Disney has announced that its upcoming new film, Onward, will feature the first openly gay character in the company’s history, as Breitbart reports.
The film is set in a fantasy world of mystical creatures such as elves and dragons, and the character in question is a purple lesbian cyclops named Spector. The character will be voiced by an actual lesbian, actress Lena Waithe, and will be featured in only one scene in the film.
Speaking about the decision to write the scene, the film’s producer Kori Rae said that “it just kind of happened. The scene, when we wrote it, was kind of fitting and it opens up the world a little bit, and that’s what we wanted.”
The decision to add an actual gay character comes after several of Disney’s most recent films saw numerous far-left activists on social media try to portray various existing characters as gay, such as Finding Dory and Frozen. The move signals the studio finally caving to the pressure to feature LGBTQ propaganda, similar to many other studios in Hollywood.
The film is set to be released on March 6th.