Has the media missed the biggest story of the century?
Not Hunter Biden’s email scandal as reported, but the media’s interpretation of that New York Post exposé.
Pooh-poohed as “Russian disinformation,” the Hunter Biden story would amount to the media’s holiest of grails—ruthless proof of what they have long sought to uncover—President Trump is in bed with the Russians.
The media’s alternative take renders Hillary Clinton’s own email scandal an adolescent groping in comparison.
Consider the operation necessary for the media’s take to be rooted in any semblance of truth.
A man named Hunter Biden drops off his laptop at a repair shop, leaving Hunter’s contact details, and signing in Hunter’s name.
Hunter Biden’s lawyer then attempts to retrieve that laptop from the repair shop.
The Biden campaign then does not deny the veracity of the emails contained on that laptop.
Yet, according to the media, the above amounts to “Russian disinformation”—perhaps the most skilfully crafted of hoodwinks.
Would this not be the story of the century?
Apparently not. At the time of publication, the media has spent just north of nine minutes covering a story it claims amounts to Cold War-era skulduggery by a foreign power in a grave attempt to influence an election.
Rather than allow this veritable bombshell to meet the eyes and ears of every American, social media giants concerted to suppress it. Just one journalist has questioned Joe Biden. During a 90-minute town hall, that candidate received not one question regarding this unprecedented campaign of interference by a hostile foreign actor amid the business end of a seismic election.
Indeed, the tech giants of Twitter and Facebook imperiled their very futures in censoring a scandal they claim is Russian interference, ginning up lawmakers now keen to remove their Section 230 protections.
The media’s Russia theory not only would dissolve the meddlesome emails showing Hunter Biden sold access to his father’s office, enriching himself and the Bidens, but would prove beyond doubt that President Trump is an illegitimate president in office and in debt to Russian deception.
Such a scandal would assure the media and tech giants’ preference for a Joe Biden historic landslide, and memory-hole the Trump presidency—the animating desire of the media and their tech partners.
After all, the media drained four years convincing Americans this was indeed the truth, that the Russians deceived 320 million people, and installed President Trump in the White House.
Countless stories thickened often by anonymous sources punctuated the president’s first term. Stories of dubious veracity, by the media’s new standard. Not once did Twitter, Facebook, or the media intervene on behalf of the American people.
Old giants like the New York Times, and The Atlantic, among others, saw fit to publish spurious claims built on third-hand whispers. The leitmotif: The president is compromised.
Facebook and Twitter aided and abetted each of those stories. The stories were pored over grievingly by every journalist in the country. Even the most dubious, such as the infamous “pee tape” was offered to the American people entrusted to make up its own mind.
Indeed, the media constructed the vast Russia hysteria, handing the House of Representatives to the Democrats for a fable now proven not only to be false but the work of Hillary Clinton. Another story of epic weight ignored by an insensate media.
A Trove of Eye-Raising Emails
Even if the media bought their own Russia theory and the New York Post exposé transpired as the Turin shroud of political forgeries, developments unrelated to the Post have in the last week emerged.
Over the weekend, Hunter Biden’s former business partner flipped on the Biden family. From his prison cell, Bevan Cooney provided 26,000 emails—totally unrelated to the New York Post story—to journalists.
Cooney reached out to Peter Schweizer, an investigative journalist who writes extensively about political corruption, via journalist Matthew Tyrmand, providing written permission to access his Gmail account.
Schweizer said Cooney connected after considering himself the “fall guy” for financial criminality connected to the Bidens.
The first of those emails details secret 2011 meetings between Chinese Communist Party elites and then-Vice President Joe Biden, secured by Hunter Biden and his business associates.
Schweizer attests that the email cache demonstrates Siamese links between Joe Biden’s White House and the “China Entrepreneurs Club”—a group connecting the Chinese Communist party with the highest levels of the White House, all connected through Hunter Biden’s last name.
Allegedly, this club met in secret at the White House on November 14, 2011, with Joe Biden himself. This meeting did not appear on any official White House calendar or visitation logs. From that meeting, it is alleged, sprung business deals enriching Hunter Biden and his business partners.
Those emails will also cement the relationship between Hunter and the ex-wife of a Moscow mayor, Elena Baturina, who paid Hunter $3.5 million in “consultancy” fees.
