Ever since he first descended the escalator in the Trump Tower lobby, Donald J. Trump has exposed the mendacity and hypocrisy that passes for politics in America.
The candidates sharing the primary stage with him came off as wooden dummies mouthing platitudes no one believed.
The political media showed it was in on the joke, pretending to take the establishment candidates seriously. The media’s charade was exposed in full later when President Trump slapped China with tariffs, exactly as he said he would do, and the media acted with shock and outrage—revealing they never expect politicians to do what they promise and resent it if they do.
The media’s wall-to-wall coverage of Trump’s 2016 rallies exposed the ratings-driven and celebrity-driven nature of our so-called news media. Trump made good ratings and that trumped the liberal media’s loathing for the man. Besides, the know-it-alls condescendingly assured themselves the Orange Man could never win, so they lapped up the audience-driven ad revenue and laughed at him all the way to the bank.
When Trump did win they knew they were complicit, giving him all that free TV time, and they hated themselves for doing it. But rather than admit it or change their business model, they turned their hatred on the president and recommitted to the same business model that worked against their preferences during the election. If Orange Man Bad delivers more eyeballs, forget about journalistic standards—hire the rankest of partisans and dress them up as “journalists” and “analysts.”
That exposed the falsehood of an “objective and neutral” news media and further exposed the ratings-driven nature of their entire enterprise.
Intelligence Community Hypocrites
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe and Russia witch hunt exposed the hypocrisy and mendacity of the civil-libertarian Left. After COINTELPRO, the FBI and CIA counterintelligence program that targeted civil rights and antiwar movements in the 1960s, liberals condemned the intelligence community for targeting domestic political opponents. Now many of the same liberals cheer it on. They slammed the newspapers, wire services, and networks of that time for running smears planted by J. Edgar Hoover’s henchmen. Now they share their TV studios with CIA-trained liars.
Without a hint of irony, let alone self-awareness, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) expresses “concern” that intelligence services may be targeting Americans “engaging in constitutionally-protected activity within the United States.” He’s talking about street protests not elections, though.
In a fit of pique hypocrisy (pun intended) Schiff lectures, “It is precisely because of past abuses of power and illegal or inappropriate activities by the [intelligence community] that Congressional oversight of the IC was established. Ensuring that we prevent a repeat of past abuses is critical to protecting the civil liberties of the American people.”
Schiff sees no such repeat of past abuses or threat to civil liberties when members of his party use the intelligence community to frame an innocent man, or try to rig an election and then topple the elected president.
Corporate America’s Capitulation and Other Lessons
Under President Trump’s watch, the pile of exposed falsehoods and hypocrisies continues to grow.
The liberals’ hatred of the president has led them to lionize George W. Bush and Colin Powell—men they once derided as war criminals and liars—and to celebrate apparatchiks of the military-industrial complex they once loathed; men like James Mattis, who bought their lucrative sinecures with the blood, limbs, and lives of young men and women they feed into the meat grinder of endless wars.
We find more falsehoods exposed in the latest spasm of protests, another manifestation of the Left’s hatred of President Trump.
Even before the first knee touched the ground in protest, before the first brick smashed the first store window, 99 percent of Americans condemned the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. So, what have we learned from the unrest?
We learned neo-Marxist activists are more interested in stoking racial division to advance the overthrow of the established order than in solving the problem at hand, whatever that problem may be. And we learned “mainstream” Democrats are constitutionally incapable of resisting the crazies to their left.
We learned corporate America has also surrendered to the neo-Marxist social justice warriors. Chase’s Jamie Dimon kneels before a bank vault filled with money made by sending jobs once held by black Americans to China. The Fortune 100 lines up to give millions to leftist radicals. They understand a socialist order redounds to their benefit since it means the further concentration of wealth and power in the hands of large enterprises like theirs.
We learned stay-at-home social distancing is passé. Hundreds of thousands take to the streets joined by the very governors who issued strict lockdown orders 10 minutes before white supremacy became the new public health threat.
When some 1200 doctors, nurses, medical students, and epidemiologists signed a letter saying “infectious disease experts must be clear and consistent in prioritizing an anti-racist message” and protests over the murder of George Floyd are “vital to the national public health” but “should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders,” we saw the type of health experts that imprisoned dissidents in Soviet psychiatric hospitals since no sane person could be against socialism.
We saw rampant hypocrisy with some Americans freely exercising their First Amendment right to petition the government even as that government prohibited others from exercising their First Amendment right to peaceably assemble at race tracks or playgrounds.
And we saw Americans are ready, willing, and eager to exercise their constitutional rights even at the risk of being exposed to the racist Chinese coronavirus.
This showed us there is no need for mail-in ballots. If you will sit with thousands in the street you can stand in line and vote in person.
Yet another lie bites the dust.