Two members of President Trump’s legal team and the president himself are claiming to have discovered evidence of massive election fraud generated by software produced by Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems.
Dominion is running our Election. Rigged!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020
Sidney Powell, lead lawyer for former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Flynn, and Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani are both alleging that statistical evidence shows hundreds of thousands of votes switched from Trump to the “projected winner” Joe Biden and that President Trump actually won the election in a landslide.
According to Giuliani, the president has no intention of conceding and is “vigorously” contesting the election in court.” During an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, Giuliani also revealed stunning information regarding a top officer at Dominion. Giuliani was alluding to Eric Coomer, allegedly the Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Security at Dominion. The former New York mayor called him “a big supporter of antifa” who has written “horrible things about the president” on social media.
On Friday, Powell told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs that she was about to “release the Kraken” to prove it, saying she could “hardly wait to put forth all the evidence we have collected on Dominion.”
“President Trump won this election in a landslide,” Powell told Dobbs. “It’s going to be irrefutable. Patriots are coming forward every day, all day, faster than we can collect their information.”
“We’ve got statistical evidence of just hundreds of thousands of votes just being put in and replicated,” she added, before calling for a “massive criminal investigation,” which she says will “affect millions of voters and elections.”
“People need to come forward now and get on the right side of this issue and report the fraud they know existed in Dominion Voting Systems because that’s what it was created to do,” she continued. “It was its sole original purpose, it has been used all over the world to defy the will of people who wanted freedom.”
Both Dominion and Smartmatic both deny the allegations.
In a statement on its website, Dominion Voting Systems said that it “categorically denies false assertions about vote switching issues.” Smartmatic meanwhile said in a statement says it “has never provided Dominion Voting Systems with any software, hardware or other technology. The two companies are competitors in the marketplace.”
Powell told Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that votes cast for Trump through Dominion and Smartmatic were simply “wiped away.” She also revealed that retired Admiral Peter Neffenger, president and a board member of Smartmatic, has joined Biden’s presidential transition team, which she predicted would soon be “nonexistent” because “we’re fixing to overturn the results of the election in multiple states.”
The attorney told Bartiromo: “President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes, but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose. We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections.” She added that the witness was “fully briefed on it” and “saw it happen in other countries.”
“It was exported internationally for profit by the people that are behind Smartmatic and Dominion,” Powell told Bartiromo. “They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They have done it before.”
She said she’s seen overwhelming evidence of the election fraud and it keeps coming in.
“We have evidence from 2016 in California. We have so much evidence, I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose,” she said.
Bartiromo pointed out that Trump’s legal team have very little time to prove the fraud, since the election is supposed to be certified in early December:
“Well, let me put it this way,” Powell said. “First of all, I never say anything I can’t prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast, I can’t even process it all. Millions of Americans have written, I would say, by now. Definitely, hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud.
But this is a massive election fraud, and I’m very concerned it involved not only Dominion and its Smartmatic software, but that the software essentially was used by other election machines also. It’s the software that was the problem.”
She continued:
Even their own manual explains how votes can be wiped away. They can put — it’s like drag-and-drop — Trump votes to a separate folder and then delete that folder. It’s absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system.
In fact, every state that bought Dominion, for sure, should have a criminal investigation or at least a serious investigation of the federal — of the officers in the states who bought the software. We have even got evidence of some kickbacks, essentially.
Powell said she’s collecting evidence from various whistle-blowers, who are “aware of substantial sums of money being given to family members of state officials who bought this software.”
She blasted the U.S. government for ignoring complaints, even from Democrats such as Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar, who complained in 2019 about “secretive and trouble-plagued companies that are responsible for manufacturing and maintaining voting machines and other election administration equipment,” but have “skimped on security…leaving voting systems across the country prone to security problems,” including vote switching.
Powell said Dominion’s manual — “if you sat down and read it, would explain how and why no honest person would use this system. And it’s not just Dominion. There are other companies in the voting machine business in this country, too, that may very well and are likely using the same software.
“We have detected voting irregularities that are inexplicable and aligned with these problems in other states that think they have valid systems. But the people who bought the Dominion system, for sure, knew exactly what they were getting. It should never have been installed anywhere.
“And we are going to show the public exactly how rotten the entire state is.”
According to Powell, “They can watch votes in real time. They can shift votes in real time. We have identified mathematically the exact algorithm they used and planned to use from the beginning to modify the votes, in this case, to make sure Biden won…And they can do anything they want with the votes. They can have the machines not read the signature. They can have the machines not read the down-ballot. They can make the machines read and catalog only the Biden vote.
“It’s like drag-and-drop whatever you want, wherever you want, upload votes.”
She called it “massive election fraud” that’s “going to undo the entire election.”
