At a recent rally in Pennsylvania, President Donald Trump made some remarks about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) that the left-wing media found to be incredibly controversial but may not be so unpopular among the American public.
“She is telling us how to run our country. How did you do where you came from? How is your country doing?”
Omar responded with a tweet that may be more truthful than she intended: “Firstly, this is my country & I am a member of the House that impeached you. Secondly, I fled civil war when I was 8. An 8-year-old doesn’t run a country even though you run our country like one.”
Her assertion that “this is my country” is certainly borne out by the facts. We are experiencing an injection of Somalian culture all across America, and it has certainly made our largest towns very vibrant. The beautiful ambiance of the smoldering buildings are giving our cityscapes that signature Mogadishu touch. The “mostly peaceful” protests of this summer are the underpinnings of our new multicultural democracy. They cannot be questioned, or serious reprisal may be in order from the mob.
Omar has enthusiastically supported the Black Lives Matter terror uprising since its inception, and it is not a coincidence that the revolution began in the heart of her district in Minneapolis. She has been remarkably forthright about her agenda to rip apart the Bill of Rights and Constitution, even to the point of justifying aggression and violence to achieve these goals.
To play devil’s advocate, Omar cannot really be blamed for having these opinions. She, like all of us, is a product of her culture. To someone of Omar’s upbringing and background, law and order is “police brutality,” free market capitalism is “austerity economics,” and changing “the way our society treats its most vulnerable” means looting the white majority on the road to socialist destitution and misery.
Omar’s past is prologue to her anti-American radicalism. She is believed to have married her brother in an immigration fraud scheme to unlawfully gain her citizenship. Despite a mountain of evidence, she will never be seriously investigated or held culpable for her behavior. It has also been alleged that Omar has ties to Somali warlords who helped turn the country into a failed state with their vicious rule. Ilhan’s father, Nur Said Elmi Mohamed, reportedly was the propaganda minister for the Barre Regime and his family was forced to flee Somalia in an attempt to avoid culpability for their crimes during the nation’s civil war.
It should come as no surprise then, understanding Omar’s history, that she has ties to an ethnic ballot-harvesting scheme implementing third-world thuggery to assure Democrat political victories. James O’Keefe of Project Veritas demonstrated the remarkable corruption of the Somali community of Minneapolis through a sting operation and a series of damning videos. Allegations include ballots being seized from the elderly, cash payouts for ballots, and other illicit schemes that make a mockery of electoral integrity.
Considering these developments, is President Trump really that off-base for suggesting that Omar’s values are incongruent with American traditions?
Even though he can be overly blunt and insensitive, Trump threatens the status quo because he utters sentiments that resonate with the unwashed masses but are never supposed to be uttered in polite society. The idol of diversity can never be questioned. Even if you disagree with Omar’s policies, her heritage is supposed to be strictly off limits, even where relevant. Americans must not question whether or not importing Somalis or other third-world migrants into their country is an effective public policy. It is sacrilege to even entertain these notions.
Trump is one of the few who has the audacity to disseminate these messages, and it is why he resonates with the public like no Republican of our generation. He speaks the truth in a manner that one would expect to hear from an ornery uncle at Thanksgiving dinner after a few stiff Manhattans. It is only through bold truth telling, like Trump’s, that America can change course from the status quo that has the nation rotting from the inside out.
It is taken for granted that diversity is a strength, a multicultural society can maintain itself, and immigration fuels the American dream. If society cannot even broach these shibboleths, then modern America is built on a foundation of sand, and internecine strife will only hasten in the years to come.