In the adult world of serious matters, opinions are useless, irrelevant, and worthless, because everyone has one; anything that everyone has is usually of little to no value.
Conversely, science, math, numbers, evidence, data and facts, contracts, and laws—these matter a great deal.
Despite what the limousine liberal athletes of American professional sports leagues tell you, blacks value black lives far less than do whites.ere’s the evidence:
According to FBI data, in 2016:
In cases of multiple offenders and/or victims: 7,881 blacks were murdered and 6,095 of their murderers were black—the rate of black-on-black murder in that sample was 77 percent.
By comparison, 6,576 whites were murdered and 5,004 of their murderers were white—the rate of white-on-white murder in that sample was 76 percent.
In cases of single victim/single offender murder (these numbers are incorporated into the above, and are not a separate set of data): 2,870 blacks were murdered and of those 2,570 of the murderers were black while 243 were white.
Ninety percent of blacks murdered in single victim/single offender cases were killed by other blacks.
In cases of single victim/single offender murder (these numbers are incorporated into the above, and are not a separate set of data): 3,499 whites were murdered and of those 2,854 of the murderers were white while 533 were black.
Eighty-two percent of whites murdered in single victim/single offender cases were killed by other whites.
According to data from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2018 there were 563,940 incidents of violence, excluding simple assault, against blacks; incidents of violence are considered not murder, but rape or sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault.
Of the 563,940 incidents harming blacks, 70 percent of the perpetrators (approximately 395,000) were black; 10.6 percent were white (approximately 60,000).
There were nearly 3.6 million of the same types of incidents of violence against whites; 15 percent of those perpetrators (approximately 540,000) were black.
This means that the ratio of black-on-white violent crime (excluding murder) is nine times higher than white-on-black crime. This isn’t a worthless opinion—it’s a mathematical conclusion, buttressed by evidence and data. The data is based on victims’ perceptions of offenders; the offender’s race was unknown in 11 percent of incidents.
According to FBI data, in 2018, in cases involving multiple offenders and/or multiple victims 7,407 blacks were murdered and in those incidents 6,318 of the murderers were black—the rate of black-on-black murder in that sample was 85 percent.
By comparison, 6,088 whites were murdered and in those incidents 4,884 of the murderers were white—the rate of white-on-white murder in that sample was 80 percent.
In cases involving a single victim/single offender there were 2,925 blacks murdered and in those cases, 2,600 of the murderers were black while 234 of the murderers were white. In other words, 89 percent of blacks murdered in single victim/single offender cases were killed by other blacks.
In cases of single victim/single offender murder (these numbers are incorporated into the above, and are not a separate set of data), 3,315 whites were murdered and in 2,677 of those cases the murderers were white while 514 were black.
Eighty-one percent of whites murdered in single victim/single offender cases were killed by other whites.
Never hearing or reading about black-on-black crime data from the Democratic Media Industrial Complex: “Black privilege”—yes or no?
I don’t need one’s irrelevant, useless, and worthless opinion, CNN talking-point, dissertation, pontification, polemic, manifesto, exegesis, ranting and raving, stream of consciousness, or Socratic dialogue: Black privilege—yes or no?
Blacks and whites are mostly killing Americans of their own race—all lives matter.
Police and Blacks
According to an analysis from the Washington Post, between 2015 and 2019, 2,495 whites were killed by police while 1,301 blacks were killed by police. Blacks comprise approximately 13 percent of the total national population; whites, 76 percent.
In terms of population ratio, whites outnumber blacks 6-1; but in shootings, blacks are killed more at a rate of 2-1. The Post, predictably, omitted all the previously cited FBI data, either out of deliberate withholding, or a woefully ignorant lack of journalistic curiosity. Why? Because the newspaper isn’t interested in educating or informing; it’s interested in espousing and propagating its irrelevant, worthless, and useless opinions. The corporate leftist media complex exists solely to protect and elect Democrats—no exceptions.
Is it 2-1 because police are covert Ku Klux Klansmen who prowl the inner city streets at night preying upon black men?
Or is it more likely 2-1 because in cases of multiple offenders/multiple victims, blacks kill at a higher rate than whites do; and, in addition, blacks kill other blacks, in single victim/single offender cases, at higher rates than do whites?
The fact that blacks kill each other at higher rates than do whites—considering how small a percentage the national black population is—as well as the sheer quantities of murders and murderers, is specific information of which I promise you Democratic politicians are aware. But they won’t repeat it.
If police do have a racial bias, are black police more or less likely to have a racial bias towards blacks? A fatal bullet is still fatal whether shot from a gun held by a white or black offender.
If some police do, in fact, hold racial biases, do they hold them due to being covert white supremacists (even if the cop is black), or because they have an instinct for self-preservation and survival, a past history, understand their job risks, and are familiar with the demographics of where they work? The answer most often, of course, is the latter.
Racial biases are less than the equivalent of racism; most accusations of “racism” are opinions of no relevance, value, or worth. To date, and to my knowledge, there is no evidence that the police officer who placed his knee on George Floyd’s neck was motivated to do so by racial animus. If any reader has evidence of a racial motive, please let me know; worthless opinions need not apply, however.
A postscript on all this bloodshed:
In 2016 and 2018, there were nationwide totals of 15,070 and 14,123 murder victims, respectively. Blacks (who, remember, are just 13 percent of the U.S. population) were the offenders in these murders 35.9 and 38.7 percent of the time, respectively. That’s 6,095 and 6,318 offenders, respectively. Whites (who, remember, are 76 percent—600 percent more than blacks—of our population) were the offenders 29.5 (5,004 total) and 29.9 (4,884 total) percent of the time, respectively.
Scourges of Democratic Cities
This is but a small sampling of the cities with sky-high murder rates (including black-on-black), problems between the police and the communities they serve, and versions of Osama bin Laden-lite roaming the streets; all numbers are consecutive days of Democratic Party control:
Baltimore: Only Democratic mayors and only Democratic city councils, 19,000.
Minneapolis: The site of the recent incident that resulted in nationwide George Floyd-related rioting, looting, and terrorism: only Democratic mayors, 15,000; current council has 13 members—12 are Democrats, and the other is a member of the Green Party.
Chicago: only Democratic mayors and super-majority Democratic city councils, 32,000; of the current 50 councilmen, 46 are Democrats, and four are “independents,” although I suspect those four aren’t conservatives.
Portland, Oregon: only Democratic mayors and a super-majority Democratic city councils, 14,000; all three current councilmen are Democrats.
Seattle: only Democratic mayors, 18,000; of the nine current councilmen, eight are Democrats and one is a “socialist.”
New York City: only Democratic mayors, 6,500 (I’m counting Michael Bloomberg in this total, even though he was technically a “Republican” during his first term); 48 of the current 51 councilmen are Democrats; Democrats outnumber Republicans 7-1 in voter registration.
For numbers on other Democratic cities that regularly experience Fourth World destruction, squalor and unnervingly frequent black-on-black violent crime and murder, visit here.
Do we have systemic racism against blacks or a systemic culture of overwhelmingly rampant self-inflicted violence and death in majority-black communities?
What, you thought this would be an opinion piece?