Donald Trump has taken a 4-point lead over Joe Biden in Florida according to a new survey by Susquehanna Polling and Research for the Center for American Greatness.
The phone survey of 400 likely voters conducted October 23-25 showed Trump with 48 percent and Biden with 44 percent support, with a 4.9 percent margin of error. Libertarian Jo Jorgensen gets 2 percent of the vote, while 6 percent of respondents remain undecided or refused to answer. If “leaners” are included, Trump leads 48.5-44. This same poll conducted last month using the same methodology showed Biden with a 3-point lead.
47% of respondents hold an unfavorable view of Biden, compared to 43% in the last survey, while 50% approve of Donald Trump’s job performance compared to 45% a month ago.
Key findings from the survey include the following: Trump is winning registered Independents/NPA’s 50:28, a huge reversal from a 37:40 Biden margin in September. The survey projects that Independents will make up 2 in 10 voters. Trump has also closed the gender gap with females, going from a 57:33 deficit to a 54:40 Biden lead in the current poll, marking a 7-point improvement for Trump.