We say it every election year: It’s more important than ever to vote this November! This year it truly means the life or death of American freedom.
It might sound melodramatic, but I believe we only have a little over three months to save our Republic from the Marxist Left that wants to destroy it. It’s live-free-or-die time, folks. If Joe Biden and his shadow people win the election in November, we will never again see the greatness of the United States of America in our lifetime.
Take a hard look at Joe.
Biden first won his Senate seat in 1972, a whopping 48 years ago. This 77-year-old man is hardly one of the “new voices” that Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is calling for on her Twitter videos. Biden was good friends with Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.V.), a former KKK Exalted Cyclops. Biden once opposed busing and embraced segregation. His campaign got lots of money from the banking industry lobby, and interestingly, he made it harder for people to file bankruptcy, while making sure student debt couldn’t be part of bankruptcy protections.
Joe sponsored the 1994 crime bill that so many blame for putting vast numbers of minorities behind bars for relatively minor crimes. He backed the Iraq war. He calls himself “Middle-Class Joe,” but he has “taken in more than $15 million since leaving the Obama White House.” He may deny the credible sexual assault allegations of his former staffer, Tara Reade, but we’ve all seen the dozens of creepy videos of Joe touching women and children inappropriately, and his weird comments about kids rubbing his legs at the pool.
Biden was accused of plagiarism, which led him to drop out of the 1988 presidential race. He lied to voters about his education. He calls would-be supported lying dog-faced pony soldiers, tells them that “you ain’t black” if African Americans don’t vote for him, and frequently tells people not to vote for him.
Joe’s scandal-ridden son, Hunter, and his dealings with Burisma, the Ukraine, and China, should be the subject of a giant investigation, but we instead spent that money on the discredited Trump-Russia hoax.
But Joe doesn’t even really matter.
Can we all just agree that Joe has some significant memory loss and shows signs that he is probably experiencing dementia? He knows it. His wife knows it. His staff know it. He’s running to be a one-term president. Everyone understands he won’t really be in charge. Shouldn’t we demand to be able to vote for an actual candidate rather than an imposter with shadow people running the game?
Who will people really be voting for when they pull the lever for Joe Biden? The vice president will be the actual person in charge, as well as Bernie Sanders, that great thinker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and her “squad.” Be prepared for the Green New Deal, higher taxes followed by higher unemployment, higher fuel costs, continued dependence on China for food and medicine, strict gun control measures, increased regulation, poor people getting poorer, a shrinking middle class, and cancel culture on steroids.
Sharia will be the law in many inner cities, and Antifa and Black Lives Matter will be the enforcers in others. The world will once again see us as weak, as Biden bows lower than Obama to the heads of state in other countries.
“The Star-Spangled Banner” will be replaced with the most woke song of the day. We’ll collectively pay reparations to people who were never slaves from people who didn’t benefit from slavery. We’ll usher in single-payer government insurance, universal basic income, a $20 minimum wage, and $50 hamburgers.
As in the Carter Administration in the 1970s, we will see north of 12 percent mortgage interest rates for only the best borrowers and gasoline lines wrapping around city blocks. Our rich and colorful history will be replaced by a 1619 rewrite, and the Washington Monument will be deconstructed.
One can only imagine the horrendous toll on liberty four years of Biden will give us, and the shadow presidency will do their best to make sure freedom-loving administrations never again break past the two-party swampy system to hold power.
We are in trouble, guys. Real trouble. This is the most important election since Abraham Lincoln was elected. No more sitting on the couch being shocked at what is happening to our country. Get up and speak to your family and friends, and please vote, or your silence will be the country’s ruin.