“What you’re really seeing in these emails is the underbelly of how these relationships and corrupt deals happen,” Schweizer said.
As detailed within these pages, the Biden family has enriched itself through numerous deals mortgaged on Joe Biden’s office, fitting the pattern of behavior detailed in the New York Post scandal.
Many of these stories flow from the same media freshly skeptical of that story.
The formula: Biden’s family receives large amounts of money in tandem with Joe Biden’s political work.
“10 Percent Joe”?
Last week, it emerged Hunter took $10 million a year from Chinese billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of an energy firm.
In August 2017, Hunter said in emails that fee was for “introductions alone.”
In another email, Hunter carves up prospective figures, with a 10 percent stake allocated to “the big guy,” who, it is suggested, is Joe Biden.
Ye maintained cozy links with the Chinese Communist Party and military before vanishing in 2018, accused of corruption.
Another story unrelated to the Post accuses Hunter Biden of links with Kazakh oligarch, Kenes Rakishev.
Revealed by the Daily Mail, anti-corruption campaigners allege that between 2012 and 2014, Hunter Biden himself sought investment from Rakishev, and engineered a $1 million investment to filmmaker Alexandra Forbes Kerry—daughter of ex-senator and former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.
Their relationship is also a cozy one: discussing personal matters—Rakishev addressing Hunter as “my brother from another mother.”
Despite his enormous wealth, Rakishev struggled to find Western business partners unperturbed with his murky origins.
The Mail also published a photo from the “Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery” displaying a chummy scene with Hunter Biden and Joe Biden alongside Rakishev.
The U.S. Department of Justice took an interest in Rakishev over his oil and gas dealings in Kazakhstan.
The same media now silent or at best skeptical of Hunter Biden’s Post saga have covered at length other Biden family dealings befitting that story’s essence.
Back in 2005, Senator Joe Biden pushed a bankruptcy bill into law. Biden’s strident cheerleading of credit card companies, as Byron York reported in 2008 at National Review, earned him the moniker “the Senator for MBNA.”
Hunter Biden, then aged just 21, took consultancy fees from that company, which is now Bank of America.
Indeed, MBNA employees taken together were Joe Biden’s richest source of campaign cash, pouring over $200,000 into his Senate campaigns over two decades.
In that National Review story back in 2008, York also revealed Biden stood accused of a sweetheart deal with an MBNA executive when selling his house for allegedly over the market price.
That deal went through. York continued: “A few months after the sale, as Biden’s re-election effort got underway, MBNA’s top executives contributed generously to his campaign in a series of coordinated donations that sidestepped the limits on contributions by the company’s political action committee.”
“And then, a short time after the election, MBNA hired Biden’s son for a lucrative job in which, according to bank officials, he is being groomed for a senior management position.”
Despite its current silence, Politico previously spent countless pages covering the Biden family’s myriad dealings.
A “Very Good Friend” from Ukraine
Last year, it emerged Joe Biden’s brother James took a $500,000 loan from a donor with deep ties to Ukraine. At the time, Jimmy Biden was sinking dollars into a multimillion-dollar vacation home known as the “Biden Bungalow.”
Crucially, the loan came as Joe Biden oversaw U.S. policy in Ukraine.
In May 2015, James and Sara Biden took out a second mortgage against that salubrious property to secure a $500,000 loan from a corporate entity controlled by John Hynansky, a Ukrainian-American businessman and veteran Biden campaign donor. A family spokesman confirmed this loan.
“John Hynansky is a longtime friend of the Bidens,” said a spokesman for James and Sara Biden. “He did provide a series of loans during a two-year period while the Bidens were undergoing major renovations of the island home.”
Hynansky has regularly donated large sums to Biden campaign coffers. According to FEC records, donations total $100,000 and include a $30,800 contribution to the Obama Victory Fund in 2008.
Critics have asked why the Bidens did not seek a traditional lender, and instead the man whom then-Vice President Biden called in a 2009 speech in Ukraine “a very good friend.”
Last year, the current bout of journalistic amnesia escaped even The New Yorker, which asked: “Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?”
At the time of writing, the presidential debate commission has removed foreign policy from the final debate agenda, Joe Biden called a five-day blackout until that debate, and the last question poised to Biden concerned what flavor of ice cream he had chosen during his brief campaign stop.