Although most people have been distracted over the past two weeks by the impeachment trial, President Trump’s acquittal, and the first two primary contests of the 2020 elections, the gun-grabbing in Virginia didn’t take a hiatus.
As the Democrats’ 2020 primary plays out, bear in mind that “Mini Mike” Bloomberg played a significant role in the 2019 Virginia elections, dropping millions into the state to advance his gun-control agenda. As a return on his political investment, Virginia House Bill 961, introduced by Democratic Delegate Mark Levine, is a conglomeration of Bloomberg’s wildest gun-grabbing fantasies. As Bloomberg rolls out the rest of his campaign in the coming months, people would do well to remember that Virginia is exhibit A in what to expect if his ideas or the candidates advancing them win.
Of course, the candidates advancing Bloomberg’s ideas are not always the brightest bulbs or most accomplished spokesmen for gun control policies. Levine recently made a mockery of himself when he tried to explain and defend his bill in a live townhall setting. His explanation was nothing more than an incoherent mashup of everything he had ever been told about firearms from people who know little about them. I would encourage you to watch the video. Only a deeply ignorant and arrogant person could have the nerve to say these things to a live audience without embarrassment.
Levine’s bill seeks to prohibit the sale, transportation, importation, transferral, manufacturing, or ownership of what he demes “assault weapons.” A violation of any of these “laws” would be a Class-6 felony (penalties include one to five years in prison and a $2,500 fine).
In addition to banning these firearms, Levine also wishes to make importing, selling, transferring, manufacturing, purchasing, possessing, or transporting large-capacity firearm magazines, silencers, and trigger activators a Class-6 felony as well. In fact, Levine’s bill gives gun owners until January 1, 2021 to “render the assault firearm, large-capacity firearm magazine, silencer, or trigger activator inoperable . . . remove the assault firearm, large-capacity firearm magazine, silencer, or trigger activator from the Commonwealth . . . transfer the assault firearm, large-capacity firearm magazine, silencer, or trigger activator to a person outside the Commonwealth who is not prohibited from possessing it; or . . . surrender the assault firearm, large-capacity firearm magazine, silencer, or trigger activator to a state or local law-enforcement agency.”
Under Levine’s bill, if a citizen should wish to own what the legislation deems an “assault weapon,” he must obtain a permit from the Virginia State Police. To be clear, there are no such things as “assault weapons” in existence in the private sector: there are semi-automatic rifles and pistols, there are bolt-action single-shot weapons, revolvers, and pump shotguns. But assault weapons only exist in Democrats’ fantasy world, the same place where Russian collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo exist.
In addition to obtaining the permit, according to Levine’s bill, citizens must also abide by these laws:
A person issued such permit may possess an assault firearm only under the following conditions: (a) while in his home or on his property or while on the property of another who has provided prior permission, provided that the person has the landowner’s written permission on his person while on such property; (b) while at a shooting range, shooting gallery, or other area designated for the purpose of target shooting or the target range of a public or private club or organization whose members have organized for the purpose of practicing shooting targets or competing in target shooting matches; (c) while engaged in lawful hunting; or (d) while surrendering the assault firearm to a state or local law-enforcement agency. A person issued such permit may also transport an assault firearm between any of those locations, provided that such assault firearm is unloaded and secured within a closed container while being transported.
It’s clear that Democrats like Levine are not concerned with criminal and negligent use of firearms: he and his Democrat colleagues are gun grabbers, pure and simple. Their arrogance is staggering: they believe they can somehow suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but even more so, the natural right to self-defense by passing their gun-grabbing bills and enforcing their fantasies on millions of law-abiding Virginians.
Democrats in Virginia can pass all the “laws” they want to, but they should expect every last bit of righteous resistance in response to their attempts to take away the rights and property of law-abiding American citizens.