As the old saw goes, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” As of this writing, the 2020 election outcome for the two candidates hangs in the balance. But whatever happens, the American people now know that the polls were a deception.
In an era during which more than 90 percent of voters committed to a decision weeks before election day, we were asked to believe Biden was up 47 percent to 42 percent in Florida. He was up six points in North Carolina, 12 points in Michigan, and eight points in Wisconsin. Days ago, the president supposedly was underwater in Ohio by four points. Did people change their minds? No, of course not.
It’s hard to know exactly when the polling process became contaminated. Were these shy voters who refused to talk to pollsters? Trump supporters seemed increasingly less “shy” as thousands thronged to impromptu public parades and rallies. But we can suspect that the polls consistently erred on the side of a President Biden for the same reason that the legacy media so clearly abuses its readers with misinformation: They’re liars. The polls are lies and the reporting on the polling is lies.
The signs have been there for months. Trump supporters knew they were being lied to. But some Biden voters suspected it. A few true liberal holdouts began nervously grumbling about the Big Tech censorship of the Hunter Biden financial scandals. African Americans, Hispanics, LGBTQ, and blue-collar workers increasingly have resisted their typecasting. Famous rappers began giving cultural permission to vote for Trump.
Like kamikaze planes splashing harmlessly in the sea adjacent to their targets, the legacy media either lied to America or themselves as they squandered the last shreds of illusionary credibility. The polls were never meant to reflect public opinion. They were always about shaping the opinion. And as the day of reckoning approached and the real opinion failed to follow the pollster’s wishful thinking, many tried to pull out of their dives, reporting a “tightening” race.
Balderdash. The opinions have not changed that much in just a few days.
Just before 1:00 a.m. Eastern time, Joe Biden addressed a honking “rally” of supporters with an upbeat assessment of the situation. He cited a likely upset in Arizona and expressed hope for a victory in Wisconsin and Michigan but cautioned that the final outcome might not be known until Wednesday or even later in the week “until every vote is counted.” Which is code for lawyers and riots to push through sketchy ballots in close races.
Biden may yet win the presidency. If he does, I will wish him well and pray for his success. But regardless, we spent the last several months in a fog of coordinated propaganda posing as polling. We were told that Americans were about to elect Biden in a Reagan-style “blue wave.” Instead, as Tuesday became Wednesday, the race revealed itself to be what we probably always should have suspected: competitive and well within reach of the president.