London Terrace Towers, a luxe apartment building in Chelsea, New York that has been home to Chelsea Clinton, Pete Davidson and Tim Gunn, among other famous and wealthy residents are hiring armed guards for Election day, Page Six reported.
Management reportedly sent out an email to residents which read, “As you are aware, government enforcement agencies across the country are making plans to control the possible civil unrest following the upcoming presidential election.”
“Regardless of the outcome of [Tuesday’s] election, our concerns range from isolated violent incidents to a long stretch of mass protests, confrontations between extremists, and potential property damage,” it continued.
The building comprising four corner buildings at Ninth and Tenth Avenues will be patrolled with extra guards, and insiders told Page Six they’ll be carrying guns.
A four-bedroom apartment in the luxurious buildings is currently listed for sale at $7.5 million. A two-bedroom apartment is currently available for a monthly rent of $7,800.
Other current and former residents of the building include Debbie Harry, Malcolm Gladwell, Bill Hader, Annie Leibovitz, Bridget Moynahan, tennis star Milos Raonic, iHeartRadio podcaster Rob Shuter and his Grammy-winning husband Bruce Sussman.
“It’s all a little much but this is Chelsea and with The Eagle leather bar closed due to the pandemic, no one is going to complain about seeing guys in uniform with a big gun!” said one resident.
The residents of London Terrace are not the only wealthy New Yorkers battening down the hatches. The Post’s Jennifer Gould reported on Wednesday that the city’s “ultra rich are quietly preparing for civil unrest on Election Day — by hiring armed guards to stand watch over their luxury Manhattan buildings.”