This is a speech that some Republican statesman, perhaps one with presidential aspirations, should give. Feel free to steal from it liberally.
America is at stake on November 3. The American people must choose between two competing and incompatible views of America itself. The choice is between a Republican Party that believes in the goodness of America and a Democratic Party now controlled by a movement that believes America is irremediably evil.
Donald Trump stands with those who believe in America. Joe Biden stands with those who don’t. No American alive has ever faced a choice as consequential as this.
In the past, Republicans and Democrats were united on the fundamental things. Neither party had any doubt that America was good and worth defending.
No longer. That common bond is broken; shattered by Black Lives Matter, so-called “Democratic Socialists,” and the other cultural terrorists who now dominate the Democratic Party. They think America is fundamentally racist, unjust, and evil. They have been clear. They do not want to improve America; they want to remake it.
Poor Joe Biden. He says, “I am the Democratic Party.” If he believes that, he is the only one. Joe Biden is the radical’s unwitting Trojan horse. If elected, Biden will smuggle into the White House the most radical administration in America’s history.
We have seen proof of this in the riots this summer. By giving billions to the BLM network, the Democrats’ major donors helped fund the riots. By looking the other way, the Democratic media gave cover for the riots. By refusing to condemn them, and in many cases, cheering them outright, Democratic leaders, from Joe Biden down, encouraged the riots. By all of this, the riots became the work of the Democratic establishment. The rioting radicals now own the Democratic Party.
Of course, Joe Biden disputes this. He’s fond of asking, “do I really look like a radical?” He doesn’t. But in his weakness and his ambition he has become a tool of the radicals. Terrified of them, he and the entire Democratic Party are being dragged along by the extremists they have unleashed.
Biden sits in his basement helpless and silent. When he does speak, he redoubles his complicity, declaring that America is systemically racist, that racism is “in everything we do.”
Well, Joe Biden is wrong. And by saying that racism is in “everything we do,” he colludes in the radicals’ project to overthrow the American way of life. He may not understand what he is saying, but AOC, “the squad,” BLM, and the rest of the radicals do. They believe in the revolution, and in Joe Biden they have found their dimwitted triggerman.
If these extremists don’t believe in America, what do they believe in? They see nothing but skin color and sexual orientation, and they rank humanity based on it. They think those with “privilege” should be torn down and their material wealth divvied up among a variety of identity groups until all groups have equal income and power. This can only lead to strife and misery, and it requires a government that is all-powerful, capable of taking at will whatever it wants.
The radicals who control the Democratic Party understand that if they are to remake America they must destroy the institutions that teach American values and principles, like the traditional family. They must also deny biological reality, like sexual differences. According to them, these things are “power structures” that perpetuate white or male privilege. Black Lives Matter, which perfectly expresses the modern Democratic agenda, explicitly calls for the end of the traditional family and the transgenderization of everything.
If you want proof that BLM now dominates the Democratic Party, look no further than Joe Biden’s recent claim that “transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time.” In these words, we hear a painful truth: The cultural terrorists have won the battle for the soul of the Democratic Party.
But they have not yet won the war. President Trump stands in their way.
Love him or hate him, President Trump has defended the American way of life. Time and time again, the president has shown that he believes in America’s goodness. He has not the slightest doubt that America, despite its failings, is still by far the greatest country the world has ever seen. He is right on the money.
Among his biggest strengths is his willingness to violate the strictures of political correctness. Today, the only way to stand up for the goodness of America is to stand against the tyranny of political correctness.
The president’s actions speak to his burning desire to defend the American way of life. He has upheld the rights of churches, fought against liberal indoctrination and lies in our schools, protected the family from those who would tear it down, and defended community life from nanny-state Washington bureaucrats.
When the president learned that federal employees were being taught to disdain their country, he banned such teaching. And when the radical Left falsely claimed that America’s founding was in 1619, tied to slavery, and tried to take that message into the classroom, Donald Trump said no—America was born in 1776 with the principles of the Declaration of Independence. He understands that we will not survive if we teach our citizens that their country is unworthy.
President Trump understands that the divide in America is fundamentally about the American way of life. He knows that we are engaged in a “culture war” and he always rushes the breach.
But sadly, he has often stood alone. Yes, Republicans have defended him on many points, from tax cuts, to impeachment and the Russia hoax, to his Supreme Court nominations. All these issues matter. But none matter more than the fight for the American way of life. In that all-important struggle, most Republicans have been sitting on their hands. They fail to see that American culture is fundamentally at stake. They have left the president to defend America by himself.
But he cannot do it by himself. He needs an army behind him, an army willing to fight with the same courage and moral clarity as the president of the United States—an army that denies that the police are racist and an army that denies that America is racist—not because America or the police have entirely rid themselves of every incident of racism, but because there is no reasoning with those who think America is in its nature racist and evil. If you give them an inch, they will take every mile, until America is in ruins.
There are other truths we must proclaim. We must say that the group Black Lives Matter does not care about black lives or any lives. We must say that it is a profound insult to the American people to imply that they do not believe that black lives matter—of course we believe that. Finally, we must say that Black Lives Matters, the organization, is precisely the thing that it condemns America for being—racist. Those, like BLM, who judge people by the color of their skin, are racist.
If we fail to speak these truths forthrightly, then such racism will find its way into the Oval Office of the United States, and from there into our laws and our values, leading to the end of the American experiment in freedom and self-government.
We cannot, we must not, let that happen. If we do not stand toe-to-toe against the extremists who run the Democratic Party and control Joe Biden, they will not stop. If they win, they will make it official government doctrine that America is indeed racist, and they will silence those of us who dare dissent. In fact, they are already doing so. They have captured the classroom, the corporate boardroom, and the commanding heights of popular culture. If they capture our government—our White House and Congress—it could all be over soon.
The window to stop these radicals from conquering the entire country is closing fast. It is up to us, as it has been up to each generation that preceded us, to preserve the American way of life.
We must do this for our own sake and for the sake of freedom itself. “All are created equal” …. “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” … this is the cause for which our country was conceived and is dedicated. And over and over we Americans have shown we meant it.
Let us prove once more that we are worthy to call ourselves Americans. And on November 3, let us do our part, in our time, to protect this “last best hope of earth.”