If you haven’t gotten your fill of “cancel culture” yet, tell you what: I have over 80 companies you can cancel right now. Nike, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google among others should be facing the wrath of the social justice warriors, but I’ve barely heard a peep from them about these corporations.
Apparently, these companies forgot that the 13th Amendment removed slavery from our country over 150 years ago and that we felt so strongly about the issue that we passed the Tariff Act of 1930. Section 307 of the law prohibits “the importation of merchandise mined, produced or manufactured, wholly or in part, in any foreign country by forced or indentured labor—including forced child labor.” Furthermore, “such merchandise is subject to exclusion and/or seizure, and may lead to criminal investigation of the importer(s).” But corporations have skirted this legislation via a “consumptive demand” loophole.
So here we are in the absurd situation where “woke” corporations, which absolutely are making revenue from forced labor (read: slave labor), are using their ill-gotten profits to fund Black Lives Matter social justice global networks. They are giving generous donations totaling in the billions, buying indulgences with politicized racial payoffs so that they don’t have to talk about profiting from slave labor. Of course, their actions directly contradict everything they claim to support.
These companies don’t love America. They don’t even view themselves as American companies per se. They love the money Americans pay for their products and which finances their salaries, but they would rather use the slave labor of subjugated peoples in foreign countries than undercut the bottom line by paying American workers reasonable wages. Don’t believe me? Ask the 600 or so Uyghur women working in a forced labor camp to produce 7-8 million Nike shoes every year. I’m sure they’d be happy to talk about it all.
By their actions, these woke corporations show they are fine with slave labor and racism just so long as it doesn’t happen in America.
But it gets worse than that. The involvement of these companies with the ChiComs is deeper than that. Only a naïve fool would think China is our friend on any level. Not only do they seemingly have no problem enslaving people in their own country, the barbaric Communist regime masquerading as a “People’s Republic” also has access to data from millions of American homes and businesses. Let that sink in.
If you have a problem with big tech or with your own government having access to your data, take a minute to imagine how much worse it is for that information to be in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.
Walmart, along with Best Buy, Amazon, and Costco are selling smart devices—“Internet of Things” devices—many of which are platformed on and then house their data on Chinese-owned platforms.
Consider Tuya, a Chinese owned Internet of Things platform. Tuya provides “services to over 2,000 customers across 200 countries and regions, with customer concentrations in Japan, Southeast Asia, the USA, and Europe—helping them to improve their product offerings” and “handles over 20 billion device requests with over 5 million AI interactions daily.” Guess what Chinese-owned companies are required to do, by law? Share data, on demand, with the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese military, the People’s Liberation Army.
By some estimates, more than 10 million American homes are equipped with smart devices right now, with some estimating that by 2025, 70 percent of American homes will have a smart device.
You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried. Not only are the woke corporations making revenue from slave labor but they’ve also decided to help Trojan Horse the American people on behalf of the Chinese Communists.
So enough of the hypocrisy and enough of the selling out of the American people. It is past time to call out all of these corporations for what they are doing. It is time to label everything—where it is made, how it is made, and with information about where the data is going.