Most Americans vividly recall Barack Obama’s expansive, unsolicited apology tour throughout Europe, Asia, and Latin America on behalf of the United States.
Having barely assumed his responsibilities as commander-in-chief, Obama’s flagrant equivocations on American greatness were embarrassing at best and treasonous at worst. His prostrations had a long-lasting impact on America’s positioning on the world stage—an impact that necessitated the emergence of a leader like Donald J. Trump, who has reversed course through boldness in action and strength of will.
Opposite the president’s boldness and strength on the global arena is presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Following his boss’s lead, Biden as vice president took an equally apologetic tone with foreign powers, and in particular, with our chief adversary: the Chinese Communist Party. Biden even boasted about having had at least 25 hours of private meetings with dictator Xi Jinping—more than any other foreign leader.
As revealed by recent reports, Biden made controversial remarks at China’s Sichuan University in August 2011. He advocated increased U.S.-China cooperation, encouraging the CCP to expand its reach into American institutions while conveniently shrugging off human rights abuses and intellectual property theft.
But the most telling sign of Biden’s priorities came in an exchange regarding China’s investment in United States Treasury notes. Pressed by an audience member on whether the United States would be able to “make good” on $1.17 trillion in U.S. bonds owned by China in light of our recent downgrade by Standard & Poor’s, Biden assured the audience, “You’re safe.”
Content with kowtowing to a murderous regime, a slightly-less-sleepy “Beijing Biden” neglected to mention the century-old Chinese sovereign debt owed to certain citizens of the United States—an amount, now equivalent to roughly $1.6 trillion, that China never intends to pay back.
China technically remains responsible for paying back its obligations to America. That debt never expires under international law.
Even today, American taxpayers pay China $72 million in interest on our bonds daily. We honor our word. Yet apologists like Joe Biden prioritize China’s interests and security over our own citizens’. They look the other way and allow the travesty to continue while the CCP mocks us, profiting from unfettered access to our markets while circumventing our financial rules and regulations.
On the issue of sovereign debt, the American political, financial, and media establishment has been asleep at the wheel for decades, refusing to compel the Chinese government simply to meet its end of the bargain.
The greater DNC—including RINOs, Wall Street, and the media—have all given China preferential treatment for decades in order to continue borrowing at low rates and forging deals with our deceptive enemy.
Thanks in particular to people like Bill and Hillary Clinton—who were well aware of the bond inequity yet continued to stuff their pockets through the corrupt Clinton Global Initiative—Barack Obama and comrades; and in particular, Joe and Hunter Biden, the CCP has thrived as U.S. taxpayers have shouldered the burden.
Biden’s words and actions in Sichuan are emblematic of this much larger issue: the way in which past administrations actively encouraged an America Last mentality and concerned themselves primarily with appeasing the murderous CCP.
The appeasement continues, even after the coronavirus pandemic has opened the world’s eyes to something rotten in Beijing. Biden, if elected, has no intention of ever holding China accountable. He and his elite posse would rather see 20,000 Americans lose out on nearly $2 trillion rightfully owed than ruffle authoritarian feathers.
Fortunately, Donald J. Trump is now our president. And he is no appeaser.
President Trump said it best when he declared, “America expects reciprocity.” Americans pay their bills, and China must do the same. The U.S. government should pay China with their own defaulted sovereign bonds instead of using the hard-earned tax dollars of Americans to do it. The president now has the opportunity to level the playing field and force China’s hand by leveraging our debt against theirs.
Just as America has kept our end of the bargain regarding debt obligations, President Trump has kept his end of the bargain by delivering America First policies for the American people. He is the only hope we have to recuperate the money owed by China to our bondholders—and we have full confidence that he will do just that.
More importantly, President Trump represents our best chance at defeating the evil empire across the Pacific.
A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for China’s blatant disregard for the rules underpinning our international “rules-based” order. It is a vote for policies of appeasement and rapprochement. With an existential confrontation looming, we cannot afford or accept a leader concerned with China’s “safety” above our own.