Back in 2016, when broadcaster Lars Larson attempted to find out whether one Arcan Cetin was a citizen of the United States, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency told him, essentially, “Sorry, our obligation is to protect this migrant’s privacy.”
“Who,” you ask, “is Mr. Cetin”? Cetin is a contributor to the phenomenon I term “murder-by-Muslim-immigrant.” He murdered five innocents, north of Seattle.
Arcan Cetin voted, reports Larson. But nobody at ICE was willing to tell a good citizen like our broadcaster if Cetin voted legally or not.
As it turned out, a sigh of relief was in order. The stellar Cetin, who, like most Muslim immigrants, voted Democrat, violated the Sixth Commandment five times, but, thank God, did not appear to have violated the commandment against voter fraud. Rumor has it that the murderer had been awarded citizenship, although it’s impossible to ascertain.
The point is you can rest assured voter fraud is as rampant in the United States as it is in any banana republic—and not only because Americans are barred from checking whether a Muslim murderer is a fellow citizen. But, rather, because the progressive, globalist Left has fought down-and-dirty to bar any proof of citizenship at the time of voting.
Yes, the law requires, in my state, as in most of these United States, that you be a citizen, as well as a resident of the state in which you’re voting. But you don’t have to provide proof of citizenship when voting.
To vote in Washington State, as in most states, all that’s needed is a driver’s license or a current state ID card. Essentially, the American voting system, thanks to the triumph of left-liberalism, is based on an honor system.
Journalist John Fund’s research has shown that when they vote; “80 percent of non-citizens vote Democratic.” And that “6.4 percent of non-citizens voted illegally in the 2008 election.” Funds’ sources confirm that a significant number of “non-citizens register as voters” and have voted in sufficient numbers to sway elections. And when these efforts fail, the government might step in and commit indirect voter fraud.
For instance, in 2016, or thereabouts, the Feds wrongly granted citizenship to hundreds facing deportation, an “error” the culprits were unwilling to correct.
The point is that the progressive Left—Obama’s Justice Department in particular—pursued every legal remedy in the book against states seeking to require proof of citizenship from voters.
The point is that we’re a sprawling country of competing interests, in which raw, ripe democracy has long-since usurped the old constitutional republic, where limits were placed on the power of thumping majorities.
In a rank, raw democracy, where might makes right, and almost every vote is a lien against someone’s private property; voter-fraud by default is a big deal.
Donald Trump’s supporters might be the losers in something of a rigged electoral system; but they’re certainly not stupid.
That’s another oft-repeated insult. Trump’s base of supporters is referred to as whites without college degrees. Again and again we’ve heard that Trump overperformed with white men without college degrees. The reference is intended not only as a demographic marker, but as a Mark of Cain.
Implicit in tethering a lack of education to Trump support is the notion that the more educated a voter, the smarter. And the smarter the voter, the more likely he or she is to support the Democrats.
Correlation, of course, is not causation. My hypothesis, however, points to a confounding variable or factor—in other words, another variable related to both education and voting patterns that could account for the good sense displayed by degreeless Trump supporters.
Voters without college or university degrees have not been institutionalized during life’s formative years.
Voters without college or university degrees have not spent years in the tertiary school asylums, where, as in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether,” inmates in an asylum overpower their wardens, tar and feather them, throw them into underground cells, and proceed to have “a jolly season of it.” (The point of Poe’s story, mind you, was that the inmates are at least as “sane” as the wardens.)
In other words, many of Trump’s supporters are less likely to have been brainwashed and propagandized by the asphyxiating, postmodern, racial and gender agitprop that makes college-educated kids insufferable. Trump voters are not subject to groupthink and atavistic acting out commensurate with “education” emphasizing a wanton abandoning of inhibitions.
Spending protracted time in college or university is almost guaranteed to turn out individuals whose uniformity of opinion is as scary as its uninformed nature.
Support for Trump is associated with a less propagandized population.
In my thoroughly propagandized county, 70 percent approved a charter amendment to transfer property (we all pay for) to be used for low-income housing (read: the homeless, to whom the city of Seattle has already been ceded.) Don’t complain, neighbors, when the sh-t hits the fan.
Also, 57 percent of subjects in my county, King County, decided to relinquish their sovereignty and let a council of Jenny Durkans choose their sheriff for them—thus making the sheriff a patronage position.
Most of my neighbors voted to allow the political class to invest public money in causes driven by their politics.
Majorities opted to assign more taxpayer-funded lawyers to assorted claims-makers and add more protected-species categories to already oppressively expansive, extant law.
Washingtonians said “hell, yes” to more twerking, transgendered genitalia in the faces of their toddlers.
The neighbors seconded Charter Amendment No. 3, which trashes the word “citizen,” and replaces it with “member of the public” or “resident,” all the better to facilitate wealth transfer. The “People of the World” passing through our county may get free goodies or vote to get them if denied.
Neighbors voted to impose more sensitivity training on our demoralized and defunded police force. Oh, and should you call in a burglary, why, a “mental-health professional” may arrive on your doorstep. It’s called “resourcing alternatives.” Yes, English is also on the wane in the Evergreen State.
Governor Jay Inslee won 58 percent of the vote. If you’re among the business owners who voted for this chap—suck it up! Having voted for Inslee’s internment terrorism, you can’t expect sympathy, now, can you?
Love thy neighbor as thyself? Forgive me, vengeful God of the Hebrews, but it’s getting harder and harder . . .