students in all majors to take courses that drive [a] deeper understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Faculty and staff will now be graded and considered for raises and promotions based on how well they promote the school’s social justice agenda.
After all, white students couldn’t possibly learn biology without also learning how biology is racist. They couldn’t possibly obtain a degree in say, mathematics, without also being taught that long division is somehow “racist.”
If all of this is sounding a bit bizarre to you, that’s because it is. But it’s not unusual.
Universities across the country, my alma mater included, have dropped the pretext that institutions of higher education serve to teach students skills that could be valuable in obtaining a job, and competently carrying out the duties associated with that job. Long before that, they gave up the pretext that the academy should serve as a place where the free exchange of ideas is encouraged, trading that longstanding tradition for ruthless ideological conformity to the “progressive” status quo.
But today, I come bearing solutions, not simply grievances.
To start, I would like to formally renounce my bachelor of science in business administration, the degree I obtained from Elon University in 2014. That degree is not worth the paper it’s printed on anyway, and I do not wish to be associated with a school that openly promotes anti-white discrimination, or segregation in the name of “social justice.”
Secondly, I’d like to make a simple plea to those of you who contribute financially to your own alma maters: don’t do it. Keep your money, or give it to other worthy charitable causes.
These institutions of “higher learning” are at the root of the moral rot in American society. What is happening at Elon University is happening at nearly every college in the country.
Perhaps you’re a booster for your alma mater’s athletic program because you enjoy watching a football game with your fellow alumni. I understand the appeal. Or maybe you give your alma mater $25 every time some kid who works in the school’s alumni relations office calls begging for money, just to placate him.
The money you give to these institutions is being used to teach your children and your grandchildren to hate America. It is being used to indoctrinate them into the religion of social justice, which holds that America is a fundamentally racist society that must atone for its “original sin” of slavery. It is being used to turn the sweet, normal child you raised into an anti-American Marxist who thinks your beliefs are backwards and stupid, and that it is his or her duty to completely erase those beliefs from the public square.
And about that atonement: there is no forgiveness in the religion of social justice. That “original sin” of slavery will never be erased. No matter the gesture you make to apologize for the history of this great nation, it will never be enough to placate that mob. You will never be able to shake hands with these leftists and come to an agreement that will allow all of us to move forward peacefully.
The only way to end the madness is to hit these schools where it hurts the most: their bank accounts.
Ultimately, what is being taught at these universities will lead to the downfall of America as we know it, and that process is well underway. The Antifa thugs you see rioting in the streets are largely products of America’s institutions of higher learning.
The only prayer you have to stop them is to get together with your alumni groups and let your alma mater know you’re finished underwriting their social justice escapades. Demand reforms, and wait until those reforms are carried out before you give them another dime.
I hope you’ll seriously consider it.