“In fact, we have got math in Michigan and Pennsylvania, I think it is, that, all of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of votes at a 67 percent ratio for Biden, 23 percent for Trump were uploaded multiple times into the system.”
Powell said she has a sworn statement from a witness who knows exactly how the alleged fraud worked.
President Trump, in a flurry of tweets over the weekend, wrote in all caps: “I WON THE ELECTION!”
He also alluded to problems with Dominion Voting Systems, which he said was “turned down by Texas and many others because it was not good or secure.”
“Why does the Fake News Media continuously assume that Joe Biden will ascend to the Presidency, not even allowing our side to show, which we are just getting ready to do, how badly shattered and violated our great Constitution has been in the 2020 Election,” Trump tweeted on Sunday.
“It was attacked, perhaps like never before! From large numbers of Poll Watchers that were thrown out of vote counting rooms in many of our States, to millions of ballots that have been altered by Democrats, only for Democrats, to voting after the Election was over, to using Radical Left owned Dominion Voting Systems, turned down by Texas and many others because it was not good or secure, those responsible for the safeguarding of our Constitution cannot allow the Fake results of the 2020 Mail-In Election to stand. The world is watching!”
Giuliani told Bartiromo that President Trump is outraged by the vast amount of vote rigging that went on through a foreign company that has close ties to Venezuela and China.
It’s way beyond what people think,” he said. “It [Dominion] uses Venezuelan software that’s been used to steal elections in other countries,” he said, stressing that the company is a national security threat.
Giuliani added that Dominion is “a radical left company” that employs “a big supporter of antifa” who has written “horrible things about the president” on social media for years.
The former New York Mayor was referring to Eric Coomer, who joined Dominion as Vice President of U.S. Engineering in 2010 and was later later promoted to Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Security. Coomer’s name was recently removed from the Dominion page of directors.
Giuliani also claimed that Dominion’s software is handled by Smartmatic, a company that was founded by Hugo Chavez, the former dictator of Venezuela.
“It’s been used to cheat in elections in South America. It was banned by the United States about a decade ago. It’s come back now as a subcontractor to other countries,” he explained.
“This company has tried and true methods for fixing elections,” he said, which includes calling a halt to the vote counting when their candidate is falling to far behind.
In a stunning interview on Friday, Joe Oltman, the founder of Faith Education Commerce United, revealed how he came to find out that an antifa radical was a top official of the company and shareholder.
Earlier this year, Oltman was named an Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2020 Mountain Desert Region Award finalist for starting PIN Business Network, “a Data as a Service (DaaS) company that privatizes and leverages first-party data to enable businesses to thrive.”
He told conservative commentator Michelle Malkin that he had infiltrated Antifa and was able to get in on a call with antifa members and supporters in late September discussing the upcoming election.
He described how the leftists on the call—which included members of the corporate media—repeatedly used the word “fascist” to describe their political opponents.
“It’s unbelievable how they speak to each other,” Oltman said.
The entrepreneur told Malkin that at one point during the call, he heard someone named Eric tell the antifa members they needed to “keep up the pressure.”
When someone asked, “Who’s Eric?” one of the other participants answered, “Eric, he’s the Dominion guy,” he said. Oltman said that at the time he didn’t know what Dominion was, but he wrote the information down in the notes he took during the call.
Oltman said that as the conversation continued, someone asked, “What are we gonna do if f*cking Trump wins?” Oltman paraphrased how Eric from Dominion responded, “Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that, hahaha!”
After Oltman finished the call, he started to investigate “Eric from Dominion,” and realized it was Eric Coomer, Dominion’s Voting Systems Officer. He said it seemed odd to him that an officer from a voting software company would be on an Antifa call because that at the time he knew nothing about Dominion Voting Systems. Oltman said he was ashamed to admit that didn’t know the voting software was being used in multiple states.
He said it wasn’t until he heard more about Dominion Voting Systems in the news following the election that he remembered the remarks made by “Eric from Dominion” during the Antifa chat.
“The deeper I got into it, the worse it got,” he said. “Because he had his fingerprints everywhere.”
“If you look at some of the patents he’s written … and you look at the people who were associated with him in those patents, it would scare you,” he said.
Oltman said he began digging into Coomer’s background, and accessed what he claims was Eric Coomer’s Facebook page.
He said he’s never seen such hate and vitriol coming from someone who has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics. Oltman explained to Malkin that Coomer actually re-posted the Antifa manifesto to President Trump on his Facebook page.
Before that, he posted YouTube videos of songs that said “f—k the police,” and “f—k the USA,” Oltman said.
He pointed out that Dominion “is in 40 states and handle most of the elections in 28 states.”
“The market share of Dominion is why this reaches from conspiracy theory to conspiracy truth,” Malkin remarked.
“It is truth. It’s 100 percent truth,” Oltman insisted. “I’m betting everything on it.”
#MalkinLive: Election update
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 13, 2020