Presidential candidate Joe Biden has catastrophic problems that would hobble any candidate in ordinary times. His mental capacity is failing so badly that he appears senile and lost in many of his public appearances. He is too mentally and physically tired to campaign. He has been exposed for raking in multimillion-dollar payoffs from China, Ukraine, and Russia when serving as vice president, using his son Hunter to launder the bribes. This is the worst level of corruption, and with the country’s worst enemies, ever seen in America.
None of it matters to his voters. But there’s more.
Those are Biden’s personal liabilities. His policy liabilities should be just as fatal—all recorded on video and enshrined in the Democratic Party platform for his voters to see. Biden and the Democratic Party have an ambitious vision—they are noble warriors in a fight against climate change, white supremacism, and nativism. They are proud of it.
Translated into policy, it doesn’t sound as good. Democrats are the party of no energy, no police, no borders. As a bonus, they are forcing white students and workers in corporate America into indoctrination sessions teaching them how evil they are.
Republicans look at this and see a complete divorce from the real world. “No fossil fuels” means no economy. “Abolish the police” means murder and destruction, as we have witnessed all summer. It is a return to savagery and each man defending his own family. “No borders” means no country. To reject a colorblind society is to foment a race war.
To make matters even worse, Democratic policies on energy, the police, and borders fall hardest on one of Biden’s most crucial voting blocks: poor minority voters. Without police protection, a thousand more Americans were murdered this year, most of them black. This was directly due to the liberal war on police, and blacks know it. Minority businesses have been burned to the ground by spoiled, woke, white kids.
Are Biden and the Democratic leadership insane to attack white people, energy, police, borders? No. They are raking in campaign contributions like never before. The media loves them. The polls love them. Their voting blocs are loyal. Things are pretty good for them.
There is no price to pay. Democratic voters choose to ignore what they see with their own eyes. They will not believe that Biden is senile and corrupt because he is their guy, and they are the good guys.
None of Biden’s problems matter to Democratic voters. They don’t wish to hear about it and if they do by mistake, they plug their ears.
These know-nothing Democrats range from the rich, successful brains of Silicon Valley and Wall Street to Millennial Marxists and snowflakes. It includes unionized teachers and the failing students they groom for a life on welfare. It includes an army of government bureaucrats. For all of them, the big government goody train is threatened by President Trump.
They have a perfect defense. They are protected from unwanted information by a media cone of silence, and united as members of the Superior Tribe.
When you have superior values and ideas, you don’t need reality checks. You certainly don’t need to listen to your opponents, the Stupid Racist Tribe.
Democratic voters get to feel morally superior while taking care of number one. Their personal income depends on government jobs, regulations (I’m looking at you, Silicon Valley), or cronyism. Voting Democrat is vital to their self-interest, and they will not be budged by disastrous economic policies, by riots or crime, by loss of our fundamental freedoms. Comfortably self-righteous, they don’t even have to admit their vote is for sale.
The college-educated white woman is credited with having a big mushy heart and an insistence on politeness, which makes her allergic to President Trump’s aggressive tweets. We hear less about liberal women being one-issue voters, where the ease of having an abortion is more important than American prosperity and freedom, more important than infanticide.
The beauty of it is that these self-interested Democrats are dreamers. It’s not comfortable to admit you’re out to get all you can from the authoritarian, corrupt, and destructive Democratic Party. So instead, they dream of making the world over into a never-seen-before beautiful and fair and peaceful place, all through the power of government.
Utopianism is dangerous. It blinds Democrats to the real world and justifies their supposed right to power and control. It leads them to atrocities like woke mob rule—online, at work and in the streets. They feel justified in destroying people for having opposing views and values. They are willing to trash everything good in America—they are superior to all the wisdom of the ages.
Democrats reject religion as backward, but they assign their own ruling liberal elite god-like powers to fix every problem. Unlike religion, their road to utopia requires that individuals have little liberty and less responsibility.
Victory for the Democrats is so virtuous, nothing must stand in its way. Noticing that Biden is senile and corrupt would be a problem in this election, so they do not notice it.
Of course, Republican politicians also seek and abuse personal power for their own gain. Anyone in power can become dangerous to the rest of us. That is why our Constitution limits government. At least Republicans are grounded in American history. They accept constitutional limits. Liberal Democrats and leftists do not.
Democrats strive to diminish each person’s independence, claiming it is for the common good. Freedom and responsibility are selfish words to them.
Democrats bristle at the very word constitutional, which they think means white supremacy.
This is not just a problem of confused thinking. Democrats are no longer willing to lose elections. They resisted the election of President Trump for four years by perverting our FBI, Department of Justice, and the media. Normal legislative and electoral opposition is too limited for them. Now they are intent on politicizing the Supreme Court and adding two new states to guarantee one-party rule.
Liberal superiority and groupthink justify electing a corrupt and senile Joe Biden. Everyone they know is doing it.
The Democrats’ sanctimonious urge to power will brook no limit. That is as dangerous as it gets.